Thoughts, Sup Forums?

I say black knight to D6. White pawn takes knight, black bishop to B5, pawn takes, pawn takes pawn, black queen wherever you want and then it's basically RIP pssh . . . nothin' personnel, kid.

pawn to e4

The dark knight rises

So you're trading both a knight and bishop for a pawn? Is this some meme I don't know?

Nd6 not even valid move, fucking retard

Why not?

someone post a lichess link
I guarantee none of you brainlets can compete with my 2750-2950 ELO rating

It seems to me, based on the board, that it's probably white's move. Both sides appear to have made six moves.
Black knight to d6 would not be a legal move even if it were black's turn.

>black and white

Not him, but... d6 is occupied by a black pawn. Also, neither of the black knights could move there even if it were empty, because the L-shaped moves of knights couldn't land either of them there.

It's so I can move my own pawn while forcing his knight away, then moving my queen on the same column as the rook and fucking whites king up the butt

op means e3

oh I meant d3 im dumb

My ELO is like 700 I play against indians with weird profile pics. Its a dark place down here

lmao. thats not a valid move either


you're just a racist counting from white's side

Well, if it's really black's move... you could try that plan, and it might work. But it would only work against a weak player. A somewhat experienced player would see what you're trying to do there. So it depends.

Cont of ...
And I'm assuming you mean e3, not d3, like said.


Basically, it seems you're not understanding the coordinate system. "a1" isn't always bottom left. If you're white it's bottom left, if you're black it's top right.

you're right


move the horsie