Lord Dominator is cute. CUTE!

Were you satisfied with her character arc?

Or did you need to see another season, to see what they'd do with her if they'd stuck to the plan of continuing the show?

Other urls found in this thread:


Remember when she tried to penetrate Sylvia right in front of her best friend?

>Remember when she tried to penetrate Sylvia

I think I might, yes....

That's just one of the reasons we needed another season.

Best waifu.

Remember when she failed and Hater penetrated her instead?


I was satisfied, but I still would have preferred a third season to experience her arc as originally intended.

That's true for the rest of the gang as well desufam.


She is a good person who really didn't do anything that bad.

this desu, they're all warlords in WoY universe. she just was more efficient than the rest

there's a way.

>yfw Dom's malignment in the public consciousness is all the work of a genius smear campaign by a jealous Wander
>Wander has been trying to literally conquer the galaxy with love all this time

i liked ripov more



Either's fine by me.

>live in Midwest suburbia
>see this body shape roll thru the drive-thru at my McJob every single day, ordering half the damn store
>mfw this is actually someone's fetish
Top Fuckin' Disgust.

Well, you're free to either leave the thread, or post as much non-fat Dominator as your heart desires. I don't really care what you choose, just shut up while you're doing it.



>they actually acknowledged the show's existence

Shows that seek to redeem every single villain are the worst. It's a horribly naive mindset and to make it all the worse, the idea that Dominator is secretly nice was debunked really early on in the season.

So no, I didn't like her character arc. But I enjoyed her character very deeply.

Season 2 was a mistake.

>even watching the second season

i just stopped at the first. why continue?

>why continue?
Some people happily trade quality for quantity.


"You're almost as big as Sylvia now!"

>"And I'm not sayin' that as a bad thing, mind you. You can give so much cuddlier hugs this way!"

Damnit, I read that in Wander's voice.

>Shows that seek to redeem every single villain are the worst. It's a horribly naive mindset and to make it all the worse, the idea that Dominator is secretly nice was debunked really early on in the season.

Yes, it's naive and optimistic, but it's perfectly in character in a show like this. But it wasn't that Dominator is secretly nice, but that she's actually really lonely. She wants a friend, but cant even begin to comprehend what a friend is. Once she figures it out she would be a much better person.

What's wrong with it?

>It's a horribly naive mindset and to make it all the worse

While kids shows do oversimplify it, I'd argue that it' not at all naive to view people who do bad things as complex human beings with issues that need to be addressed as opposed to just casting them as one dimensional villains with no redeeming traits who are just assholes for the sake of it.



we kinda get an arc for hater though

weirdest boner


But it had the best episode of the show

Used to be cartoon waifus would have giant hips because they weren't allowed to have much of anything in the way of tits but Dom's pretty generous in both.

>Once she figures it out she would be a much better person.
I agree with you user, but I don't think she could just give up being evil if she had a friend. Her psychopathy and lust for destruction make up who she is.



I want to FUCK that spotty green space goblin.







Does McCraken have an athletic sock fetish?


She's a bunch of fetishes in one.

>a little more hips
dog bless

>Wander being unusually aggressive and dominating towards Dominator
i want this

If the only thing she understand is force, than rape=love

We need some Dominator mind-break art then.

True, but it's also counter-intuitive to what she actually wants, which was shown in The Night Out. She would be forced to give up destroying things for the sake of companionship. She can still have her otherwise quirky personality without all the pain that comes with it.

The season 3 bribe is kind of that, but it is a gag.

I should really watch this show.


She is not even the best part of it.


artist is jouichi722

we do
we really do

I like how her hair gets progressively longer with each sketch.


I would have been satisfied if it wasn't for the teaser at the end. It really felt like they were going to bring her back to be either some tsundere anti-hero or even a recurring villain with the magic monkey whatever that was at the end.

But we'll never get it. Fucking Disney man.

literally yes.

I wanna impregnate Lord Dominator! And then force her to abort the baby!

>with the magic monkey whatever that was at the end.
You realize that was Lord Hater's origin, right? The animatic really failed to communicate that clearly, I felt.

>tfw Taimanin Lord dominator will never be a thing in your life time

>removing her dress when she flips over them to preserve the silhouette and action

Arousal but also appreciation of art

no, please don't turn into contrarians like Sup Forums

season 2 was amazing

My only issue with season 2 was the Hater-lusting-for-Dominator plot going on for too long, but The Cartoon and My Fair Hatey are the best episodes in the series regardless of their excuse plots.

I came back to call your disgusting fetish "shit-tier".

Hey, fatty.

Your disgusting fetish is shit-tier.

>pic for thread relevance upon personal request

this ones my favorite


(I've used to think they said Hate's great best feeling)





I like the AU where Sylvia and Hater's roles are swapped. I kinda picture an evil overlord version of Sylvia to be a space viking/barbarian.

If Dom had Wander's personality, Hater would probably be a lot more amenable to friendship and mellowing out for the sake of a pretty girl's attention.

That sounds great.


>left the thread AND came back to post Dominator and talk shit

The absolute madman.

>Wander riding Dominator





>the hair readjustment when she turns her back to them
it's the little things

never notice the jiggle she got when she doing the shoulder dance thing

you haunt Sup Forums day in and day out always shouting that ____is a cute, A CUTE!

are you literally retarded? are you autistic? shut the fuck up and leave!

I like your tastes in Dominators.

Here, have a fusion that I'm sure would break people.

>Here, have a fusion that I'm sure would break people.
People, chairs, doorways...

Dom's kind of the odd one out there, though, since her sex appeal is from head to toe instead of being centered in her hips.

>her sex appeal is from head to toe instead of being centered in her hips.
Spoon-shaped heads get me H O T.

>there are people who think Lord Dominator is evil
>there are people who think hot women can be evil
>there are people who think all hot women can't be redeemed



it's weird this thread was made today, i actually had a dream about woy last night