Essential Human Kino

Watch Earthlings:

Made me stop eating meat. I feel way healthier.

Animals are dumb, they deserve to get eaten

that movie made me hungry

Already vegan, thanks though.

I try to show as many meat eaters this as possible. So far I've got 4 people to go vegan.

>stop eating meat
>get fat because I'm eating chocolate like a beast because I'm always hungry
I made a huge mistake

become a cucumbermuncher
it doesn't fill you as quickly as other stuff but it does fill you and keeps you hydrated

Gonna go out and eat some charred animal carcasses right now

Can they chase those factories and not the people who eat meat?

>eating pasta with minced beef atm and it's great

>eating meat

When I have cheat days when I don't eat chocolate the moment I feel the hunger coming I eat a carrot. It sorts me out until the next meal.

But a fresh one, the sweeter ones. Not the older bitter ones.

>haven't eaten death for weeks
>just bought a nice beefsteak
>best piece of meat I ever had

>being hungry
I only eat once a day and sometimes nothing for several days. I don't even get hungry anymore, it's more like a need for nutrition because you start feeling weakened.

You should watch the film. They talk about people just like you.


When do they do that? It seems like a gore porn rekt film.

>band hallal and kosher meat
>inhumane butchering goes down
>muslims leave europe

I mean.. they still haven't thought to do this???

About to hit up some fast food.
What is some fast food kino, preferably with meat.

US? Wait until you are really hungry and go to Tommy's.
Or is this only in CA?

so is there a posibility this movie isn't biased to the core? I'll give it a go if it isn't.


It's not biased. It shows humans doing real harm to animals. You can't bias that.

"rekt" film? Are you really doing this now?

>veagancucks think their diet is natural for humans when it requires access to nutrition not available before modern agriculture

Watched it when it came out, still eat meat and didn't change my mind at all.

That doc about people jumping from the bridge, seem more authentic to the human nature.

It's basically a propaganda doc.

I know! When I lived there I loved iHop. Breakfast food at night.

I've seen it. I still eat meat, but I'm less likely to do so. I don't eat at restaurants and I like to know where the meat is from.

I made it 8 minutes and they keep interchanging live stock, captive animals and jews. Does it get around to making an argument or am I just supposed to see these three things as exactly the same because feels?

I watched the kosher part. Those people are demons.

And corporations selling you ads of meat isn't propaganda? Lmfao.

>monkey people thousands of years ago were eating bone marrow
>they were stronk af
>tree hugers want to take our bone broth away

It's not happening. Blame the factories and hallal butchery.

Being vegan is objectively healthier, better for the enviroment and obviously has the plus of not killing sentient beings.

I agree with all of those, and yet i am not vegan. Does this make me a bad person? Sure probably, but i think the fact that ive jacked off in front of 11 year olds on omegle makes me worse. We all do bad things for immediete gain because they are convenient to us.

That film is the equivilent of showing a normie one of those drug cartel torture videos and saying "LOOK, STOP TAKING COCAINE, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS" .it is shock tactics used to appeal to emotion rather than logic, which is good for propaganda sure, but not good for honestly getting your message across.

he's just asking if the doc had any bias, calm down

Thanks for the blog.

>better for the enviroment

If you people take away V6 & V8 engines there would be riots.!

thanks for the (You)

>tfw too smart to stop eating meat
I wish I was dumb enough to change my lifestyle based on one propaganda video

i am having organic cream cheese and kombvucha. am i vegan enough

>mankind becomes as powerful as it does because we eat every other animal, the proteins and fats from their flesh allowing better brain and muscle development, which eventually led us to start using tools, then develop agriculture and so on
>meat is literally one of the most important building blocks of mankind's development

agreed, but this nip making shitty bodykits for an already beautiful car needs to go

whoa dude your hysterical all caps response just debunked decades of debate

Look, if animals will stop eating each other, I'll stop eating animals.

there isnt actually any definitive evidence that shows that eating meat is linked with brain growth or intelligence in early humans.

There are a one or studies theorizing it, but they are not conclusive.

Watching it now with the sound off - I'm digging the footage of Hitler in a video that is supposed to turn me into a vegan

>yfw you realize Hitler was a strict vegan and wanted to force it upon others

There's a reason that vegetarians have been a minority since the dawn of man and there's a reason vegans are a minority of a minority user
It's because meat is tasty and essential and you have to unnaturally supplement your diet with vitamins and protein substitutes in order to live a vegan lifestyle
The vast majority of farms and abattoirs in the first world have great standards, with the animals living a fat, lazy lifestyle until they're executed instantly for delicious flesh
"Decades of debate" haven't changed the opinions of the vast majority of people on the planet. And strawman snuff videos like OP's do nothing more than immediate repulsion, but then anyone with a brain starts to realize that, like PETA, it's completely propaganda in order to sell a lifestyle.
And don't think for a moment that the very specific companies who make the specific food for vegans aren't the ones pushing the hardest to make these "documentaries" and promote the benefits of their diets.
You know that vegans can't even breastfeed their children because the milk is so nutrient-depleted? Veganism does indeed help you have a lower fat cell count, and maybe it's helping ease your sensitive conscience, but you're really starving yourself and shoving nonfood soylent crap into yourself and then playing a moral highground because the vegan culture is arrogant.
Vegetarians can at least survive and not be complete dicks about it.


cooking and eating food is a ritual, a ritual that honors the origin of man, the moment that we stopped running away from danger and looked up and thought to ourselves "we own this motherfucking joint"

>transcripts dated 11 November 1941, Hitler said, "One may regret living at a period when it's impossible to form an idea of the shape the world of the future will assume. But there's one thing I can predict to eaters of meat: the world of the future will be vegetarian."

is there anything graphic in the film becauise i cant deal with animal cruelyty or pain or suffering, i actually passed out when someone posted a beheading video in Sup Forums my worst decision ever was pressing play on it, changed the way i see life and i lost a bit of my soul that day,

actually, hitler wasn't a vegan, many sources have him eating meat regularly


> Albert Speer (in his memoirs, Inside the Third Reich)—noted that Hitler used vivid and gruesome descriptions of animal suffering and slaughter at the dinner table to try to dissuade his colleagues from eating meat.
what's the deal with vegetarians

We wont eat meat 100 years from now. Meat substitutes are only getting better. Look up Impossible Burger.

I tried some minced 'meat' from mushrooms and it was good. Low fat carb, lots of protein.

>1800s vegetarians
>"100 years from now no one will be eating meat!"
>1900s vegetarians
>"100 years from now no one will be eating meat!"
>2000s vegetarians
>"100 years from now no one will be eating meat!"

that source is shit

impossible burger still doesn't taste like meat

mushrooms are really weird with their flavor, recommend looking Laetiporus