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I think I'll never be this hyped for a Marvel movie again

it felt so weird being a cosmic fan and seeing all these characters go big

I honestly wouldn't have given much of a shit if it hadn't impacted the Marvel Cosmic comics but I blame that more on the shitty decisions that Wacker and Alonso took and all the hack writers trying to copy Gunn.

Bendis is even worse because he tried to reinvent the GotG even before the movie came out but failed miserably and just took a huge dump that lasted for so many fucking years and he's still yet to finish.

I just take solace that having Bendis and trying to do synergy with a movie that relies on MUSIC and is mostly carried by the actors really fucking backfired on Marvel Comics, and they at least are somewhat trying to clean up their act but Wacker should fucking stop being the Cosmic editor (which I guess is the only thing saving Nova that it's under a different editor).

GotG cartoon however continues to be shit and it's so shit it has the lowest ratings of all Marvel cartoons and Wacker is already looking to adapt Annihilation becauseadapting Humphries' boring shit didn't work and there's just so many times you can redo the GotG movie plot and recycle the moments and jokes from it.

I wouldn't say it backfired on the writers copying and pasting the movie. The bandwagon just moved on after a few months, like it always does.
The GotG cartoon doing Annihilation will be a spectacular shit show.

It's going to be hilarious when this shit flops. Once again confirming why the man-children who still read comic books are barely more than marginalized caricatures of themselves. But instead of admitting you've become the most beta of betas, you'll complain for years how "good it was" and how "tasteless" the general public is in desperate attempts to try and divert away the soul crushing realization that you've wasted your lives on mind-numbing drivel originally designed to entertain teenage boys.

I wish this pasta was better.

batista should go back to the wwe

>I blame that more on the shitty decisions that Wacker and Alonso took and all the hack writers trying to copy Gunn.
The show was ok. Hoping for a better second season. Wish they had kept the cast more consistent between USM, Avengers Assemble, and then GotG. The previous Starlord voices were better.

The shows is obviously failing because it competes with Avengers and Spider-Man. Can you honestly look anyone in the eye and say the Guardians are more popular?

I wish it didn't align perfectly with Batman v Superman.


>The GotG cartoon doing Annihilation will be a spectacular shit show.

That I don't doubt especially since I'm almost sure it won't have Rich and who knows if they'll use Annihilus, have the Marvel cartoons even used F4 and X-Men characters?





These are awful in a way that's almost endearing, but not quite. Where are these from.


From the official GOTG twitter: @guardians

The cheese is most definitely intentional - Rooker couldn't even keep the grin off his mug.

I really fucking hate her, she can't fucking act.
I'm so pissed she's part of the main cast now.
I pray to god she gets killed in Infinity Wars

Hoona igna chowa neha!

I never understood why people liked GOTG, it was literally 2 hours of "WE'RE SHOUTING, CAN YOU SEE HOW FUNNY WE ARE BEING RIGHT NOW?! CAN YOU? :D"

It wasn't a bad movie exactly, just extremely obnoxious, and it reminded me of the first Shreck film for some reason.

They're bad guys, it's what they do. It's like they're some sort of Guardians of the Galaxy.

SS sucked even more.

>b...but DC

You're pathetic.

Not knowing anything about the Guardians before this movie I won't lie i enjoyed it. And I fuckin love that song so.. yeah.

People like it because they're idiots. It's a cringy douchechilly film that basically lays out everything "millenial" on a red carpet, it's shite

I like plenty of MCU movies, but Guardians and the Thor films are by far the most offensive to anybody who isn't an idiot , same people who think GOTG is great think Lady Gaga is good music

>people who like GOTG are the same people who listen to lady gaga
do you actually talk to anyone outside your computer screen or are you just a shut-in

>It's basically completely millenial, therefore I hate it
>The film in it's entirety is literally an 80s scifi film with decent comedy and writing, from the outfits, to the 'macguffin', to the music, to the cultural references

It's okay if you don't like it, but don't try to burn a strawman that doesn't exist. The critics liked it, the viewers liked it, people actually wanted a sequel which is more than I can say for other certain superhero films.

>Liking a dumb movie because it made you laugh makes you a worthless idiot.
Indeed, such mindless hyenas these plebians are. Any movie that does not appeal to the true intellectuals of society (such as you and I) is utter dreck and should be treated with nothing but disdain. It would certainly be better if the drooling inbreds that make up modern society simply returned to their caves and promptly starved themselves so that we intelligent few can enjoy sophisticated films meant to truly challenge and stimulate the mind.

>and it reminded me of the first Shreck film for some reason
This is a compliment.

>do you actually talk to anyone outside your computer screen
I do, that's the entire issue.
>The critics liked it
Means nothing
> the viewers liked it
Means nothing, and you're furthering my point
> people actually wanted a sequel which is more than I can say for other certain superhero films.
People are stupid and wanted a second Lady Gaga record too

(You) forgot to add Reeee to the end of that.

It sure is in my book. And I kinda see the similarities in tone and humor. They're both genre movies with a thin air of self aware parody so resolute in their non commitment to a side of the line that they emerge confidently contradictory. I enjoy that.

>I do
nice joke. you're some nerd whining about people liking things you don't like. I'll get you your fedora and you can be on your way

>waaaaahhhhh I hate DC

Every one of you SJW faggots should be punched right in the fucking nose until you finally shut up with your obnoxious self-entitled leftwing bullshit.

Did someone say Borchmore?

This one is great

Not bad/pretty good

fucking terrible


Of course Michael Rooker is the only one who can dance.

I don't care for all the movie wanking (an the weird thing is it's not even consistent) but I have to say I enjoyed the comic references. Lunatik showing up in the fourth episode was pretty funny. And every once in a while Drax made me laugh.

Dance off bro xD

>using James Gunn and "douchebag millenial" in the same sentence
You are so fucking stupid it hurts.

This might be the best part of the movie. It's brilliantly put together.


>still posting that shit gif


>B...but DC
Every time.

It is. People think it's random but that couldn't be further from the truth. Everything about it is built on what the movie has spent the last two hours establishing. Its one last giant stupid risk that manages to pay off, both within the story and from a meta-perspective;
an encapsulation of the movie itself, really.


So you don't have an actual argument then? Good to know.

How am I strawmanning here? I found the film to be largely shouting to give the impression of being funny, something which is prevalent in many, crappy comedies. It's like with Friends, where every joke is emphazised by the actors and even worse, by the script that, instead of it being organic to the story, it's just a marker to tell the audience "laugh please,we're being funny now". There's no subtlety and. I found it as cringeworthy as Suicide Squad, even though Suicide Squad is a much, much shittier film. I didn't enjoy GOTG, but at least it's watchable.

I don't want to be all "This is reddit, this is memes" but the more I see of this the less I like

Moondragon when


We're they shouting the funny lines in the prison break scene or are you just talking out your ass.

Really? You think that that's good, they just previously got their ass kicked the last time they fought because they were so overpowered and you think him dancing and then going "yoink" was a good way to beat the villian that overpowered them so thoroughly?
It wasn't a clever plan, it wasn't a risky, bold plan, it wasn't a plan, it was moment for them to go "so quirky XD" *holds up spork
A completely dissatisfying way to win, you build up the power of the stone, the strength of the enemy and it becomes irrelevant to the actual "fight" because the villain decided to become a complete braindead idiot that lets them just take the stone and jobs.

Same man, it was a magical time. Sequel looks great and all but nothing beats that gleeful riotous speculation we had back when there was nothing but the comics to go on. It was totally uncharted territory at the time and the MCU was still blossoming. Even new cosmic properties going forward won't be able to recreate the feeling.

I remember being in the very first thread when it was announced and everybody who read the comic on Sup Forums just couldn't believe it. But then you also had the influx of moviefags and casuals after the Avengers who were all like "Who?" I remember one user in particular who was convinced that Carol Danvers was going to be the main character for some reason, I guess because the initial synopsis just said "an American pilot winds up in space" and people still thought that she was secretly one of the fighter pilots in Avengers. Then the endless Star-Lord casting threads as every 30-something male in Hollywood tried out for the part. A lot of us were rooting for Lee Pace.

And oh man, the wailing and gnashing that ensued when Bendis was confirmed for the next run. We all fucking hated Avengers Assemble for bringing back the GOTG and explaining absolutely nothing about what happened after Thanos Imperative. It's hard to believe that nightmare is finally coming to an end.

Human heart and ingenuity (aka music and dancing, the two things aliens in the film failed to understand over and over again) together bought enough time to save the day. It thoroughly completes Quill's character arc and the scene that follows it doubles down on the emotion which allows the movie to get away with something as ridiculous as a dancing distraction. That's basically the whole crux of the movie, humor then emotion and this scene is the climax of it.

I respect that you don't care for it, I respect that you would have preferred a more straight-forward and less brazen resolution. But it was tonally and thematically appropriate within the context of the movie, and in no way random.

You're mocking me but that is exactly what I fucking want, I want movies not to cater to the lowest fucking denominator

But faggots like you who die laughing at "LE EPIC DANCE OFF BRO XD" wouldn't fucking understand because you are the shit audience studios pander to
