That episode of The Simpsons were Bart drops a baseball so he is humiliated...

>That episode of The Simpsons were Bart drops a baseball so he is humiliated, excluded and bullied by the town and eventually attempts suicide


>That episode where they brought Spider Pig back



Wasn't that supposed to be a whole thing about how people take sports too seriously?

I thought him being called spider pig was a single gag. Was that his name?

no it is harry plopper

>Bart cracks and start shitting on himself, with everyone seeing how far they went with the baseball shit
Honestly wouldnt you do the same?

Imagine being a guy who wanted Ridley or Bandana Dee in Smash Bros.

Youre playing as them in fangames or Legacy XP, while the director jerks off to KI again w/ Nintendo requesting to add more FE characters once again

or a Golden Sun fan, entire nintendo fanbase shit on them harder than obnoxious Mother fans from due to le "babbies first" meme.

>That episode after the golden years that is irrelevant and shouldn't be discussed.


>sports fanatics

>That Episode where Carmen Electra frames the Simpsons for murder just so people can laugh at them on television & they also get sexually harassed by a creepy old lady.

>that episode where Wiggum gets a jetpack and sings about being the skypolice until the army finds out causing him to attempt fleeing with it but it malfunctions and blows up the church

I wish I were making this up.

>I wish I were making this up.
I wish you were too.
I'm glad I don't watch it anymore, barring visits to my mother.

>That episode where Bart & Lisa try to help Krusty, only to find that identical Dostoyevsky children have done it for them & then threateningly stares at Bart through his window.

You're forgetting the part where he blends 2 people in the jets and blood flies everywhere.

Bit of both. His name is actually Harry Plopper but the movie really shoved the Spider Pig joke down our throats

>That episode where Bart almost steals a video game & his mother starts to refuse to care for him & exclude him from all familial funtime or interactions.

It likely was meant to be about people taking sports to seriously but it's terribly executed and completely humourless

>Bort sells his soul & then has a psychotic mental breakdown over the ramifications of it.
>Lisa has a semi-successful babysitting service until Bart violently injures himself just to see her fail & to ruin her reputation.

You'd think that would be the message, but that's not how it turned out. After attempting suicide, failing, and getting shit on for failing that, he's given another at the game so he can "make up" or some shit.

>>Lisa has a semi-successful babysitting service until Bart violently injures himself just to see her fail & to ruin her reputation.
I honestly like Season 8, but that episode was always really off for me

>refuse to care for him

That's not what she did though. What happened was she was incredibly disappointed that he'd stoop so low he tried to steal something and was even further upset that Bart didn't learn what he did was wrong when he got caught and only apologized for getting caught. For a situation like that you can't just punish your kid by sending them to their room you have to genuinely show them how disappointed you are and the only real way for her to do that was by not partaking in any fun activities with him. Notice how at the end of the episode she started being more open towards him again once he finally realized why what he did was wrong and tried to make amends for it.

>>Lisa has a semi-successful babysitting service until Bart violently injures himself just to see her fail & to ruin her reputation.
To be fair, as it turns out nobody really cared
so Bart ended up breaking his rm for no reason.

oh come on... bort

nobody cares about Little League

Still, grievous bodily self-harm just to spite someone is rather fucked up, even for Bart. They also heavily imply that it's still somehow all Lisa's fault in the end, but kinda brush that shit under the rug. It seems like it DOES paint her as a horrible person, but they don't have any alternatives.


Are you talking to me?!

no! my son is also named bort

>The entire school goes bankrupt & gets bought out by a malevolent toy company, milks the children for ideas & then takes them to make Furbies that literally violently murder other toys (which you would not have needed the children's input to do.)

>being a golden sun fan
>get only 3 games and the third wasn't as good as the others imo
>only get Isaac as assist trophy in shitty brawl
>FE gets fucking 6 characters in smash 4 but no Isaac, Felix or Matthew
>treated as shit by Nintendo and fans
It's not fair

>the family goes in a cruise vacation and bart tricks everyone on the ship to think that they are the only people alive on the world just so he could stay on he´s vacation forever

Where Bart episodes always bad or is just because new Simpsons is so awful

They weren't always winners, but they weren't always bad either.

Bart episodes almost always use the concept of Bart being an asshole kid.
Back in the day, they did it more realistically where he'd do things a kid would do, and learn a lesson.

Now its more of a sitcom scenario, but by trying to take it more real it just comes off like he's a complete asshole who never learns lessons like a Family Guy/Bojack Horseman character.

i feel ya

>full 3D Golden Sun Switch never
>nope Xenoblade Wii gets a direct sequel

That shit was such a case of "oops we can't find ideas to finish that episode"

That whole bit was literally a Family Guy episode, you could have replaced Wiggum with Peter

Also you forgot to mention the part where he kills two kids with the jetpack, blood spraying everywhere.