Are you looking forward to the next Pixar kino?

Are you looking forward to the next Pixar kino?

Absolutely not. I live in the southwest us and get my fill of this crap just walking down the street. I hope it flops.

I don't like Pixar

Its kind of boring as a visual premise. Mexico doesn't need more of a reputation as this place where everyone is dead or murdered and skulls are everywhere. This was already done in BvS AND fucking Spectre do we need a Dia de los Muertos movie every year Hollywood?

pixar doesnt make good movies anymore

Sure, it will probably be good. Pixar doesn't make bad movies.

Mexico needs more:
>movies a la Apocalypto
>movies about Lucha Libre
>movies about autists who play KoF

Mexico doesn't need more:
>movies about narcos
>movies about dia de los muertos
>movies about the american dream

it will flop

Not really

Cant whites come up with anything better than "day of the dead" when it comes to my heritage. Like do something on the mexican independence soldiers or something shit

and more Salma tits

Pixar hasn’t made true kino since 2008

This, imagine a sick wrestling movie from pixar

Things the world needs:
>more tits
>more ass

Nobody really cares about your shit third world country or its incessant revolutions, Pablo. You should be thanking Pixar for acknowledging you subhumans at all.

>You should be thanking Pixar for acknowledging you subhumans at all.
Nah, all that money should've gone to the incredibles sequel

Pixar has now entered the blatant rip off stage of its studio and yet there are so manny shills and band wagoners for them that some one reading this will try to fight me for saying this.

I honestly don't think it'll be that different from The Book of Life, so why bother? I get enough hispanic culture at home.

>incredibles sequel
You mean reboot*, and that's not until 2027

>Pixar cancels Newt a decade ago for being too similar to Rio
>No problem ripping off The Book of Life despite it only being like 2 years old

whatever, just let Brad Bird do his job


To be fair, Hollywood, Disney, etc only give a fuck about Mexicans

South Americans are totally irrelevant

You don't even celebrate that in your culture don't lie. It would be an acknowledgement that you morons couldn't rule yourselves better than white people an ocean away and had to resort to gang mob rule to establish longevity past the last millennium.

But we have many movies about Mexican Revolution tho

Anyway, he's right, we don't need shitty movies from burgers

In a Pixar movie?

True. I'd rather see Pixar film actually set in the Amazon.

Just watched the trailer, looks lame as shit except for the city of the dead. Which looks like it was inspired by Ghibli aesthetic.

Lame Hollywood this-is-supposed-to-be-deep music.

Not that I'm not sick of hispanic culture by being close to the border, but hilarious multicultrual tokenism bullshit. The kid lives in some warped image of a super poor Mexican shack surrounded by candles and idols? Have the Korean-Americans working at pixar even met a Mexican?

And why is the protagonist so ugly and subhuman in appearance? Did they not learn their lesson with Moana and Maui?

We think of a few things before we get to Dia de los Muertos when thinking of Mexico, Paco, but they aren't PC things. Immigration issues, cartels, homeless children etc aren't exactly going to fly in a children's movie, now are they? So that leaves sombreros and ponchos, already old hat and 'racist', so now it comes to Day of the Dead. Be glad you get so much, dickhead, I live in Northern Ireland, what the fuck do you think we get?