My 2 best friends from high school got convicted of first degree murder not too long ago...

My 2 best friends from high school got convicted of first degree murder not too long ago. They were burglarizing a home and a third person they were with was killed by the home owner. It's a mandatory life sentence here in my state. We used to play WoW up to LK, COS and GOW together before they became drug addicts.

Movies for this feel?

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Did this happen in Broken Arrow?

nice viral marketing thread you got there shill

Where the hell do you live that this is murder?

No. I know what you're talking about.
Yea we hadn't spoken in years I found out through a friend. Still feels weird.

The United States

Tell us their names.

Are you sure? I think you're confusing two F words. Apparently they were convicted of "felony murder."

Damn, that sucks user.

dumb nigger you don't have feelings

Don't Breathe

Sucks that you lost your friends, but now there are 2 more niggers (wiggers?) in jail and one in the ground


I don't see the problem. Criminal scum don't deserve the right to exist in wider society.

Some parts of the US do this, if someone dies during a crime and you're an accomplice to the crime you are at fault for the death

>In the UK if you kill a masked knife wielding man who is yelling at the top of his lungs that he's going to rape and kill you and your entire family, you still go to jail.
>In the the US if you break into someone's house unarmed with your friends and they kill your friend, you not only go to jail for the burglary but also for killing your friend which you didn't do.

Really makes you think.

American History X

>In the UK if you kill a masked knife wielding man who is yelling at the top of his lungs that he's going to rape and kill you and your entire family, you still go to jail.

This is not true. We have self-defence laws, and castle doctrine in the UK.

Try again Burgerman.

Bin that 'trine

Firstly you're wrong, when people get arrested for defending their property in the UK it's usually because they've used an illegal weapon, and secondly the law I mentioned is only practiced in some US states, mostly southern ones.
t. unbiased third party

Shit sorry man, that sucks

Is that you Canada?

As I recall, most states have felony murder so you might be thinking of the mandatory sentencing.

The Place Beyond the Pines, if Sup Forums hasn't gotten you to watch it already.

You're right I was just going from memory and a couple of wires crossed

>not taking the fall for them

So, you're not a real friend after all.

>when people get arrested for defending their property in the UK it's usually because they've used an illegal weapon
>illegal weapon

that's fucking retarded

Nigga, If you can't defend your home with your bare hands, you don't deserve it

Ah, Australia's Canada

>Stealing jokes from John Oliver

My bare hands are backup for when my bear arms fail

>"Too weak to fight like a REAL MAN?"
People who speak as such are cardboard cutouts.

>an illegal weapon
"Stop tire bike violence. Just let him do it."
This message brought to you by the Refugees Welcome Initiative.

I honest to God have never watched that man's content. I am ashamed to share that man's humor but I will not apologize.

They're trying to ban battery acid now. Parody is a few months behind reality.

you niggers?

>People who speak as such

You: I'm gonna punch that guy in the face!
Me, an intellectual: I shall bequeath my wisdom onto that vagabond so that he does not slight me again in the future.

>yes your honor, the house just sucked us in against our own volition. we had no plan or expectations to go there, and we had no idea death is a very real possibility in a country with more guns than people

the mind of a criminal nigger

Look in your couch for change and buy yourself another taco.

Homeowner casts Corrupted Blood on Wewuz.
Jamal and Hakeem are affected by Corrupted Blood.
Wewuz's swing misses Homeowner.
Homeowner gains 20 rage.
Homeowner's execute crits Wewuz (2429 overkill).
Wewuz dies.
Jamal and Hakeem are affected by Fear.

They're brown

they should've just killed themselves desu, what kind of stupid nigger does home invasions nowadays? just sell drugs you stupid cunts.

Junkies are not physically capable of being drug dealers. I do not do or sell drugs.

First degree murder has to be premeditated.

felony murder statues nicked 'em again