Triggered much

Guess the movie :^)

Other urls found in this thread:

I love you daddy?

blade runner 2049



How much of a feminist do you have to be to think the subject of blade runner 2049 was women (and not just individual women, but women as a class)

this bitch really waited till now to release her review of blade runner? And her criticism has nothing to do about the movie and you could criticize blade runner 2049 for a lot else

>these women were weaned on """""dystopian""""" movies where the strong teen gal jennifer lawrence surrogate beats society
>these societies are never actually really dystopian, none of the actually oppression, industrialization, dehumanization or outright shittiness of real dystopias
>2049 comes out
>in the future corporate dystopia where life is completely worthless, the environment is fucked and people are trying to escape the planet
>women are shown as either complete hardasses who earned their position through presumed brutality and efficiency or are whores [discounting LUV and Joi]
>in a world like or even barely approaching that, the majority of women become whores
>woman recoils at being shown the truth of what would actually happen in a dystopia

plz be my ai gf

>Mary sue
Why would RT even count a random blog?

Just look at who runs rottentomatoes

It wasn't made for you, bitch

That quote accurately describes The Mary Sue itself.


But it isn't, it relegates them to the irrelevant cock-loving faggots they are.

>pushing 50
>unnaturally-dyed hair in a stupid "punk" style

The Neon Demon?

Master and Commander: The far side of the World

Well, in a sense it is although of course it's not THE theme neither does that stand as a criticism
Femininity is a theme in the movie, with all the procreation stuff and references the secret of the uterus and considering the blatantly excessive female imagery with giant JOIs and creepy Vegas statues
The only female characters are a ruthless police chief, a psychotic replicant, an artificial waifu, literal prostitutes and a cultist-like rebellion leader- all of them minus Freysa eventually hit on the male MC and are on either one or the other extreme of the eroticism spectrum, so very sexualized or not at all

>There is no excuse in this day and age for filmmakers to continue using an entire gender as objects with zero repercussions or acknowledgement of why that is—as well as ignoring the existence of people of color and LGBTQIA.

>Women are continuously fighting to be heard, to have a voice in our own narratives, to be in control of our own world.

>To see ourselves on screen as less than fully realized people, to be treated no better than set dressing, is not going to cut it anymore.

It's nice when a crazy person of any age has the decency to signal their insanity.

Google Lauren's picture, fellas.

why dont studios just stop allowing critics to watch their films early?? They are all largely incompetent buffoons
people will see a movie anyway so what difference does it make???


planet of the apes?

Dealing with the issues of our inevitable waifu future in a nuanced way is not inherently anti-women at all. These dumb cunts literally don't get it.

>About Us

>The Mary Sue sits at the nexus of pop culture and the uncharted universe. We love and live geek culture, comic book movies, genre television, space exploration, emerging technologies, the coolest video games, and the weirdest finds on the internet. We promote, watchdog, extoll, and celebrate diversity and women’s representation in all of these areas (and more!) and work to make geekdom safe and open for everyone.

>We pride ourselves on being an inclusive, feminist community of people who not only love what they love but care about others who love it and have an intense passion for those who create it. Fan trends, social issues, geek fashion and art, innovative gadgets, and beyond: The Mary Sue is the heartbeat of geek culture.

Yeah, Warner Brothers.


Lord of the Rings

Thanks for linking for her clickbait site instead of using, newfag.

It's Blade Runner 2049

>select all squares with fat brando

thats a pretty racist thing to say

Hopefully Blade Runner 2070 will be more of Lauren's tastes.

I would probably have a beer with the guy with the Halloween 3 shirt

He look like your type? x


This movie is separating the wheat from the chaff

But... rotten tomatoes is just essentially hosting links. It doesnt come up with the reviews. The only original think they do is the bar thing, and thats not even waited beyond liked or disliked. Getting mad at a website that doesnt even do metacritic well is p silly

>as well as ignoring the existence of people of color and LGBTQIA
we can't escape the fuckers in real life. at least let us have semi-normal films.

>being kind to your own people is less worthy than making sacrifices for strangers
i hate the current year so, so much.

>your own people
It's phrases like this which make it an issue for anyone at all though, user. If there wasn't this segregationist logic to race there would be far less of an issue with social racism to begin with, can't you see that?

They decide who becomes a critic and a top critic and they write the consensus

Who would need a mug, that big?

racism is rooted in our biology. for the same reason that people favour their own family over unrelated people, they favour their own race over other races. i think it's called kin selection or something like that. it's just a fact of life that people favour their own kind, and it's something we should accept and adjust for rather than just ignoring and denying our own nature. forcing different peoples to live together for the sake of muh GDP only benefits the very rich, because then they have to deal with a divided, easily subverted worker class.

Yet I can guarantee they had an END APARTHEID shirt in the 80s.

I'm going to say... Shawshank Redemption
if you can figure out why, good on you
if you can't, come back in 5 minutes or so

Sorry dude, that's psuedoscience. For one, kin selection rarely implicates such a large group as an entire social race category. That kind of extremist kin selection may be observed a species like the honey bee, but not in sentient beings like humans. Kin selection is indeed an observable phenomenon in humans, but the idea that it is based on race is entirely unsupported and even widely dismissed. Human kin selection is actually far more closely tied to the human family unit.

>Misunderstandings persist. In many cases, they result from conflating "coefficient of relatedness" and "proportion of shared genes," which is a short step from the intuitively appealing—but incorrect—interpretation that "animals tend to be altruistic toward those with whom they share a lot of genes." These misunderstandings don’t just crop up occasionally; they are repeated in many writings, including undergraduate psychology textbooks—most of them in the field of social psychology, within sections describing evolutionary approaches to altruism. (Park 2007, p860

>women literally can't understand BR 2049

>doesn't actually engage with my argument
>just drops 'pseudoscience' buzzword and quotes he found on wikipedia
you're either stupid or dishonest.

It's not pseudoscience when other ethnicities simply aren't capable of functioning in a modern society, such as the Somalian immigrants pouring into Ohio.

Blade Runner 2070:
Good luck finding replicants, you'd be better off going next door and asking them in person

More like mid 30s after years of teenage drug abuse and alcoholism.

>movie about insignificance and loneliness
>"uh it's about women"

imagine not being a misogynist in 2017


OK Lauren you had your fun, a bunch of NEETs got triggered. Now please leave.

My sister sort of did.
Sort of.

>writes for an outlet literally named after one of the most cancerous tropes in current times
>has the gall to review movies

I really would not be surprised if women thought Mary Sue was a sexist term men used to "describe strong women that threaten them"

Stop having ideas about women

It could be for soup.

>obsessed with the idea of FERTILITY, the means by which the human race (in this case, replicants) continues
>motherhood is patriarchal is what she's getting at



>The Mary Sue


More like The Mary Wew, lmao

Disgust also works quite well as a warning signal.

>spend all their time bitching about a sexist industry
>spend all your time bitching about them bitching
Who cares? No one actually listens to what these clueless faggots have to say.

>He likes beer
Absolutely shit reddit tier taste

I feel pity for this woman's body, it didn't ask to get shacked up with that grey matter

If you're going to rely on reviews, use metacritic you fucking idiots.

Why didn't you archive this shit? Do you want to give xer clicks?

>I don't mean that in a good way
Hits home?

They aren't incompetent buffon, they are paid shills.

There are lots of white women over there, where are the coloured people they pretend to care about?

>all art must cater to my two-year-old fringe politics, because i can view the world through no other lens

okay lady, have fun with that


Definitely Blader Runner 2049.

Mary Sue is extreme even by SJW standards, and they have a weird, angry obsession with Tranny rights. There's lots in Blade Runner 2049 for them to get angry about.

Why do they always fit the stereotypes. Just stop doing it.

Guy who owns the site has a lot of influence in the media.