What are some good kinos that alt-rightists can never understand?

What are some good kinos that alt-rightists can never understand?
Pic related


Star Wars (obviously)
Game of thrones (Martin confirms that Joffrey is just like Trump)
The Orville
South park
Indiana Jones
Blade Runner
Harry Potter
To name a few

There's nothing objectively wrong with this
''muh feelings, muh religion, muh traditional gender roles'' is not an argument

He'll look like a faggot retard to other people, reducing his social power, making it more difficult for him to contribute to society.

>bigot '''''''logic''''''

He is destroying his society by spreading AIDS and wanting to bring in people that will spread AIDS

Also I am glad I derailed your shit tier thread so easily

There's nothing objectively right with that

Scott Pilgrim. Gayest fucking shit on the planet.

>There's nothing objectively wrong with this
I'm not even "alt-right" and I know he's all sorts of fucked up.

You retards clearly don't know what being right wing means.

Watching movies has anything to do with that. I can watch Into the wild, enjoy it and the go drown Mapuches in the Patagonia with my army bros.

Just go kill yourself liberal retards, thinking that movies have anything to do with what one does in his life is one of he reasons that you are a joke.

Right-wing does not equal alt-right retard. You can be a conservative and still be a normal, functioning member of society. Alt-rightists, on the other hand, are autism incarnate, and should be culled

>be conservative/alt-right asshole
>war is good


Those stockings are lovely.

>i'm a liberal and right wingers should model their behavior after my idea of what a "good" right winger is

>be brain dead pot smoking nigger faggot

The funny thing is that Han is far-right by today's standards.

>makes his living as a smuggler evading Imperial taxation
>carries a gun at all times
>shoots first

This is a sleeping aid.

This movie looks very boring really.

He later joins the rebel (antifa) alliance

But he's on the right wing of the rebellion.
He only wants less taxation and less government, less galactic police forces to interfere with his basic right to smuggle goods in what should be a free trade zone, he's not in for equality or anything like that