ITT: Decent role models

ITT: Decent role models


>Participated in the Civil Rights movement.

>Supports mutant rights.

>Not afraid to stand up against vigilantism, when it's clearly causing thousands of dollars in property damage

>Supports all persecuted classes, but isn't afraid to speak up when they cross a line.

>great strength of will
>unwilling to compromise his beliefs
>physically fit


This tit



i wanna fuck that rabbit

>unwittingly starting a race war
>decent role model
sure thing Sup Forums

she apologized.

All Optimuses, really.


eh, guess you're right
it's about decent role models after all, not about great role models

Sup Forums pls go


Horatio Hellpop


> Sup Forums
> having self-awareness
> having pliancy

>natural leader
>secure of himself

Duke Nukem.

I think a legitimate case can be made for this.

Ehhhhh...which version?

I wanna fuck that bunny

eh, you remind me of good old days, movie is no longer relevant though

That's 2014 version by Gareth Edwards

>Sup Forums
>identifying humor

good role model, boring character

>teaches son important life lessons frequently
>man of faith
>"tolerates" his wife
>only listens to good natured right wing radio
>sacrifices for his family and all they do is cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry

I'll roll her model

That one isn't much of a role model though.

Although he is good at touting the praises of not having pre-marital sex.


I still wanna fuck that rabbit

Please ignore the other

He's also an obsessive and stubborn fuck who never recognises his own very obvious mistakes.

>recognizing your mistake and doing everything you can to make things right again
>as opposed to, if you mess up, you can never be clean again
i think she was pretty righteous

What was her mistake? Judy did nothing wrong...

t. Clay



Ignores direct orders from her superiors and felt above paying her dues. Physically unqualified for her job.

>Be polite. Listen to your parents
>Go to school. Stay out of trouble
>Keep an open mind and reserve your judgment
>take care of yourself and those you love
>Help out when you know you can
>Make the right choice, not the easy one
>You don't need to be a Superman, just a good one



>physically unqualified
>went above and beyond to not only pass the standards in the police academy, but was validictorian




what naughty lizard is that?

>Always carries a blaster
>Saved the fucking Earth
>Conscious of friends and receptive to their needs
>Knows the value of studying and reading in general
>Grows crops to help America's small towns.
Truly a inspiration.

Bolin was more than willing to work for Nazis because he thought it was for the good of the nations.

Are...any of these true?

>It's totally okay to get nvolved with the mafia and having a debt you own them

Even Michael Bay version?

Yeah, no

More like decent nude model amirite?

>Physically unqualified for her job.

Besides meeting the standards set for giant animals, she also proved during the movie that giant animals are shit at catching small animals, and the city is full of small animals, so they actually do need small sized agile cops

Just like how you need black cops to catch black criminals, you just can't always get away with shooting fleeing suspects in the back anymore

oh yeah. i member what race predators were supposed to represent.

all of it

>Snap people's necks

Hey, 2014 called. They're looking for you. They miss their idiot.

Can't wait to tell them about David Bowie and John Hurt.


Nobody is perfect

More like preachy role models

She's usually ignorant of other people's feelings, rarely has weaponry w/ her limbs gone (They apparently never tried to get those back...), Most of her studies seem to immoral and/or violent (Pushing Greg off a roof, experimenting on corrupted gems) & shared those crops with the only three humans they know & talk to. And Steven saved the Earth.

One of few decent heroes in current Marvel that can be a role model

>Superman please
>shhhh, no Krypton, only dreams

Nationally recognized as such in Japan, and even has his own day. Meanwhile, there's no Superman Day in America, now is there?

that's all? not exactly a global icon

This guy, right here, taught me and all of the other 80's kids the most valuable life lesson we can possibly learn.

>There is no problem in life that cannot be solved with laser-beams.

which exactly the sort of thinking we need in todays america

This. One of the most recognized anime characters in existence, even normies are aware of him.

Plus he's a swell guy!

Granted, she's being deported, but still a role model

Both of them

Dragon Ball is popular all over the world.

not exactly santa-level

Every single word of it.
Yeah, but we also didn't have 2 nukes dropped on us.

Manchild fighting maniac who regularly runs away from his family.

June 12, Superman Day

>used to carry a blaster before it was forcibly taken from her
>provided info that launched the earth saving mission, co-built the machinery required, co-piloted said machine during mission
>true, but dampened by her social retardation
>true, but has morality issues
>grew crops, shared results, but motivation wasn't very clear

He's more american than WE are. Ain't that some shit.

The way she spoke in the conference made it seem that all Preds were going to go feral at some point and eat all prey they can get their hands on.

it's like saying all blacks are going to steal your bikes soon.

It's okay Clay.

Not if she came to America legally she ain't.


mate he thicc


smol but swole

That's why Ultimate JJJ is best JJJ.

>cares for her family
>struggles on in spite of being a single mother
>harbours no malice to anybody
>willing to go through fucking hell to protect her kids
>impeccably polite
>nearly fucking dies in a swamp trying to help her children

It's like she put ALL of her stat points into "mother" and just rolled with it.


_ ____ __ ____ ____ ______

Cops are not and never will be "role models"

He'll teach you how to come out of your shell.

The DHS was holding them regardless and in some situations actually trying to convince green card holders to rescind resident status, implying that it would help them enter the country.
That's one of the specific reasons why this shit was stayed so quickly.

Stay mad, BLM anarchist.

>t. nigger

Counter point