An infamous day in the writing room

"Alright guys we need to bang out an episode for the week uuhhm... okay what if... Principle Skinner wasn't the real Seymor Skinner?"

>identity theft isn't a thing

>Punished Skinner

Don't you dare fucking defend this episode.

It was an intentional parody/satire of sitcoms that pull off plots like that

Not the REAL Principle Skinner? At this point in the series? After THIS much time has occured?

An episode ENTIRELY about how ONE established character stole another mans IDENTITY?


... will it be good?

I honestly like this episode.

get out

Nice meme

Interestingly that isn't AT ALL how this episode was conceived. Ken Keeler seriously considers it his masterpiece and his definitive statement on the Simpsons / television pop culture. If you listen to it with the commentary it actually gets uncomfortable as everyone in the room says, "Heh, I guess people just didn't dig this one.." as he gets assblasted and spergs out and defends it as 2DEEP4U. I remember he has some snide condescending point about how everyone hating his episode proves that he's right or something. I love Futurama but: CUNT.

I will never understand people's autistic conniption fits over this utterly innocuous episode.

Why does it matter that Skinner wasn't Skinner for one episode when Homer and Marge have multiple completely different stories of how they first met that take place in different eras, their children keep being born later and later, etc.?

There needs to be a planned final season of the show that directly addresses the idea that the citizens of Springfield are unstuck in time.

Well for one thing this is the first time I remember watching a Simpsons episode and literally finding no joke or line even remotely enjoyable...

with the small exception of "Up yours, Children!" but considering this was still in the hayday when the Simpsons having a bad episode was the odd one out and not the norm it kinda makes sense.

So Homer's gone from Boomer to Gen X, when will he be a Millenial?


The could just do a Newhart end.

Everyone hates those episodes.

He's already on the gen-x border with the nebulous Y starting period.

it is kind of more of a futurama type episode isn't it. really deep, yeah, but not -funny-
thankfully that era has ended and now it's just mindless wackiness, same as family guy. no attempt at depth, which means no depth failure backfiring
you didn't laugh at 'armon's can of peas' ?
or his 'yes mother' even when he's in that apartment?
it wasn't exactly a laugh riot but it had some moments. the character of real-skinner was funny as fuck beginning to end