With all of the rapists in Hollywood being exposed, will we also see the murderers unmasked?

With all of the rapists in Hollywood being exposed, will we also see the murderers unmasked?

im kinda curious whos career is gonna get ruined next.
im sure someone is gonna come out and make shit up and social media is gonna eat it up instantly

I'm honestly surprised this doesn't happen more, I mean no one really verifies this shit any more and by the time they do they've already done the damage. Like how hard is it to make a group of fake social media accounts and make some semi believable accusation?

There are an equal amount of rapists and murderers in Hollywood
They're one in the same

I did not kill my wife!

It'd get debunked pretty easily, or at least I hope so. These allegations all seem to come from people that have at least spent time alone with the accused so that it plausibly COULD have happened.

no one has to make shit up with a million real cases of sexual abuse, rape, and murder being covered up out there

I would have believed in his innocence more if he didn't fucking replace her so quickly.

So is this just a meme or is there some truth in saying he killed his wife?

It's 100% real

It's a meme. He was just a shitty spouse. He was paying more attention to Trump than her. She was addicted to a bunch of prescription drugs, and she overdosed on his watch.

>She was addicted to a bunch of prescription drugs, and she overdosed on his watch.
jesus christ imagine shitposting on twitter about trump while your wife dies.

I don't care

He didn't have a wife. They were the same person. He wore a wig + taped down his tits for the photos of "her"

I read his book (about movies, dunno if he wrote more than one). It was pretty awful; dunno why I finished it. Devoid of actual jokes.

but the Oswalt thing is some weird alt-right conspiracy fantasy, over getting mad about tweets of all things. at least use an actual example

Not only is it true but he got with his new girlfriend a week after his wife had died. Then they got married not too long after

Hello Patton

Meme. Some trumplets got mad that he posted things about Trump, and went off the crazy conspiracy train when the opportunity presented itself. It's weird.

How do you not notice when your wife is high on Fentanyl? Anyone who has seen someone on a heroin nod knows it within a second

Something weird was going on with Patton and his wife

If that is true about his wife that might be why people are saying this. That is so depressing.

Pretty much. Opportunity presented itself when his wife died, so Trumplets seized it and got conspiracy crazy and started making up the "murderer" thing.

why are you defending a murderer

Violence against women is serious? Are you one of those virgin Men's Rights Activists?

It's a meme, but it is pretty weird how quickly he found another woman after his wife died

Maybe he is the type who can't handle being alone

you responded to the wrong post

Maybe he is the type who can't handle not murdering a wife

>Maybe he is the type who can't handle not murdering a wife
what did he mean by this?


What are you talking about murder, it was just a bizarre interaction between her prescribed drugs of valium and fentanyl.

>bizarre interaction
You're so naive