Book of Life

just saw this and i must say i love how colorful this movie is, music is ok, but the story is barely holding up.

what do you think about it?

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I agree that the story is lacking. Also that I'm a lil bitch for tearing up when he has to do xibalba's challenge.

that was pretty clever.

Is is me or Xibalba looks alot like Discord from MLP?

that's pretty much the consensus

the gods were the most interesting part of the movie, and it was cool to have the self-centered rival love interest be a total bro instead of an antagonist, but the second and third acts were rushed as fuck, the museum scenes should have been cut altogether, and Maria was incredibly bland



Reel FX should do more animated movies.

Pretty much.
I also found most of the human characters apart from Mexican Gaston dull and the Land of of the Forgotten being barely seen is a huge detriment to the already poor story when it's practically revolved around it.




they're gorgeous, thank you.

>Land of the Forgotten being barely seen is a huge detriment
So I'm not the only one angry that we barely saw any of the Land of the Forgotten even though it seemed like it was going to be there more from trailers and promos.
Having a lot more story about the afterlife would have saved it from the horrendous plot and story they decided to create.
They just used way too many messages in the movie that it feels forced and bad.
>I'm not like any of the other girls
>Go off to a convent and come back as big titty love interest
>I am strong and make my own decisions
>Immediately gives into marrying the bad guy
>Barely fights in end scene
>Becomes the final endgame prize anyways
Its like they couldn't decide what they wanted the stupid woman character to be besides just something that kept that plot moving. We all know he didn't kill that bull because she was in the audience

Tfw when they're still advertising the app

Any higher res, for drawing ref?




ho, so thats why they have tits.

It would have been perfect for Laika.

Fun movie. Visually spectacular, the story is pretty classic "gods dick around with humans in love", but the film itself has some pacing issues. Overall I enjoyed it and own it on blu ray. I hope Jorge Gutierrez gets to make another feature film soon.

Nice visuals. Too much modern licensed music.

>Literally everyone will eventually end up in the Land of the Forgotten, becoming soulless husks for eternity
>Your average everyday person will go there almost immediately while infamous people like Stalin and Hitler will be able to party in the Land of the Remembered for decades, centuries, or even longer



>Papa died like it was nothing.


>Jorge Gutierrez

I like that El Tigre and The Book of Life share a universe.