Can someone explain What The Feck was wrong with her in this episode?

Can someone explain What The Feck was wrong with her in this episode?
Before she seemed Nice and peppy. Remember her introduction episode? How she played and had fun with steven?
Whats with the total personality change?
Its like Sugar said "hey what do kids like? The Goth girl from Loud House... Raven from TTG? Pssh I can do that!"

She hasn't been nice and peppy since she got out of the mirror

She doesn't like the other gems and wouldn't have been there were it not for Steven.

Nice dub dubs.
But are you saying she was happier in Mirror?

She was impisoned by the gems and now she has to help them do something ridiculous.

She's got that so-above-it-all attitude all gems but Amethyst and other earthborn gems have, she just shows it in her own bitchy way.

Well, she made fart jokes when she was in the mirror. She hasn't done that since.

You'd hate your jailers too.
>Inb4 "locked up plays"

She's only nice to Steven, she's a bitch or straight-up hostile towards everyone else. Even Peridot who she lives with she only tolerates.

This was like right after she was freed from the mirror and she still didn't really like the gems

She's only happy with Steven. She can be happy with the gems, but Peridot is the only one she's actually spent time with.

She doesn't anyone at the time apart from Steven.

She also is an extremely rare aristocratic gem.

And now she has to pretend to be a human called "Bob" in an alien world, in an alien sport that she never heard of. Even more ridiculous when she probably thinks that she could have just ducked up all the rubies by herself.

It's called inconsistent writing. It happens in shows when the people in charge of keeping shit together suck at their jobs.

she was just manipulating Steven into getting her out.

Lapis is a manipulative bitch. She's probably forcing Peridot to fuse with her in her rape shed.

girl is deeply traumatized from thousands of years of being kept prisoner in a mirror and she just exited a horrible abusive relationship, and steven's been the only one to cut her any slack that whole time (peridot too eventually). i think she's just tired and depressed. she can perk up around steven but its like, imagine what's going through her head all the time.

When she was first introduced, she was ecstatic because she'd finally met the first person in thousands of years of isolation and boredom, since her imprisonment started, who treated her like a fellow person and not a mindless machine. She finally had an opportunity to communicate with someone again for once. And, she still had some hope that she could somehow return to her home and live happily ever after.

Then, in the episode with the image you've posted, she's at a point when she recently did go home and found it was nothing like she remembered. The home she knew and loved is dead and gone forever and replaced by a cold militant technically advanced culture she doesn't know and she's not welcome in. She was unjustly taken prisoner- again- by her own people and dragged back to the foreign world she had just escaped, where she's now, despite her dislike of it, resigned herself to spend the rest of her practically immortal life and has nothing better to do than to support a cause she doesn't even believe in to protect this hellhole she doesn't even particularly like. Oh, and there was also that couple of months in between where she was in an abusive relationship where she was constantly raping and being raped by her partner at the bottom of the ocean.

So, yeah, she just went through a series of rough patches in her life where she went through some big life changes and she's in a transitioning period where she's getting used to some shit. She was in a position in her intro where she should've been very happy, and she's in one now where she shouldn't. She didn't necessarily have a personality change, just a change in perspective.

Yes she has. She pulled the blowhorn over and over on Greg's yacht because fart joke.

>you never got to pull a blowhorn multiple times just because it was fun.

Sorry we don't all have dads with yachts.

What does that pic have to do with this?

Okay, this is understandable, but why isn't she at least happy and cheery like before but only around Steven?

>How she played and had fun with steven?
>with steven

And there it is. She only had one fuck left to give, and she spent it on Steven. Unless she's directly interacting with him, she's a grump.

She may have managed to grow another fuck for Peridot, but her interactions with Peridot where she's been "happy" were also interactions with Steven.

She made a fart sound at the guy from Jersey.

Lapis has never ever been nice and peppy. She was having some fun with Steven, briefly, out of horrible boredom and a desperate attempt to communicate with SOMEONE, but her main personality is someone vindictive, bitter and agressive with a healthy helping of PTSD

>she just exited a horrible abusive relationship
where she was the abuser though

But she is? That episode where she was searching for a home.

She even made fart jokes.

Well its not just Steven. In a later episode shes shown to be having fun with Peridot too. And before i hear anymore "she was held captive by the Gems so thats why shes mad" She was also mad at Peridot because she was teamed with Jasper.
My point is... why was she so melancholy in THAT only episode as she was peppy in introduction and happy post episodes?

Imagine a girl like pic related. Now imagine trying to get that kind of girl roped into playing baseball.

She doesn't like baseball.

>inb4 she was mopey in the Boat episode
Okay, she was Mopey because it was relevent to the plot. She was remembering how she lived underwater with a voice in her head. Abd the pay off is that she became fed up with being sad and thats how she was able to beat Jasper again.

She's not goth, she's basic with a healthy serving of PTSD

Maybe you should pay attention to the show and you'd know why she was like that.

Can't blame her for that

>Three of them knowingly left her in a mirror for thousands of years
>One of them captured her and held her against her will
>One was actually nice to her and helped her out

It's understandable she only gets along with Steven.

It really helped that she wasn't at all the focus of that episode, and that her apathy humorously contrasted to everyone else's enthusiasm.

That entire episode was one big plot hole.
All five Rubies were looking right at Peridot with a spotlight a minute earlier, it was too late to hide her.

Things like that are a guilty pleasure of mine.
Mythical beings playing a sport or game. It was good in Regular Show. It was good in x files. It was good in simpsons. I even loved it in twilight (or was it true blood?)

They weren't looking for Peridot, they were looking for Jasper. Mainly because the diamonds don't trust Rubies to hunt down more than one person at once.

And to be honest, can you blame them?

Yeah but the CGs didn't know that. They thought it was vital to keep the Rubies out of the barn.

Okay. So in this Thread we established that the reason is because Sugar is good at character development.... but not characterization.


at the time she only cared about steven and liked being around him. Plus, she thought baseball was stupid