/qc/ - Questionable Content - Robot on Robot edition


>robot on robot
>not May on Momo
What's even the point?

Is Jacques actually getting WORSE at drawing? This is some Flowers for Algernon shit

What a fucking lazy resolution to what was supposed to be a character-defying story arc.
A shitty deus ex and now just punching.
But watch, Garnet is totally calling the cops on CorpseWitch despite being complicit in the robot fight ring.

And who the fuck is paying rent for Marten & Faye's apartment now?
He is an unqualified librarian assistant and she is a jobless welder.
Are rents cheaper in a world in which robots have entered the workforce and occupy human jobs?

Marten is probably pimping out Claire for the rent.
Wait, sorry, that wouldn't make any sense. Claire is pimping out Marten.

Marten tries his mom once that the cost of living in Taxachusetts is higher than other parts of the country when she says she'll be moving nearby, the joke being that she's from LA. So going by that, I'd guess that rent can't be that cheap.


his drawing declines further when he adjusts his meds.
That is to say he develops a tolerance so it's upped again, bring him a step closer to maxing out and ratcheting up the side effects.

Guys! I found the way out!

>Is Jacques actually getting WORSE at drawing? This is some Flowers for Algernon shit
I cannot disagree.

Like what is the point of this story? Just oh no I have some bad memories "poof" oh and now they're gone? what kind of lazy shit is this?

>lazy shit
now you're getting it

where's the robo yuri

Looks like Bubbles has a new contender to put in the ring tonight! Somehow I don't think CW has supa powahs over EVERY giant bulky robot with a grudge against her.

What did you have in mind?

Faye's dad was right all along

I came for the hate thread.
I stay for the R34.


I know this feel.
If not for anons drawing and posting lewdbots, this general wouldn't have a reason to exist.
That, and the edits

If Bubbles beating up Corpse Witch was a threat all along then why the fuck did any of this "storyline" even happen

Bubbles: "Give me back my memories (that I don't even want?)"

CW: "no"

Bubbles: "I will beat you up"

CW: "I deleted them"

there I just saved JJ eight jillion pages of nothing happening for no reason

>eight jillion pages of nothing happening for no reason

This is literally all of QC.
Seriously, go back and read the whole thing.
Nothing happens for any reason.

Which only makes it more impressive that this guy stabbed his own hand over the huge mistake of drawing a fat girl as curvy rather than as a disgusting ball of lard, which would have been the progressive choice somehow.

>over the huge mistake of drawing a fat girl
She was never supposed to be fat.
Which just makes it even more surreal.

um this looks straight up like a rape scene.. how can an ally to progressive causes draw this.

Not even gonna lie, man, I gapped twice to this comic imagining dyke bot ruining bubblegum bot's butt by fucking her against the wall with a molten robo dildo

She had implanted a virus of some sort and had the ability to activate it at any moment to kill Bubbles without a fight, so she was never in danger. She basically had a robot version of FoxDie imbedded in Bubbles head.