I have been doing a lot of thinking about the new season of IASIP probably being delayed a year and since we all know...

I have been doing a lot of thinking about the new season of IASIP probably being delayed a year and since we all know Rob Mcellhenney is willing to suffer disgusting deformities to his body in the name of comedy, what are the odds that in the time off we could get a campaign to get him to start taking a bunch of female hormones and start to physically transition to a female for the next seasons making all that tranny stuff from earlier seasons look like some nice foreshadowing of future character developments?

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Did Glen really leave?

It depends on how quickly his show with Patton Oswald flops.

Isn't the quality of the show declining significantly in the latest seasons?

I stopped watching it since that episode where they go on a cruise and almost die, it was really bad and I didn't felt like watching the show further.

>leaving your hit show that you helped co-create to star in a show with Patton Oswalt

talk about poor decisions.

Cough female writers cough cough

the series is nothing without dennis

To be fair he probably only did it because he saw everyone else leaving like Charlie with all the Hollywood movies, Dee with her own show, Frank taking to Broadway, and Mac becoming a director for the Minecraft movie.

hmmm good point.

It could be the series created by that guy who became a fat tranny just because he loved comedy so much.

Still the best comedy out there, last season, the waterpark episode, wolf cola, hero or hate crime, ptsdee, and gang tends bar were all top notch and better than every episode of anything on the networks even without being a sunny top 10 episode.

ah ha, got you, you were the first to concede a point, so you are the one who has to go to philadelphia or whatever and convince Rob to start hormones until someone else better volunteers.

He already has very feminine features and a micro dick, so it wouldn't mess him up too much.

if you haven't already dropped this show when Dennis left you are fucking retarded

You mean the last season?

yeah the most current one is terrible and they should know but they won't say anything because they wanted to include female writers...

What's the bet Rickety Cricket gets more screen time and basically becomes Dennis's replacement in the gang?

The last season is the most current one and dennis didn't "leave" until the very end of the very last episode and we don't even know if he will be included in the next two seasons because it all depends on how AP Bio does.

No that honor would obviously go to Frankito.

>ratings tank
>star of show suddenly dies from overdose no one could have seen coming
>another year of sympathy and attention!
>yay Patton!

as if they didnt have a contingency plan

Fuck off Krager you cunt


if i were him i would leave unless they changed the affirmative action hires

>implying you have ever had a job to leave

Holy fuck, that faggot cannot shutup about Trump.

>The look and sound of regret on Glenns face and in his voice.

oh when women and minorities start to gain a prominent position in my workplace i leave immediately. i have learned first hand the downward spiral the company takes after they do this

Its hard to have a good work place when shitty people like you are constantly sandbagging and crying about you are shamed by your fellow clansmen for making less than the nigger or sluts you work with.

>most talented actor of the cast
>has to star in some shitty Patton Oswald show
life is unfair

im not mad because i make less i make more than they do. im mad because they are retarded and give me more work to do than is necessary and create unnecessary drama

Patton finally has a cool and attractive male friend.
Can't stop whistfully gazing into his eyes while asking him awkward questions, while cameras are in their face

I get it, you don't work efficiently or quickly and don't reap any emotional rewards because you don't like what you do since you just do it for the money and to hide from women, that is what I meant by sandbagging.

stop arguing with holes

i get it, you don't work efficiently or quickly and don't reap any meritocratic rewards because you don't like what you do you just do it for the money and to fuck up what everyone else is trying to do, this is what i meant by women and minorities in the workplace. you get nothing done and create more problems than you solve

Subjective rewards are shit tier, Trump has worked hard his entire life and most people still talk about him like he is an asshole, but I didn't realize what you were trying to do here, so are you a woman or minority?

you need to to take a break because you aren't making any sense

It made perfect sense I am saying that you will never get all or even most people to agree that you did a good job, so expecting merit from others to be a better reward than your own emotional satisfaction is retarded.

I was just curios if you were a woman or minority since you obviously just came to this thread to fuck up what everyone else was trying to do and getting nothing done but bring up a bunch of dramatic problem like how terrible you women and/or minorities are.

shut up bitch

Since you talk like a dumb nigger I guess I will just assume that one without ruling out the possibility of you also being a women.

this dumb nigger hates women and minorities especially in ASIP because they ruined it. if you can't realize that i can't help you

Take it out on Rob by forcing him to become woman, then, if it bothers you why don't you actually accomplish something instead of being a dramatic little bitch that gets nothing done.

>why don't you do x
why can't i complain about it on an anonymous imageboard without some roastie getting absolutely buttblasted about it?

You were free to make your own thread and complain all you want, but you came into a different thread with your drama and started trying to just fuck up what everyone else was doing.

i came into a thread about ASIP to talk about how shit it has gone because of female writers. why are you so upset roastie?

You thought Dennis had been gone for an entire season, you don't know anything about the show.

nope. i said now he is gone this show is over

No you said this most current season was terrible because of the implications that the female writers got rid of dennis when dennis hasn't even officially and it had nothing to do with any writers let alone new writers.

Get a load of these two fags. ^

Don't care anymore. It became exactly the kind of show it was making fun of. High production values and hair implants make those kind of shows fall apart. It's just not comfy anymore, one more soulless Hollywood turd.

When did Seinfeld have high production values and hair implants?

>now he is gone

This is the thing about Sunny, it's so much worse than it used to be but it's still solidly watchable, I know I'll just keep eating whatever they shit out.

Yea its because they all got old and married with children, there should be a rule that nobody with children should be allowed near black comedy.