What are your thoughts on Journal 3?

I thought it was decent, but a lot of it seemed like last minute damage control and/or fan-service.

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/download/k9ejzsube4jjvay/How to scan comics like a Manatee 1.0.pdf

I got it in the mail the other week. Haven't read it yet. Kind of paranoid I got an early print with a shit binding that falls apart.

Was that a problem when it first came out?

not my photo
but yes


Though there is one plot point I'm kinda surprised they didn't bother adressing in the journal.

webscans version exists?


i like this journal okay but there's a lot of kinda nodding and winking at things that happen in the show but shouldn't be in a journal that's decades old

Well, let's just say it's a plot point of apocalyptic proportions. Something that could cause a rift in the stars.

he didnt pick that up til after
yep, if i had a link to it i'd help you out but all I have is the folder of scans I doonloaded
i'm glad the new version has the blacklight ink so it's like, still worth buying a copy

No. Found someone on youtube that claims he has good photos of the book, but he's completely retarded when it comes to emailing the images. I have the book. I most likely will scan the book (I have a scanner). I've never scanned a book before, so I don't know about appropriate settings/color correction.

I was talking about Mabel causing the apocalypse, in case it was too cryptic

why would that be in the journal

There were a lot of hanging plot threads hastily wrapped up in the journal, and that one might have been the biggest one of all.

Plus, Mabel wrote a few entries in the Journal.

wow, you should definitely do this m8

I will do it, but it's going to be a while. Want to read it first. Haven't cracked it open.

cool, thanks anyway

Why wouldn't that be in the journal?

Anybody going to get the speacial edition?

Nah I'm hoping people will post all of the new codes online.

Pretty much. I can't imagine that any of the new content it'll have will be worth 100 dollards

I could understand getting it if you didn't get the normal version and want one more prop like.

it's not really just the new content
it's the quality of the book that's suppose to be worth it

Oh, okay

>i will scan
mediafire.com/download/k9ejzsube4jjvay/How to scan comics like a Manatee 1.0.pdf

Read that first.

I thought it was great. I can't think of any other show creator who has personally put the time and care and hard work into a book like this. I bought it for 15 bucks and couldn't believe how high quality it was all things considered. Most books based on shows are cheap cash grabs

>addresses the things fans want


>doesn't address the things fans want

"Ugh not enough fanservice"

We are impossible to please

It's fanservice, but not quite enough.

I have no scanner but I can give you some shitty photos of the entire thing if you want? I took them right when it came out because nobody else had done scans.

I think the point is that most of it should have been addressed in the show proper

Wow, it's like a real decrepit old journal left in the woods for 30 years!

Deepest lore

>tfw you called Dipper's name being Mason

I know it would have been a bit cliche, but I kinda wanted to see Mabel call Dipper by his real name during the show in a dramatic/emotional moment

>it seemed like last minute damage control
It really was.

>That part where Alex had to put in how Mabel felt extra bad about what happened in Sock Opera

>But not about causing the apocalypse.

It seemed that way because it was that way

Also with the love potion not being permanent, and Giffany not being dead, and Stan's memories taking a little longer to come back, and Ford and Wendy acknowledging each other's existence.

Well, she did end up nearly killing her brother and leaving him stuck without a body for all eternity with limited ability to interact with the living and no hope of ever even passing on to the afterlife.

And probably more.

Alex please

Alex jeez

Aw jeez alex.

Does Journal 3 also count as the show bible?

What's a show bible?

Something you don't want to do to an atheist.

Good timing, OP. I just finished reading this book.

I fucking loved it. I thought Ford didn't get nearly enough screentime in the show, and this book totally made up for it. The parts where the POV switched were the weakest. He really is a dramatically compelling character, and his falling out with Fiddleford was some of the strongest stuff to ever come out of this series.

I was also surprised at the inclusion of Rick and Morty lore. (For those of you who didn't pick up on it, the aliens in the gambling dimension are Zigerians.) I wonder if Adult Swim will allow their home planet to be featured in the show now that its first appearance is in a book copyrighted by Disney. The legality of this situation is interesting.


yeah, why not? it would be really nice

I guess it's something that details the plot and premise for a show