Be sure to hug your mommy today

be sure to hug your mommy today

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I haven't kept up with this show since Stakes. Is that Finn's mom? When was she alive? When did she die? Give me the deets.

I just finished the Island. My first thought was that I wished my mom was in hugging distance. I'll hug her first chance I get.

But she might get the wrong idea.

Finn's mom uploaded her brain to a computer and watches over the remaining human population with a bunch of mom-bots walking around tending to their needs.

Just what kind of relationship do you and your mom have?

Can't tell you that without spoilers.

Her name's Minerva, she's a "helper" (doctor and stuff), she was under the mistaken impression that Mertin ran off with their son, she had a mental breakdown, then Dr. Gross killed like half the people on the Island accidentally with a horrible disease, all the helpers died, so she uploaded her brain so she could operate hundreds of Helper androids. She's nice but a little too protective.

Wait, so what DID happen to Finn? And her husband?

Fuck, I don't want to actually watch the show. It jumped the shark too hard.

>mombots walk in to Finn's cell and Finn prepares for battle
Heh heh heh.

Just watch it. s'good.

Basically everything involving Finn's dad is tripe. It's not worth looking into if you're not invested in the show anymore.

Any /ss/ incest yet?

He's not wrong.

It's AT. It can't jump the shark. It can only get lame. It's not lame.

Some shady characters Martin ticked off hunted Martin down. In the chase the Island guardian robot attacked. In order to save themselves Martin attacked the Guardian single handedly. The ensuing fight seperated Martin and Finn. Susan was sent to find Finn. Oh yeah! Susan gets a rad backstory too!

Gosh, I felt so bad for her at the end of episode 12. I can barely imagine what that that does to a person.

She had a cute voice

>Giant bear? Come on.
>I fought the Lich at the edge of space-time, man.
>You're out of your depth.

It was funny and neat to see Finn actually reference his past accomplishments.

whoops, forgot to add spoiler, will delete the comment when the timer ends

anyone get sad over anything relating to "uploading their mind into a computer"?

it's not really her, she died a long time ago, poor finn.

I'm kind of numb to all these considerations. I guess I think on this shit more than some folks.

Once again, Adventure Time delves into the ideas that Portal 2 chickened out of.

That cute little bit with the bat was the only part of that episode that I enjoyed.

Watching this just makes me wonder what happened to Martin after he destroyed the guardians eye, he obviously cared about Finn enough when he was a baby, but when we see him in prison he couldn't care less about him.

All's I can think of is Caroline in Portal. What other cartoons do this?

What are you talking about? That's precisely what happened to GlaDOS.

AT has been over this. Clones are both you. That's his mom. If she changes a lot then she may stop being his mom or maybe it can be likened to how a human naturally changes as they age and experience the world.

AT philosophy 101 up in this witch.

Ellen McClain was emotionally disturbed by some of the content, so Caroline's role was greatly reduced. We don't know who she was before she became an artificial intelligence, and there are barely hints as to why she turned evil. And we sure as hell don't know how she forgot her own name or that she used to be human.

Requesting Finn wearing these briefs.


>We don't know who she was before she became an artificial intelligence,
She was Cave Johnson's assistant
>and there are barely hints as to why she turned evil.
Being forcibly uploaded into a computer against her will, having her intelligence hindered with the personality cores, and anywhere between ten to a thousand years of isolation might do it
>And we sure as hell don't know how she forgot her own name or that she used to be human.
Re: ten to thousands of years and hindrance by the cores

I'm was a little weirded out by how normal human civilization is. I was expecting something alien and depressing.

>not having a loving 'Mom with Benefits' relationship

another user from a different thread mentioned that the multiple islands represented multiple paths in which humanity could've gone, a isolated island with one old survivor, a world where humanity has gone virtual and became a shell of its former self, an abandoned dead world, and one that's pretty normal.

Looks like Rita Loud, minus the sexiness.

>that immediate decrease in quality from the guest animation to the regular stuff

Which was the abandoned dead world?

Also what was the cataclysm the humans were running from in the first place? The mutagenic bomb had already detonated.

First Island: Foreign Language lady
Second Island: Virtual Reality
Third Island: Susan Strong's birth place
Forth Island: Mom's World.

>Woah I met my mom and the remnants of humanity I have so much to talk about and learn and explore
>Well it's been a day, see you never mom and what remains of my species
I mean I get it but still fuck you show. They left it open but I don't actually think they'll have Finn go back there, though if they do I'll be entirely satisfied.

That text behind her...

Could it be?

Oh yeah, dead world. Though I would have thought you would have pointed out how that was the transhumanism path.

It's implied they've been there for a few days

>Also what was the cataclysm the humans were running from in the first place? The mutagenic bomb had already detonated.

It was the war that the lich set off, remember? He was the whole reason why the world went to shit and was trying to finish the job when we first see him in the show

Man Finn should have wanted to stay there for ages. In the beginning they even made it seem like they were gonna be gone for a long time so it wouldn't have even been a problem. Jake and BMO could have found some stuff to do while Finn was getting down with humanity.

Just stinks, my guy.

>Man Finn should have wanted to stay there for ages.
damn, sounds like a good method of aging up his character with this as the timeskip

Well since the giant robot is down and Finn convinced them to want to explore they'll probably be in touch at some point

They freaking better yo.

No, there was a war and THEN the mutagenic bomb went off, causing widespread mutation and release of the avatar of death, the Lynch. The survivors who fled on the boat in Stakes did so after all that bizniz.

Pretty sure that the LICH (he ain't no hang's man rope god damn boy) was working in the back ground causing shit to get worst and finally showed up when shit hit the fan

Heck, with the biggest obstacle shut down, all it would take would be to chart out a much safer course... or build a less flimsy boat or something.

Either way, I don't see why Finn wouldn't suggest to PB that she open up diplomatic relations with the remaining humans and such. I mean, c'mon. Finn not being the last human, lost super-tech, AND getting a chance to meet the mother of the Hero of Ooo? She'd have to have some serious poo-brain.

I want to hug Finn's mom

I want to fug Finn's mom.

Even if that were true it doesn't change the fact that the war happened, followed by the Mutagenic bomb, followed by the exodus. That means the exodus preceded some other cataclysm.

>tfw my dream of Finn getting some human male friends to be bros with will never happen
the boy needs some dudes to have some camaraderie with that isn't Jake

Even if you're not interested in the main show anymore, you should still check out the Islands mini. It's consistently some of the best AT work to date, and it actually manages to fill in a bunch of the show's history and Finn and Susan's backstories in a really satisfying way.

I never disagree to that I even said "war" in the first post


You seemed to imply that the war came after the mutagenic bomb.

Martin started out a conman as you'd expect, but Minerva was able to tame him and keep him straight. He even fought off a giant guardian to protect his son, but after that he vanished into the sea.

tiffany's sort of a nerd though....

fuck yeah i will, she bought me taco bell
it was almost kind of apologizing for how badly he's been treated in the show lately

it sounds to me like he kinda lost his marbles
we know finn gets senile when he gets old enough, at least in the pillow timeline.. martin's not half that old, but he might have only passed some of it down.
or maybe it was just seeing a bunch of crazy shit in space, y'know? like sometimes seeing that shit makes a Rick, sometimes it makes a Martin

uploading your brain is too common to think of a specific example
that's not exactly right, she said the audio log of being uploaded against her will sounded way too disturbing, and everyone else agreed, so they left it out. that's the only thing that got left out
however, the details of the story changed many times during production, at one point you were going to find Cave hooked up to the shit, asking you in his typically chipper way to shut him off and let him die
yeahhh no dude, she already lost her memory and turned evil literally the first time she was turned on. that's part of the backstory. it happens long before any timeskips. The idea is that brain uploads don't really work very well, and don't save the important bits of you.

I just never mention the bomb

SOMA played with this, but I think climbed too far up its own ass and lost track of the narrative.

he's gotta go back, man. with the guardian dead it'll be a lot easier to go back and forth but for now he has to get back home and save his game.
Uhhh they didn't go to different islands, mom's world is susan's birthplace.. remember? she even met her.
i loved how they did that, they straight up showed us finn's mom, and we had no idea who she was, didn't pay her two attentions whatsoever. MAYBE if the episodes had been released normally, people would have had a week to speculate over every little detail, seen the hat, the blonde hair, but otherwise she was just a three-second character who escorted martin off in a wheelchair.

Though part of Caroline came back to the surface when you trecked through the sub levels and the end song likely indicates she lied about erasing her

there was a regular war, then the 'comet' came in the form of the nuke creating the lich (either by having magic of its own or tapping into existing but long-forgotten magic when it hit) and, along with some other bombs, wiped out civilization instantly. the few who fled were basically just fleeting radiation, there was no further conflict to hide from, but given how poorly everyone remembers things, it's not surprising they got some details wrong
plus the slideshow shows what they were MOSTLY running from was the ooze-faced monsters.

Maybe, without Minerva there to reign him in, he went back to his old habits a a coping mechanism, and then it slowly got worse over time until we meet the balding fatass from the Citadel.

soma was fucking weird.. their tech is THAT fucking advanced? it almost didnt contrast enough with what was ostensibly supposed to be alien. that is 'your brain on a floppy disk' science

Nah dude, I saw the leak soon as it was available and it was obvious.
White blonde lady with a freaking white bear cap? I would be insulted if that was anything other than Finn's ma.

They tried being sneaky but it din't work.

yeah, there's clearly bits and pieces
plus if you take the bare simple facts and enter them into a computer, it will 'know' those facts. and if that computer has AI it's going to act them out.. but that's like writing 'sour' on a picture of a lemon and the AI acts it out and goes 'oh i see why he said that shit about the lemons. i totally understand that, because i'm a human just like you, fellow human'

i guess i'm less observant than most. i didnt even see susan's hallucination, to me it went straight from fighting the jellyfish to susan complaining her head hurt, which made me like 'what? why does her head hurt?' and i rewound it a bit and i still didnt see anything, and just moved on

I remembered Susan's hallucaination like a whole day later just while I was randomly thinking about Islands.

Also, let me blow your fucking mind: the little girl at the start of the first episode essentially foreshadowed the entire miniseries

Yea it kinda falls apart. Warden program trying to do the same thing maybe? But makes crazy creatures instead.

Cept for the ones that did work... kinda.

And it's not like you couldn't start a race of zombie cyborgs.

As a consciousness stuck in a computer, I can say that my flesh is dead; but the me that was always me lives on. Just in a weird abstract way I guess.

oh fuck, I got Over the Garden Wall'd?

speaking of, that one was particularly brilliant because that sequence at the beginning appears to be establishing stuff, so you're tricked into thinking these next two kids and their frog are just another part of it. only when you rewatch do you realize they're probably not from the unknown at all, they're just prologue kids that give away the entire story

>I'm rowdy!

As a futurists with keen insight the coming decade and the approaching man and machine integration will make the world an interesting place.


And I'll still be here shitposting on Futurechan.

Finn is almost there.

Indeed and the quantum computing transition process will bring even further fun.

>mfw I lived long enough to see Adventure Time get good again

This definitely sounds like the most plausible answer.

I think he started out kind of crooked, met a woman who made his life complete who he honestly cared about, then in one night his old life came back and fucked it up royally. He went through the extremely traumatic event of losing his partner, newborn child, and literally everything and everyone he'd known his entire life in a single night, and woke up the next day in a chaotic world that was completely alien to him.

The island episodes implied that Minerva had some kind of a psychotic break after she lost her family, not a hard stretch to assume Martin did the same, except he also had the added guilt of knowing it was his fault. We don't know anything that happened to him between then and when he reappeared later on, but it seems like he's decided that not caring about anyone but himself is the only way to keep from being hurt, and from hurting others.

what does your keen insight say on the woefully slow and setback-riddled progress man-machine integration has taken so far?

>People spoiling themselves rather than watching the show, especially when the show has gotten really good

the problem with spoilers is you often dont know how good something is til you hear that part
fight club comes to mind. i had zero desire to see that, it sounded like a totally lame movie, no idea why people liked it
then years later I heard the ending spoiled and i'm like okay THAT is clever. but how do you advertise that? even telling people that there IS a twist would ruin it.

not that guy but Islands for sure had enough shit in it upfront to peak interest.
the gang setting sail across the seas for the first time in the show's history? literally the most adventure there's ever been in adventure time. and that bangin' intro.

most people liked stakes a lot too so I don't think mom bait was really needed to lure people in.

Your picture brings up a weird question.
If Martin's a comet/god now, does that mean we'll never see him again? Because it seems odd to give a sympathetic backstory to a character who has been written out of the show.

Wait, Susan was sent to track down Finn?

And we see Martin actually being a badass?

There's a video game, Soma, that deals with the concept.

Yes. Martin takes down a 100 story tall robot literally with a laser pointer to save his son.

It was good last season too.


I'd give anything in the world to be able to hug my mom again.

Neat. I always thought that Finn was some sort of genetic experiment, given his super human abilities, but it's nice to see it runs in the family.

Is there a link to the episodes?

Are Susan and Finn gonna fugg?

I think SOMA's problem was more that the protagonist couldn't piece together basic ideas throughout the entire game.
It made people who actually cared about the narrative cringe the whole way through.
I've never felt more angry at a fictional character then I did at the ending of that game. You've had this explained to you so many times you little idiot. God damn.

Nah Susan's a lesbian now.

Susan has a "friend" who seems to be implied to be a carpet muncher, I'm sorry for your lots friend

watch this before it gets taken down. or maybe it won't because it's what you get immediately when you google the thing so maybe CN doesn't care.

They were escaping from the sludge monsters, vampires (the animal hats were originally camouflage against vamps, who preferred human blood over animals), hungry rainicorns, and whatever other things popped up.

Well i personally liked islands more then stakes. And fin probably was able to leave pretty fast as all the big questions were answered in a pretty short timescale. What happened to humans, were did he come from, and his parents all answered.

As for what happened to his dad can be easily seen with what happened to his mom.

when the mom lost her son and it looked like the husband had a hand in it look what happened to her, she became lost in who she was outside her family. Went deep down the helper rabbit hole. Would it be unreasonable the a man who lost his son to his past mistakes and was locked out of paradise from his wife wouldnt do the same? Deep down into the darkest parts of his criminal self