Anybody used to respect this guy (or still do)?

Anybody used to respect this guy (or still do)?

I respect his acting, not who he is in real life.

He makes a great actor, but a horrible person.

I liked him in the 90s, before I found out he was a faggot

Kev was drunk when he tried noshing off those young men.

Still do.

I still do. Great fag. I hope people leave him alone. Him and based Hoffman.

pedo enabler

He's not a pedo. Teenagers are not children.

I still respect him as an actor. I hope he doesn't get blacklisted.

pedo pls

I still do because he did absolutely fucking nothing, except have a lapse in judgement whilst drunk (Big fucking shock) then went on to let the little twink go because the kid didn't even want to be there.

>you now remember the scene in pay it forward where the man tries to lure Haley Joel Osmond to go with him then gets the shit beat out of him by Kevin spacey
>you now realize he was merely claiming his property

>Delete scene of Spacey pissing on Haley as a means of "reclaiming"

Margin Call is kino

i feel like i've always known about him being gay, so no, idgaf.

I liked a lot of his movies. My old man was really pissed off about it, probably more than me.

>American Beauty
>The Usual Suspects
>Baby Driver
>Nine Lives
>Horrible Bosses
>Horrible Bosses 2
>Superman Returns
>A Bug's Life
>The Negotiator
He's made too many good films for me to be able to dislike him. (Although I've never enjoyed LA Confidential).

>Bugs Life
Why did you have to remind me? Damn it!

At least he plays villain.

>or still do

You just know the enemy

Nah, when I heard he was too drunk to actually rape that 14 year old I lost respect in him.