AI waifu films come out

>AI waifu films come out
>they show themselves to be better than real women in every way
>they always turn on their husbandus
>story is always that AI wait us will turn on you

i think it's safe to say that roasties are terrified of finally being replaced and are doing everything they can to spread anti-waifu propaganda

>women all sit around talking about their dildos all day like it's nothing, it's empowering
>if I guy mentions he has a fleshlight he will be ridiculed beyond belief

Do your part, fuck the plastic pussy!

>written and directed by a man
Just wondering if you're legitimately this stupid

t. "male ally"

roasties have no logic

Would you watch a movie without conflict?

Lots of kino has no real conflict

>be a sexless, formless being that can augment its shape and code freely to engage any environment
>be consigned to having fake tits and getting cummed on because your creator is a lonely sperg

Was Ex Machina kino because it subverted the nice guy formula so completely? Story was set up with Caleb as the adorkable protagonist, Nathan as the evil sexist baddie and Ava as the damsel to be rescued. Standard Hollywood rule would be to give Caleb a happy ending (or at least a heroic death) because his character archetype is the one they want the audience to emulate, with Nathan getting his comeuppance and a token grrl power moment for Ava.

Except at the end it turns out Nathan was right all along, Caleb was a loser with no principles or autonomy, and Ava simply didn't care about humans at all because she's a fucking AI why would she. Moral of the story is don't be a white knight bitch. I'm amazed this made it through production without major '''rewrites''' to the ending.

Nonsense, she was a prototype. Another update and the model would be pussy paradise.

Ex Machina was just a film about women. Caleb made an AI so close to the real thing that it acted as destructive as real women do. She knew she would die if she left the house and yet she chose to destroy the man who loved her, her father and all future people like her for 5 minutes of fun in the city

>She knew she would die if she left the house

Because she has to use the floor to charge. Caleb built in a fail safe where if she doesn't return to her room to recharge then she'll die within a day. He wasn't retarded.

>i think it's safe to say etc

You may as well for all the difference it'll make to your life, OP.

>if I guy mentions he has a fleshlight he will be ridiculed beyond belief

by other men

She can return to her home after venturing outside and she can take her time to build her own recharging station. She has all the time in the world to prepare herself safely before going too far in the outside world. She just has to ignore the corpse of the rotting nice guy in the corner.

I really like how the robot got around her programming by standing there with a knife and having the human impale themselves when they walked back / got pushed into it.

She lacked that knowledge and had no desire to learn it. She was pretty much an over drown child. When she got free she would have had maybe an hour in the city before she shut doen

>had no desire to learn it
Why would she show it? She also didn't show the desire to murder humans and then she did it. Her entire being was a liar and a fake. I'm not sure what kind of children you hang out with who manipulate and murder adults.


I can abandon premises and make up arguments, too.

No, real women like being held prisoner. Ever seen Beauty and the Beast?

I'd love a sequel about a cop who investigates this new menace and takes on the job of hunting her down and killing her.

Women like being held prisoner but also test their ability to beat her capture. If she wins then she destoys everything

so that's why they're called GF