The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #2

Being Nate is suffering, mark 2

(I'm a little surprised no one beat me to this; all hail the power of coffee)

Oh shit, it's the 90s! When we were all so optimistic. And comics were X-treme.

Note the backstory rewrites/incluing done in one page.


Hah--this is really leaning into the original New 52 "we rebooted, honestly, and Superman was the first" status quo

thanks to an upcoming cover, we know nothing good comes of this, because being Nate is suffering


oh goddammit, this is great

kicking myself for not having called it

I liked the first issue. Have a bump.

is anyone out there this early in the morning?

thank you kind bumping user

Metafiction was a running theme of the original series, so this is a great way to fold in the continuity wank

I am.
Greg sure does like his "there is only one timestream and it can't be changed through time travel no matter how hard you try."

Yeah, I'm not absolutely sure how this fits in with other DC timestream shenanigans, that's the stuff that makes my head hurt no matter how much of it I read.


Ha ha ha

This is paced as a slow-motion trainwreck

and now, the year 2000

Lot of nods to Back to the Future in this issue.

>Greg twists the knife, hard

Let's go, let's go!

That's a couple of million bucks, whoops

This issue was great, it's interesting watching retcons in action

Poor Nate though


The Didio mandate for the mini makes it a formal interest, absolutely

so is Snagglepuss and I'm totally ready for it

>his issue was great, it's interesting watching retcons in action
What was it?


The original explosion dates for one

ha ha get fucked

also, this dialogue is unintentionally hilarious from these mooks, although it was the 90s...okay, 2000

And "spent time in Europe as a military brat with dad", compared to "dad walked out on us"

still wondering when/how we get our old man JSA

Hey, red underneath is...

next time, shit clearly gets worse, thanks for reading

and now, some promo material

This series was not what I was hoping for...

you're not going to have a hard drive crash this time, Warren

Seems like a really dumb and unnecessary escalation from criminals clever enough to come up with a trap like that, but timestream gonna timestream I guess. Or "Timestream. @#$%!!" as Bendis would put it.

Have a bump, man. Being Nate is suffering.



Here's hoping he didn't get cucked by Eiling here as well.

that's a new Zealot name, so I wonder how much of her he's keeping

okay, this sounds very Wildstorm of the Now

Marlowe, this is good, very good

That's a nice pic of the Nu52 league.

hoot hoot

I've noticed the covers for the next couple of issues have Nate covered in yellow and red, like Major Force. I wonder if that's on purpose.

I'm betting that part of the structure for this is "Components of the original run somehow reused or deliberately refracted". Nate going MF colors, here we have another form of a lost marriage, the nod to the metafictional rewrites of Captain Atom's background, etc.

I read that "No!" in a crying voice. God I feel bad for Nate.

Love this book so much. Sad I don't live in the states and could only buy the first floppy when I was in NYC last month. Will have to wait for the trade to support Nate.

>looks up wife
>she also married Eiling in the mean time

>shit was so Cash

Yo the 90s would be a serious downgrade.

Was that redhead meant to be a nod to Plastique? Between her hair and the purple pants, she seemed like it.

Thanks user. I guess this isn't going to be a traditional superhero story.

I'd assumed that at first too


What was Didio's mandate?

Cary Bates: When the project first came up back in the summer of 2015, believe it or not, what [DC Co-Publisher] Dan DiDio said he was looking for was a way to get the character back to what he called the core concepts of what Greg and I did in the '80s.

But it had the stipulation that the starting point had to be the New 52 version of the character.

So with that in mind, what we set out to do was to not only introduce our character, but to give the J.T. Krul/Freddy Williams version a spectacular send-off.< p>You could almost look at our first issue as the undiscovered, last issue — the unknown 13th issue of the previous run.

Get back to the spirit of the 80s run on the character but do it starting from the New 52 version.

>making jokes after being beaten and stabbed
That's our Nate!

Why is Deathblow black now?

The hell they did with Voodoo?


Those are tiny hands.

Aha, this Zealot stuff is pulling on Team One (which I never read), so maybe we'll get Madge and Backlash too.

Tiny hands and crotch floss and long calves

it was the 90s

Who is the artist? Jim Lee?

Thank you

This is almost Greek tragedy

>give to 2017 Super Hero fund

I hope

I don't know much about Captain Atom, New 52 or otherwise, but this has me interested. Does he have any must-read runs?

Bates/Weisman, post-Crisis

So Takara is basically the new version of Angela?

I wonder if what we'll get next issue is that he really did change his past, and now he comes back to the present to discover he has a 17-year old kid he never knew about, but she's dead.

and she married Eiling.

>Get sent back in time
>Get married
>I'll be home for dinner
>Blow up into a superhero but the universe sends you back to the present because you didn't exist yet
He's definitely getting cucked.

I maintain Eiling thinks he did Nate a favour in marrying his wife.

In the original Bates/Weisman run, Eiling and Angela genuinely loved each other, which made the whole situation all the more fucked up.

Poor Nate


Captain Bump

an elaborate retcon to explain why no superheroes on a 9/11

what's the reference with the Professor? not Pied Piper?

>all pictures and evidence of your existence destroyed

Some relation. His father's name is Osgood, so not him.

>tfw remembering how I went to that Owl with my dad to watch our team

On one hand, that would be a cool link.

On the other hand, there's much going on already, so I doubt they'll do much with it.


















