
To get this thread going: what made him finally click for you?

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This scene

When i realized hes a young earth creationist and his movies are commonly about the role of God in human lives.

>young earth creationist
>tree of life depicts birth of the universe and the creation of the earth over billions of years



Hang on a second, is that a ballbusting scene with natalie portman?

would you like there to be one?

Very much so

whats this movie

He did it in two movies with the same actress?
Malick is a visionary

Shes definitely trying to hurt his balls correct?


Knight of Cups

>autistic screeching

our guy

he has such terrible frame

Hopefully he never works with Emmanuel Lubezki ever again

Malick is Lubezki adoptive father though

how do actors and directors even manage to speak to each other after these scenes

>implying Terry didn't just leave the camera running during one of their lunch breaks

Tree of Life was great but his last three films have been shit. Song to Song was where i finally gave the fuck up. I'm done with his shit.

>being this heretical

growing up

song to song having lesbian sex scene was surprising as fuck. Malick is like the last director I expected to shoot a fucking lesbian sex scene.

He's been filming lewd since To the Wonder
Song to Song even had a shot of bare pusy lips

His next film, Radegund, will be kino. WWII conscientious objector, linear narrative.

So another Hacksaw Ridge film about some cuck who won't kill. yeah no thanks.

Complete opposite. Tree of Life fell flat and the rest have been kino. To the Wonder and Song to Song less so. Either way every film is like nothing else being released right now

Last of a dying breed man, maybe only refn is pushing things as visually but definitely not philosophically. No one else is doing what he's doing

It doesn't surprise me that he appeals to shitty "Patricians" like you on this site. Knight of Cups was a titanic cluster fuck. But no... sit there with your criterion collection and call some jackass running around filming a bunch of HD nonsense Kino all you want you pretenses cuck.

>over billons
nope, over the 10,000. The reason the dinosaur didn't eat the other is because garden of eden dinosaurs only ate plants.

Haha I can tell by the way you're write you're a nu male. You sound so butt hurt people like art films. By pretentious is just code for "I wouldn't know substance if it bit me in the taint"

I love art films lad, Refn's fucking great. But Malick is just fucking void. But keep telling yourself everyone who doesn't like his last three films are mindless apes that only watch transformers tho. I hope it makes you sleep well at night, even if Malick's got his cock in your ass.

But this one probably won't have slapstick comedy battlefield scenes


>HD nonsense

>The film is loosely inspired by, and at times quotes directly from, the 1678 Christian allegory The Pilgrim's Progress, the Acts of Thomas passage The Hymn of the Pearl,[7] and Suhrawardi's A Tale of the Western Exile.[8]
>For preparation, Bale read Walker Percy's book The Moviegoer, which was suggested to him by Malick. [13]

Oh fuck off.
>it quotes 1678 religious bullshit
What the hell is with you fuckers? The second somebody adds any religious symbolism into a film you cucks always act like it break new ground. Same shit happened with Batman V Superman and Man of Steel. KYS

Calm down. I was only pointing out how it's far from nonsense.

I loved Neon Demon but Knight of Cups is on a higher plane of filmmaking. They contrast each other really well though since they're both alternate glimpses on the same lifestyle, don't get me wrong if we had a dreamy dark Neon Demon with whispery monologues and stayed with the Refn visuals oh man

Ok, so I'm genuinely curious now why you think Knight of Cups is better. Neon Demon had a story and Knight was just bale wondering around.

Because the religious symbolism in BvS is overt and embodied in Superman, while in koc it is present in the characters dark night of the soul, which makes for an emotional resonance far deeper than bvs's frankly sterile """meditation""" on the divinity of the superhero

Honestly every Malick film is irrefutable proof of his genius.

>Malick is like the last director I expected to shoot a fucking lesbian sex scene.
It was obvious though.

Neon demon is probably that kind of soulless hedonism you see in koc at its most depraved, so what knight of cups represents for me is someone trying to overcome that darkness in the world and in himself. It isn't bale puttering around, the women he meets are guides on his path to wisdom, he is taught by the world/suffering/the feminine the reality of the spirit.

In the film it's implied bales of brother killed himself. You don't need a lot of plot and dialogue to personalize a grief like that for people going through their own shit. It's enough in the visuals, the snippets of dialogue, and that kind of feeling for life the film breathes. Neon demon for me is descending, koc ascending.

I've watched badlands, days of heaven and tree of Life

didn't "get" any of them. especially didn't understand why there were so many parts with a character whispering their thoughts

visually, his movies are nice to look at

I think your reaching. Bale ASMR was gay and the films spiritual journey made no godamn sense and it didn't make me feel transcended. If you like if fine be a fag.

little known fact, this scene was 100% improvisational by christian bale

It was when I got to The Thin Red Line. His first two were nice but TTRL really floored me. Tree of Life brought me to tears and Knight of Cups is my favorite movie. What he does visually just absolutely works for me. ToL I related to narratively but with the rest, especially KoC, every single camera movement and cut feels in exactly the right place. Its instinctual, intuitive, the way the film moves and breathes, the time each scene goes to the next and the way the film is paced as a whole. It instills this sense of nostalgia for moments you never experienced, and joy for life. It wraps you up almost physically and takes you along and its just an incredibly unique and moving experience


no u r gay


And here we see the typical level of film analysis and discussion from a Sup Forums plebeian. It is apparent he has no interest in film as an artistic medium and he gets frustrated when his mind fails him and he is unable to articulate or defend his point


prefer that dudes shitpost to you cunts that stick your artsy finger up my ass.

>being this threatened by discussing films on a film board

lol I'm shitposting too calm down. You're exposing your insecurity

but what about my malick blessed dubs?

Look if you prefer your films to have the main goal of entertainment that's fine. But don't be so ignorant that you don't realize some people actually see film as art and appreciate the visual exploration of the medium. That's not pretentious at all Even if they do act elitist

We're not so different you and I. I see film n the same way. I just think Malicks past films have been void of substance, as stated earlier I loved Tree of life but recently I haven't liked his movies.

What does Malick glorify animal cruelty in his films?

At this point I'm convinced people just like the malick films they relate to the most, more so than any other director given his style

Fair enough. In my opinion though Knight of Cups is by far his most layered and "substance" filled film
There's nothing wrong with that though, the style certainly lends itself to that. His latest efforts have been extremely personal in their own ways. So of course they will resonate with anyone who relates to that aspect of Malick and seem alien to those that don't

Based Terry. Can't wait for Radegund

>tfw Ebert's last review is of To The Wonder

if he just held on for another year lads

At least his final review was a good one of a good film

>ebert went to the wonder

>"Well," I asked myself, "why not?" Why must a film explain everything? Why must every motivation be spelled out? Aren't many films fundamentally the same film, with only the specifics changed? Aren't many of them telling the same story? Seeking perfection, we see what our dreams and hopes might look like. We realize they come as a gift through no power of our own, and if we lose them, isn't that almost worse than never having had them in the first place?

Is Malick red-pilled?

he also shat on Computer Chess tho which is actually a masterpiece.

So was any of these movies good? Thought so. Bottomfeeders.

isn't that giving them antibiotics or something.

you can feed on my bottom anytime sweetie

>"was any"
lol. nice try, 14 year old Zack Snyder fan.

Mark Cousins impersonator?

>when you're given no script so you just act like a retard

He's Irish after all

it's pretty good
not really a masterpiece though

I loved tree of life.. knight of cups was meh so I jumped the primer train and found upstream color.. that movie was kino

There's a Pascal quote during Banderas' party in KoC. The madman.

>blonde natalie portman
how can i get a gf that looks like this?

come to israel



It's like my friends trip to mexico but with wide angle.

felt the same about To The Wonder except it was about when I grew up than about going to the beach

Did your mom dance in supermarkets?

No it was all the fields and plains at dusk in late summer.

I have never set foot in America, but it was reminiscent of home either way.


TTW, KoC and StS are objectively bad films.

You're objectively wrong


I'm gonna watch Song to Song again tonight and I'm going to love it. FUCK U HATERS

Can someone who liked STS tell me what the saw in it? I loved KoC and I've come to appreciate TTW more and more but STS just fall flat for me.


Those are my same thoughts exactly. The reason why people preferred StS is the same reason I think it didn't work as well. It had a much stronger focus on narrative and took time to for careful, relatable characterization. This allowed the film to have a stronger emotional impact at moments and I think people that felt more alienated by Malick's other films really liked that. However I think that while doing all that, he still pushed his style even further. The result was a style that failed to sweep you up and move in that indescribable, almost subconscious form of beauty that KoC has. It had moments, but it stalled out when it shifted its focus

Hello. This was in the Malick thread last night as well but if you have an interest in discussing art house or more obscure films, join the new discord here
Its a handful of people mostly from here that actually care about discussion and recommendations that will expand your horizons


Yes it's dope. I loved the black hole imagery at the end, another level

Space rock Malick is kino

10 hours of swaying grass kino