Uh, I lost my temper onstage, I was at, uh, a comedy club trying to, um, do my act and I got heckled and I, I...

Uh, I lost my temper onstage, I was at, uh, a comedy club trying to, um, do my act and I got heckled and I, I, I took it badly and went into a, a rage...and uh, uh...said some pretty, uh...nasty things to some Afro-Americans...

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Andy fucking Dick had a better apology than this.

>I chose to make a joke about a subject that is not funny, in an attempt to make light of a serious subject. I have offended a lot of people, and I am sorry for my insensitivity. I wish to apologize to Ian, to the club and its patrons and to anyone who was hurt or offended by my remark.

>stop laughing

Stop laughing, it's not funny

>laughs even harder


"C'mon guys, it was just a joke!"


>he can talk he can talk he can talk he can talk




I'm not even a racist! That's what's so weird about this!

What did he mean by this?

I don't even hate niggers, thats what is so weird about all this.


I was in America when this happened and I remember my social studies teacher who was a big fat black woman just kind of disapprovingly saying "I've never heard of no AFRO americans"

>wow, Kramer's havin' a bad set!

-Dave Chappelle

I love them Afro Americans

>We'd have you upside down
What did Kramer mean by it?

Easier position to get the fork up their ass.

But I don't get it, why would the jews have black people upside down?

Why would they want them right-side up?

To diversify this fine nation of course

Thats a jew apology. KKKramer went for the white guilt apology.

>he's still never seen Richard's nigger rant