What are the movies equivalent of this ?

what are the movies equivalent of this ?

Cloud Atals


>man vs tehcnology
>literaly a guy swinging a bat in front of computers

why does this shit need art? terrible

there are like a hundred versions of this, probably some art school assignment

>man vs technology
The Matrix 3
>man vs reality
The Matrix
>man vs author
Stranger than Fiction
>technology vs man

It's so each row has the same format

In a work of fiction, whats the difference between God and the author? How can there be no "God" in a work of fiction?

calm down, user, your autism is showing.

>someone makes a decent point
>call them autistic
never change Sup Forums

The Grey | Truman Show | Ex Machina
Alien vs Predator | Man of Steel | Arrival
Bruce Almighty | Sin City | Madoka Magica: Rebellion

I thought the groups could be simplified too, but then I realized they're separated into 3 columns


"King Kong"

>MAN vs. MAN
"The Grand Illusion"

>MAN vs. GOD
"My Night at Maud’s"



"Citizen Kane"

"The Night of the Hunter"


"Blade Runner"

"Mulholland Dr."

"Synecdoche New York"

This is preatty spot on

Man vs technology is just a rehash of man vs society

>this is what millennials actually believe

God exists above the author

Yes, and man vs society is just a rehash of man vs nature. Well done on getting the point of the image buddy!

>nature, society, technology
>same thing

neither society or technology are natural, neither nature nor society are technological, neither nature or technology are societal.

>God exists
mmm, sweetie...

pretty good but some things are a bit sketch:

>man vs nature - king kong.
Not really. It's set up like that, but it actually becomes much more about man vs self (ie hubris etc). Jaws would probably be a better fit.

>man vs technology = blade runner
Nah not really. Technology is absolutely not the antagonist in blade runner. It's more like technology has enabled us to do shitty things. You're looking for one where there's an implication that technology itself is in some way an evil antagonist. 2001, or Videodrome, or even The Social Network.

>Man vs Woman, the oldest battle on the planet not even depicted

Is it because men are so far ahead it's not even a contest? Women cannot even get elected President

wow an apple isn't a banana so there is no way both are fruit
this is big shit you've stumbled across

All these years and you are still dumb as shit Thor. Go fuck yourself.

negro they aren't even similar categorically

Bananas are not fruit.

negro that's like saying a navel orange isn't a fruit.

you aren't clever or intelligent, you're just autistic. letting you know. Not a single person on this planet is impressed at your knowledge of subcategories.

All of these are condensed in this movie.


villeneuvefag gtfo my board

The concept exists whether your fedora brain acknowledges it or not.

good post

What a meaningless statement.

Kray (2010)
Watch Out for the Automobile (1966)
Hard to be a God (2014)

The Fool (2014)
Trial on the Road (1971)
Kuryer (1986)

Under Electric Clouds (2015)
Generation P (2011)
A Man from Boulevard des Capucines (1987)

>food analogy

Why do you imply that a "Man vs. Technology" conflict must necessarily involve the technology in the position of the explicit antagonist? The conflict in this case in more like a catalyst for the unfolding story, and not the conclusion or the whole point of the story.