Can any prequel fanboys refute his points?

Can any prequel fanboys refute his points?

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Pizza rolls aren't that great.

I dont have particular love for the prequels but its obvious he neglected the good aspects the movies had for comedic effect

I too can nitpick any movie I want until it looks like shit

They can't, so they go after TFA instead.

No, they just deflect it by saying anyone who agrees with him doesn't have their own opinion. As if Mike invented hating the prequels.

What more can you expect from people who actually like the shitquels?

What good aspects?


podracing scene was fun
good sound design
actual world building instead of rehashing

>podracing scene was fun
have you rewatched TPM since you were 6?


music, costumes, some of the better actors

the prequels also have tons of great scenes even if the overarching plot and character arcs are lousy at best

yes, it is a fun scene you memeing retard

The only good aspect is Sheev and he didn't neglect that

Is it just me, or has the Phantom Menace aged better visually than the other prequel movies?

It was filmed on film. 2 and 3 were shot on digital.

It has due to being filmed on actual film with more real sets

2 and 3 tried to use digital cameras and excessive CQI in an age where it wasnt advanced enough to accomplish it properly yet. They were pioneers for the technology but suffered as a result

Because it wasn't all filmed on a fucking blue screen

Star wars is for children

Comparing a shit movie to a a pile of fecal matter doesn't help.