Making him bend the knee in reality

>making him bend the knee in reality

kit harrington more like cuck harrington

most reasonable comments on such an article I've ever seen

So is it mandatory to look like Williamsburg hipster if you write these articles?

>now bend the damn knee already

oh look, a member of the danycuck brigade. Imagine my shock


Booked a stay at the hotel Maisie was spotted at.

Cannot wait to party with the cast of game of thrones.

I’m going to be best mates with them.

Why do women always project so hard?
I've never seen a man foxwhistle outside of the ghetto, but I go anywhere near a club district at night at night and groups of girls are always yelling profane shit at me or trying to feel me up.
I go on the subway and guys "manspreading" are using a reasonable amount of space while women are using up massive sections for their purse and bags.
I've never seen a man call a girl that wasn't his daughter "sweetheart" or "honey", but I constantly get called "hun" and "sweetie" by the women in my workplace.

I legit got mad over this and not even a GoT super fan or anything

>source -

game of thrones is literal cultural cancer

Will women ever be able to recover from this?

So, it's literally impossible to be sexist against men?

>I've never seen a man foxwhistle outside of the ghetto, but I go anywhere near a club district at night at night and groups of girls are always yelling profane shit at me or trying to feel me up.
that always happens to me too


Women fucking love to use that copout, but the second you don't believe them when they say they were raped, you're a monster.

I literally saw him on tv last week on Jonathan Ross and 5 minutes was spent on them talking about his bum after playing clips of his bum. You could tell he didn't want to talk about it at all but still played along.

I've never seen a single GoT interview with any of the female cast with it concentrated on their tits or bum which they get out too unless of course they are using a double. Shit wouldn't happen to Emilia Clarke.

Enjoy them while they are still famous.

>Now bend the damn knee already.
This woman is really dumb.


>I go on the subway and guys "manspreading" are using a reasonable amount of space while women are using up massive sections for their purse and bags.

This one especially pisses me off. It's got to be INCREDIBLY FUCKING RARE that a woman actually finds herself in a situation where a man is spreading his legs 4 feet apart to take up twice as much room while someone is actually sitting next to him and pushing into their space. What's really happening is that there are guys who are sitting with no one next to them, so naturally they spread out. And these fucking cunts instead of simply asking to sit (at which point the men would just stop spreading out) they want you to always be sitting squeezed-up like a cuck just in case they want to sit there.

It's a classic "woman gets pissed because she can't read your mind and gets upset because she has to actually communicate what she wants from you" scenario.

how do we get this jew on their knees?

then in the oven?

Not surprised