tyrese is now paying $13,000 a month in child support and he cant see his kid.

Other urls found in this thread:


If he can afford $13k a month in child support he can afford a better lawyer who can get him access to his damn kid

It's all Dwayne Johnson's fault, clearly.

women were a mistake.

>muh chilens
70-75% of all black families in america are fatherless they dont give a fuck, hes just upset about having to pay


>black guy WANTS to be with his kid
am i dreaming?

One comment
= One prayer

Take back those insidious words, varlot, else I shall have to challenge you to a duel. Have you your second? Tyrese is a good and honourable man.

lmfao why the fuck would he post this on social media

should have never fucked with the rock, nigger



No, he just doesn't want to spend $13k a month.


the curse has been lifted


This is the same guy who was flexing hard as fuck in front of his mansion on YouTube after another comic accused him of casting couched for the film Baby Boy.

>$13.000 a month in child support
He can't afford 13 dollars a month?

What does the rock have to do with this though?

the rock delayed his paycheck

Who the fuck records himself crying and sobbing like a retard then uploads it to the internet?

Ever heard of dignity?

this should be condom ad.

The Rock will help him out.
They might hate each other and keep making it public, but there's no way he'll kick him while he's down.

Welcome to the JUSTice League, Tyrese.

>paying money
>can't see the kid
equality everyone

In what world does it cost $13,000 a month to raise a child?


The real question is how the fuck he's unable to afford it.


brother of Dr. Cox

Niggers are notoriously bad at financial management

kek this crying bitch was actually trying to play john stewart in the DCU

oh god im laughing so hard

>blacks dont crac......

t. NEET that lives in his mom's basement.


does Neogaf still have you crackers banned?