In what Sup Forums series the hero slowly turns into the big bad over the course of the show?

In what Sup Forums series the hero slowly turns into the big bad over the course of the show?

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Clone Wars

The madman can actually do it. Sun Wukong was a villain on the original novel until he chimp out on heaven and Buddha gave him a lesson

>Two consecutive evil Goku arcs
How original

Nah, Goku isn't gonna be evil.

That said, he's gonna cause the destruction of a shitload of universes and end BILLIONS of lives because he can't keep his mouth shut.

and he's the ambassador of the 2020 Olympics


>Surrender filthy gaijins or perish
Trump demanding cash in exchange of military protection disregard the only argument against the return of the Japanese army besides muh PSTD so Imperial Japan is back.

she probably won't end up evil permanently, but it seems like Star will be briefly evil some time during the next story arc.



>it's an "OP pretends to be interested in comics/cartoons but actually just wants to discuss something off-topic and will refuse to read/watch anything suggested" thread

Anyway, Cerebus the Aardvark.

To be fair the last DB thread the one with 500 reply we discover that the discussion here is better than in Sup Forums so o don't blame him



Oops kinda dizzy just look in the archive it just died like 5 hours ago

This image reminds me of Halt and Catch Fire.

Does it even matter?
All destroyed universes will be brought back via Dragon Balls or Angel Timey Wimey shenanigans

I hope so because Goku is a hero for many children and Toei already fired a director for the Future Trunks arc ending so I doubt they'll go that dark again.

Look at all these characters who can KILL SUPERMAN

The Half of the Super balls are on one of the destroyed universes.

Shit will not hit the fan that hard, something will stop the tournament, I bet the new Zeno is evil but the old one not.

Who's the beauty in the background?

Can they?
Depending on which Superman we're talking about he could live. Or if we just take everything about Superman and put it together he could definitely live.

And their respective angels are stronger
And the angels's father is the strongest
And Zeno is Dr Manhattan without the existential pathos

Checkmate Sup Forums

They're all the other Gods of Destruction. (Minus Champa, Beerus, and Gimli)

Their "destruction" power is magical in nature. Unless you've got a Superman who can shield himself from that shit he's fucked.

And even then, they're strong enough to casually kick a planet and make it explode and two of them fighting can make a universe implode.

Oh I guess he's probably screwed then in a fight but he still could survive it, since Superman has survived being hit by what was basically a supernova. As for destroying galaxies I'm pretty sure one version of Superman punched reality.

>Goku said he would no longer be a pawn to the gods
>No longer gives a shit about Beerus threats
>In this episode he did to the thiefs what Raditz did to the farmer
>Chichi goes on how nobody should train since there are no bad guys anymore before Goku goes to train
Shit is real and it's happenign

I'm not talking about regular Superman. I'm not talking about Superboy Prime. I'm not even talking about Golden Superman who spent 10,000 years inside the sun. I'm talking about Superman Thought Robot, created by the Monitors of All Reality, powered by the fusion of the Ultimate Evil and the Ultimate Good, with 3D Super-vision, larger than the entire cosmos, with the power of THE GOOD GUY ALWAYS WINS in all caps.

Still loses to Demonbane

Honestly, Cerebus is only the big bad for himself, funnily enough.

Didn't they leave everyone who was a bad guy dead after boo killed them? How come there are still bad guys?

How did yamcha learn the spirit bomb before goku?

Beerus is Chaotic Neutral who showed up because he was bored.

Frieza was revived by his minions who were unaffected by the wish.

Champa and Co. only needed to be fought because Beerus and him can't stop trying to show off who has a bigger dick.

The Zamasu's only exist because of the tournament that Champa and Beerus held and because Gowasu is a fucking shit Supreme Kai.

The current tournament is the product of Goku being a battle crazy fight monkey who doesn't care about consequences.

I was thinking more about the bank robbers and guys with guns that keep showing up


Holy shit what episode is this from and what led up to it?

>billions of lives

Try centillions.

Today episode, some thugs tried to rob Goku after he sold his vegetables in the local market.


Does it count if the evil version is from the future?

Looks like Cleopatra. They probably changed her name.

Bojack Horseman

Let me guess. Their special powers involve using super hadoukens, right?

Nah they basically just hit ctrl+x on shit, delete it from reality

The dungeon master could also qualify since he was pretty optimistic in Poltron-Minet.

Good guys doing bad things? Never happened in society!

Maybe they were short on money for their daughter's operation?

Zamasu was right.

I've secretly been wanting this to go down ever since I saw how selfish Goku could be in BotG. At least in DBZ, he was trying to hurt Frieza's ego, and was giving Gohan a chance to prove himself. In BotG, he was just thinking about himself

Question, is Super worth watching now?
All I heard about it was it was an awfully animated recap of the movies so I kind of stuck away from it.

>Goku's selfishness and stupidity is responsible for all the quadrillions of people who will die because of this stupid tournament
Truly the hero we deserve

gods of destruction aren't evil. STR is powerless against them.

>is Super worth watching now?
Yes. Watch it since episode 28

Also, opinions on the new opening?

spirit ball is not spirit bomb

>Goku turns evil
>Akiras original plan of having Gohan become the protagonist comes to fruition

a man can dream

You niggas are digging where there is no oil

Fuck Gohan

Goku beats the shit out of a furry, what's not to like?

>Vegeta is a more considerate and loving husband to Bulma than Goku is to Chichi

>Goku looks kind of menacing >Beerus looks like the good guy.
What did Toriyama mean by this?

So Bulma has always had blue hair, now the new power level for Saiyans has blue hair.
Has Bulma secretly always been the most powerful member of the group?

this is good

>All I heard about it was it was an awfully animated recap of the movies so I kind of stuck away from it.

It's not a recap after the first ~30 episodes or so, but it is still awfully animated.

I just want my man Vegeta to finally be on the top once and for all
Is that so much to ask?

Anyone remember the retard who was convinced that Bra was going to be Trunks and Mai's daughter?
Gohanfag never held up his end of the bargain.

He is a fucking superhero. Superman vs Goku SOON

Dose ah da only churches dat has God!

its a webcomic

What if End of Z is just Goku hallucinating in his last moments alive after his friends banded together to mercy kill him?

This is what makes him blatlanty evil, hes the big bad

bojack horseman


In Goku's defense, he didn't kill the thug. He contained his strength

Goku is selfish because he's kinda losing his mind while waiting for Buu's reincarnation on this long period of peace but see above. There's still good on him. Even on the BotG movie you can see he really care about his friends and family, even Chichi

When was he ever the hero?

That's, like, half the fun of enjoying a show. Mindless theorizing

That costume is top tier

>All those bonding moments between Goku and Goten on Super
>Goten worship his dad
>Goten give him the final blow
Now that will be the saddest anime ever.

>Sun Wukong was a villain
citation needed

he got worse trough the series,you have to the point where the last season finale had him losing almost all of his friends

Journey to the West

>Trump demanding cash in exchange of military protection disregard the only argument against the return of the Japanese army
>not huge change in mentality


First he became the Kingpin, then he became leader of the Hand but then Shadowland happened

>And Zeno is Dr Manhattan without the existential pathos
So far we've seen Zeno float, teleport and destroy a universe. He's not that powerful. Zeno doesn't even have Chronal-Awareness like Dr Manhatten does.

Zeno-fags are the worst people in the Dragonball fandom, with non-stop, wall-to-wall fabrication and even outright lying about the character.

Pathetic beyond pathetic.

Star Wars cartoon series.

>Beerus is Chaotic Neutral who showed up because he was bored
He's Netural evil,at best.

Nah actally. The Thought-Robot shits all over Demonbane. And no, it can't beat Mandrakk either, because Demonbaje is not a character or story which has major real-world influence or inspiration toward real world people. Mandrakk and The Thought Robot are beings of pure Eucatastrophic Fiction.

That's not Superman though.

I knew there was something out of the ordinary in yesterdays episode.

Japan's right wing has been trying to change the constitution for years and besides old WW2 survivors like Hayao Miyazaki protesting, the only sensible argument was that it was cheaper to allow Americans to take care of the national defense, even if they like to chimp out on Okinawa and rape girls but Japan always saw Okinawa more like a colony than an actual part of its territory. Nevertheless the right wing has been pushing the project for years, trying to have a more friendly image of the army among the public opinion. Trump's new external direction fits perfectly for the Japanese right wing's intentions. That's how international politics work.

wtf I hate goku now

>So far we've seen Zeno float, teleport and destroy a universe.

We only saw Dr. Manhattan float, teleport, and destroy Rorschach.

>Zeno doesn't even have Chronal-Awareness like Dr Manhatten does.

Well, this is anime for five-year-olds so even if he simultaneously existed along all points in his timeline we would never get an extended inner monologue to show it, so that's not a real argument.

>even if he simultaneously existed along all points in his timeline
He doesn't. That is why there are 2 Zenos now.

It he evil? He's just doing his job, they even call champa a lazy fuck because he's not completing his share of planets eliminated

back-peddling, goal-post moving, deflection, psuedo-logic, you do it all. I accept your surrender.

We've seen Manhatten move between universes, manipulate matter and energy, teleport others, alter his own body, create life, create universes, show awareness of the past, present and future simultaneously...

Meanwhile, Zeno fans do nothing but lie and make things up.

The song feels uninspired and generic. There's nothing memorable about it at all. The video was decent enough.

>We've seen Manhatten move between universes

>create life, create universes
DC rebirth ain't Watchmen canon, yo.

Raditz didn't kill the farmer either. In the anime he was still alive and in the manga the body disappeared which implies he got up and got away.

Thinking back on it, I don't think Raditz killed anyone. Compared to Vegeta, Nappa and all the other villains that came after him he was a saint.

yes and no, some episodes are filler and are worth skipping, but i say the episodes worth watching is when champa showed up and held that tourney against beerus, the black goku arc, and the current new arc now.

i really wish there'd be someway of bringing radits back, i'm mean it's it's not like you can't wish him back with the dragon balls, and since goku is way more powerful than him now, it will sure keep him in line.

I hope these new universe people actually deliver. Universe 6 was such a fucking disappointement.

>Piccolo recolor
>Frieza recolor
>Fuccboi Vegeta
>Winnie the Pooh
>And don't get me on the dumb robot

not going to lie, it is