When did you get to the point where watching the show became so unbearable that you dropped it?

When did you get to the point where watching the show became so unbearable that you dropped it?

When I stopped being 13

I can't remember how far back I dropped it, but I don't think it was because I found it unbearable. It just got boring.

For me, it was with the episode about Quagmire's sister and her abusive husband.

I just didn't know what the fuck to make of it.

Halfway through season 7 was when it became totally unwatchable for me

I was about 14/15 and it was the joke where Peter gets molested by a bull while he's supposed to be a Matador.

It was so unfunny I just stopped watching forever.

I dropped the Simpsons sometime around Lady gaga. I finally came to accept the Simpsons was never going to get better.

Not Sup Forums but I had to quit Doctor Who partway into Peter Capaldis run. If Capaldi couldn't make me enjoy Moffats writing then nothing could.

I'll let you know when I get there. The adult humor and 80's references work better at keeping me entertained than the tepid Family Circus-style boredom The Simpsons subjects you to...then again, THAT show should have gracefully retired 18 seasons ago.

I've watched every single season of American Horror Story with my fiance despite the fact that it's possibly the worst written show on TV right now. The 3/5 point is usually where it becomes so unbearably awful that I only stick around to make jokes with her about it.

It's funny, because this horrendous show is actually a great time I always look forward to, because we have fun with it and talk about it for days after finishing. If it didn't so reliably turn into a dumpster fire towards the end of each season I'd never watch another episode ever again.

Family Guy isn't as bad enough to be as bad as American Horror Story, and it's not good enough to be good, so I don't watch it. Honestly, I wish every show that went too many seasons without improving would just dedicate themselves to becoming the worst show possible so they'd come out the other side with some value.

Early high school.

family guy i dont like so i never picked it up.

its not adult humour though

The sex jokes, I mean. That shit's funny. Lowbrow, but funny. Although sometimes I feel they don't go far enough. I really wanted to see Peter turn to the camera and say "Eh...well, my mouth got me INTO this..." then cutaway to the next scene.

Looked up an episode I remember. Looks like I remember season 2 stuff. So maybe season 3?

I kinda stopped post-revival.

Not because the quality of the show, but at that time I was watching Adult Swim regularly and they'd have the constant reruns of that and Futurama. So I kind of got tired of it before it even came back on the air. It's the one thing that turned me off of watching AS ever again a while back was needing to sit through a hour of Family Guy and American Dad to get to stuff I would watch.


Between season 9-13.

The episode where they had to kill Quagmire's sister's boyfriend.

It mostly stopped being wacky comedy around then anyway but that was unbearable.

That's the season it became super political, right? Or is that the gory season?

The jokes just stopped being jokes and turned into more
>Oh Look! We went there!!!!
over and over again. They just wanted to do any thing that was shocking, not funny. Shocking can be funny but they just relied on looking for whatever the hell was taboo and shoving it in your face as much as humanly possible.

That whole story was all over the place. It's probably the worst episode overall.

Sometime after it was brought back.

>that Chris
>suddenly remembering that Marilyn Manson episode
All of that plot was like 10 years too late.

Most of that season was bad for the "very deep dramatic" episodes that really do not fir in the series at all. It's like they got tired of writing a comedy series and tried to force it to be something else.

Emmy bait

This is the point where Family Guy became Family Gore.

The only episode I watched after that was The Simpsons crossover

I still watch and most of the episodes are funny, fite me

Fuck that episode about pregnant Stewie though,I have literally no standards and that was too shit even for me

Season 4 or 5? I remember dropping it completely naturally too

>the one episode where Meg becomes legal and suddenly Lois and Peter give a shit about Meg

If it were seasons 9-11 they wouldn't have hesitated to let Quagmire have his way with her.

The episode where Peter poked holes in the frog's back and spent a good while trying to throw it out the window. That episode wasn't terrible, but I remember it as being the start of the unnecessarily long "jokes" to come (Conway Twitty, the whale's guts spilling out, etc).

What was the moral of that episode again? They butchered it so badly I don't even know what message they were trying to promote.

Never, I think family guy is good considering how long it has been dragged out
I wish Joe was still respected though

I think that was about my limit too. Sometimes you can stretch an unfunny joke out so long that it becomes funny just be continuing to exist but Family Guy has never been able to pull that off.

Imagine Family Guy not being brought back after being cancelled. Then gaining cult classic following. Seth Mcfarlane never getting as successful as his is today.

It came back when I was near the end of middle school. It got wildly popular there and people kept quoting it nonstop, and because it was middle school most people didn't get what the references were, and were praising it endlessly for being original. I also noticed a steep decline in quality compared to the pre-cancellation seasons, and I think when I was around 14 I couldn't stand it anymore.

To be honest, I still watch Family Guy and laugh at every single one of the jokes. Then I take a shower, chug an entire bottle of pills that are readily available and contemplate suicide

Family Guy was "okay" for a little while once it was brought back full time, but then it came down on the decline with the speed of a freight train

I never watched family guy

That is what happened. Family Guy was cancelled a second time and [as] picked it up to run alongside Futurama. It got popular again and Fox brought it back.

When they literally copypasted Peter into Spies Like Us. So unbelievably awful and cringy I said never again.
I wish I could forget the experience...