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Twitter is such a cancerous means of communication. Just write an article, Norm.

read from bottom to top dummy


what movie is this from?

I know how to read it from top to bottom but that doesn't mean it isn't a terrible format.

What's that random exchange with Neil Gaiman about?

>He is realizing the downside to living in a democracy where anyone can vote
>Worse than that, we don't even have voter ID laws

Daily Reminder that aristocratic republics are the only sensible manner of governing

holy shit he has no fucks given

Trump is as much a product of the system as the people he is decrying. Trump was just a nepotism baby that used dad's money to get into real estate and other projects and just used pure ego to rise to the top.

You can't be successful and brash and then turn it off. He is what he is. Everyone around him knew it.

Just look at his less successful children. Willpower isn't genetic even if you don't like the guy, you have plenty of examples just looking at rest of Trump clan.

Blaming this on him when he is much more a symptom is hilarious. Hollywood helped create the monster and now Frankenstein's Monster got free and they're shitting themselves.

hes answering other tweets in between, that one just happen to fall between the ones i wanted so it wasnt cropped out

my rare and patrician nigger. no one will listen to you though because we taught the underclass how to read and gave the egalitarian idealism

What I'm getting from this: you saying a bad person is bad doesn't make you a good person, and celebrities are using people like Trump and Weinstein to gain power and make money by saying they're bad people. Yeah, that's pretty true.

Only thing I disagree with is that I'd love to see American Candidate.

I didn't realize Jim Carry was the last episode of the season

>Only thing I disagree with is that I'd love to see American Candidate.
But you do get to see it. Every 4 years for thr executive edition at least

>Trump was just a nepotism baby that used dad's money to get into real estate
You say this like it's a bad thing. Do you honestly think he shouldn't have used the money given to him, and was wrong to follow the same career path as his father? What is your expectation for someone in this position?
>and just used pure ego to rise to the top.
When you say things like this you reveal yourself for what you are, deluded and biased. Stopped reading there

why does the font change

it litereally said see you next season at the end

i think his producer was seen hanging out with Bill Murray an someone else recently tho

is this the funny fat guy?

>If you believe in alternatives, you must believe in afterlife

sounds like a suicide threat lmao

And he's absolutely right about everything

Norm for president?

>we don't even have voter ID laws
What... do you mean you don't vote with an ID Card/are written down when you vote? What kind of system is that?

May he live long.

I'm saying it's much easier to get into real estate if you start with millions of dollars. He didn't earn that shit on his own and it should be owned, up front.

That's what makes it an objective statement by being fair with what details are involved. Language even not spoken is as much about inflection and inference than anything else so when I say something, I want it as well rounded as possible. If we're talking about capitalism and winners within it..where you start and what you do with it are relevant.

I don't have any expectations, I'm pointing out history of how they got there and why norm is being silly. He is acting like Trump is a catalyst for the machine when he is just another piece on conveyor belt like rest of people he is angry about.

People are often short sighted but this has happened many times. Bush 2 was joked about as being a Sith on Daily Show back in 06' with Cheney being Emperor etc.

Clinton was fodder for everyone for cheating scandal.

Obama mostly got a pass because he was well spoken and black. Oh I suppose anger translator sort of counts but that was more satire than criticism.

My point is you're angry that i'm pointing out despite where he started and how he did it, he rose to top. While his children have been far less successful in similar circumstances.

A system to ensure those win who are supposed to

do you think he gets free chicken wings in exchange for playing Colonel Sanders?

>if you believe in alternatives, you must believe in afterlife

But what about poor people who have no id (except for the one they use for booze, cars, cigs, and jobs that don't count) you racis or something dude?

Yeah but... why don't you vote with IDs? Is that racist too? To vote with IDs? What's the problem with that? I had an ID Card since I was... 14 or so.

Racist democrats assume blacks are too dumb to get an ID so it would discriminate against them

why the fuck does Sup Forums idolize this unfunny bumbling buffoon? all he's saying is gibberish ffs

Illegal use fake ids which would be flagged by the system as fraudulent if they were used to vote.

Yes. "Niggers are too stupid to go down the DMV, they can't even read or ride the bus, so if you want viter IDs that means you don't want niggers to vote" is the official narrative

What Norm movies and television shows are we discussing here? I do not see any.

>keeping people too dumb to get an ID from voting is a bad thing
get your shit together america

Only gentile left in the biz

>Popularists can gain power sheerly by being popular.
>A recent discovery.

Jesus Christ
For example

What biz? Podcasts??????

This, if only the rich and educated were allowed to vote we would have the Madame President that we so desperately needed and deserved.

Norm said Trump is awful, does this mean we have to hate him now too?

>celebrities are most often celebrities because they did not want to work hard
god damn #roasted

This board is full of idiots, if you tell them to believe that, they will. So yes.

we don't love Trump, we love that he triggers lefties

Fuck you, its not my fault that's my dominant hand

t. triggered trumpster

Remember when Norm BTFO Brett Easton Ellis?

I... I don't know what to say. I'm living in fucking PAY DENBTS Land, and if you skip voting it's a punishable offense. People travel to their home-"states" to vote. We have IDs from 14 or so.Man, this is just as stupid as the "21 to drink" rule. I started off with light stuff around, what, 10?

Why are you like that? Why has nobody changed that? How can the US be so far ahead in certain things, and so cucked in others?

He won't read this post, he has a problem learning how to read and it makes him uncomfortable

I unironically believe everything in this one

America wouldn't be the greatest place to live in the world if it tried to be like shitty backwater cucklands, you fucking moron.

>tfw season 3 of Norm Macdonald Live was complete shit

Norm thinks literally all politicians are crooks. Remember he was he guy on SNL willing to do Vince Foster jokes.

Also like all wise men Norm doesn’t really reveal his full beliefs. He says whatever he feels like to challenge your beliefs. A legit modern philosopher.

>we don't love Trump, we love that he triggers lefties
Actually heard something similar from my dad. It's the weirdest fucking thing.

This is the state of politics now. People being mad at "the other side" and just liking people because "they make the other side mad". We like Trump, he triggers the left. We like endless late night talk shows devoted to bashing Trump, they trigger the right.

Meanwhile, both sides take turns further eroding the 4th amendment in the name of "security", and people don't give a shit.

Americans give less and less a shit about their freedoms the more time goes on, unless you're vaguely threatening the 1st or 2nd amendment. Any other? Silence.

jim carrey, seinfeld, letterman, dana carvey, rich little, steve merchant

all greats especially those first 3

Norm is simply pointing out that it's not a case of good vs bad, and you're not automatically correct and good for taking one side against the other. There are total cunts in every camp.

I hate centrists like you because your basically the other side fuck off. For the first in history my side will completely eradicate an opposing ideology forever. This time it's going to happen.

It's because nobody wants what's right, they just want to feel right.

If ideas could be wiped out, you wouldn't exist. My Nazi wannabe friend.

what monster? can someone tell me what Trump is doing that is so wrong?

>economy is booming
>national security is excellent

the only argument people seem to have is

>muuuh religions freedom for muuuuh religion of peace da news told me
>muuuh infinite immigration that must not stop or be regulated for some reason even though it hurts everyone's wallet massively the news told me so

You hate people who still give a shit about the freedoms that are supposed to be guaranteed to American citizens, and see past the political circus?
fuck off


Democrats are right 2bh, why do you think they'd be so against them if it wouldn't lead to a retardation of black turnout?

I’ll say this about Trump, I support the leader that wants to be hard on 3rd World immigrants than be hard on citizens.

>Gunman massacres a crowd in Vegas
>Democrats: Ban Guns!
>Republicans: Well let’s not get political after a tragedy.

>3rd world Muslim shithead immigrant runs over bikers in NYC
>Trump and Republicans: Make immigration far harder to let people in and only bring in the best and brightest
>Democrats: Well let’s not turn a tragedy political...

You know what the difference is with the 2nd one? We could have avoided that shit by not letting an Uzbekistan no talent dirtbag in. Steven Paddock was going to be an American citizen no matter what and with his capital could have found ways to procure weapons no matter how strict our laws get.


What does this have to do with... not knowing who's a legal citizen when voting? That's a straight up moronic move. What's even the logic behind it?

If it's so great why isn't your country the greatest country in the world?

Except that's wrong. And one shot 500 people. The other did something a drunk driver could have done on accident.

Based Vladposting tho. Straight up facebook memery right there.

Women and minorities once again proving they're worthless. The barnacles of society.

first Em, now Norm too?
fucking dropped.


Ah, so you're retarded... I'm pointing out how such a policy is retarded, when even one of the most fucked up countries in the world isn't practising it, you moron.

Because nobody has the balls to say "gas the hews, deport all mexicans, hang the gays" whites would rather slowly die than have the wrong opinion

So they just say "angry lefties are funny"

Not like the brave and self-sustaining Sup Forums posters of the world

Part when Tyson says "nigger word" is the goldest moment in history of gold moments

>If Weinstein is an animal and you loudly decry him, it does not make your virtuous.
I was actually thinking about this today. For all of the anger these accusations generate there seems to be a level of celebrity and credence given to the person who voices them. Whether it be bestowed by way of attention or validation or whatever, we are creating this machine in which people are able to profit from dragging others down. I read a post earlier today talking about how social media is basically just teenage girls shit-talking (I think they were referring to the black guy from the Fast & Furious franchise berating The Rock about some thing or another). I can't think of a more accurate statement, social media is an accelerated gossip chain that people use to bully and put down others for their own personal gain. Since time immemorial people have used their status and popularity to insult or brag or generally engage in distasteful behaviour, however now they are rewarded with attention and praise to the point where this popularity can be monetised. I can understand how it may seem conducive to recognise predators and call out unsavoury behaviour, but when we start incentivising the process you are inviting people to exaggerate or fabricate damages. People's lives should not be put on parade, magazines and newspapers that did this were universally condemned but it has now become common practice to engage in mob justice.

>10% of the population doesnt sway a vote

what are mathmatics?

>That's what makes it an objective statement
>Trump was just a nepotism baby that used dad's money to get into real estate and other projects and just used pure ego to rise to the top.
Stopped reading here to be honest. not really, but everything you said is either conjecture or off topic nonsense. it still shocks me that people can write so much gibberish yet be convinced that they know what they're talking about

Kind of surprised American Candidate never got off the ground. Sounds schlocky and controversial enough to be huge.

heh, upvoted my friend

>the tyrese incident cause his crack baby was given to the other parent

norm shat on him today too

It's also notable that people on Twitter don't seem to understand that if they keep perpetuating this mob justice, it could turn against them.

>Meanwhile, both sides take turns further eroding the 4th amendment in the name of "security", and people don't give a shit.

>Sup Forums gives a shit about stuff in this post, except the 4th amendment stuff

I honestly believe the rise of social media caused people to stop caring. People became so accustomed to disclosing so much personal information, that they stopped caring when it's taken by the government without permission or cause.

Mob justice? I think you mean oligarchical/feudal justice. Whoever pays the most money to get the upboats wins on twitter.

>The other did something a drunk driver could have done on accident.
I hope you find yourself being rammed by an ISIS inspired Terrorist

And then you can say to yourself “Well it could have been a drunk driver. Oh well!” As you bleed out on the asphalt.

It's almost as if government regulations on big businesses like facebook are necessary.

OH well, gotta lower them taxes and reduce regulation!

>celebrities see they can gain actual power
Anyone remember who was president from 1981-1988? Anyone?

so am I

why not think for yourself?

Based Vladposter, getting own'd and retreating into feels. I'm sure it feels much better to die when you get shot by an American citizen firing an American gun, amirite?

no, he's pretty clearly saying that Trump is fucktarded.

Nobody is actually being hurt from these scandals

It's all smoke and mirrors, so when they go after the goyim they can say "look we went after our kind too, it's impartial!"

>wishing someone dead because they disagree with you

>we love that he triggers lefties

It's weird to see people being so proud about being retarded.

It's just a Vladposter user. Don't bother responding.

>the interview with Jim Carey
Norm was on the edge of being as bad as Jim. Could barely communicate at times

you do that faggot
ill wait for few ms paints and underlined twitter screenshots to make up my own mind

Don't forget sourceless text on image-macro or cropped headlines from Russia Today. Those are the true red-pilled sources.