Will we ever get a silmarillion movie trilogy?


Gonna have to wait for Chris to die

Almost certainly.
It will suck like the other 6.

The movies may not be as great as the book (When does that ever happen) But I'd still call them masterpiece's in their own right. Certainly don't suck.

Chris already disowned his oldest because he liked the movies.

It won't happen. Thank fully.

>half of the movie is a voice-off telling you the names of the million elven kings and an historic chronology.
I cant wait!!

why is Chris so autistic about the franchise?

Kinda sad from a family point of view.

No because there is no way they will get the rights to it. And the idiots in Hollywood would probably let Peter Jackson do them again.

He didn't like the idea of a film before it was made, I don't think he has watched them.

He has and he hated them.

idiot redditor moron retard

The LotR movies maybe, but only the first Hobbit movie was any good. The other two felt so manufactured, like they could be in a supercut of Hollywood cliches. Which is not how the Hobbit book was at all.


Did you watch the extended versions? Because if not, your opinion is immediately dismissed as shit.

I will never understand the obsession with Tolkien's trash.

So you're telling me I paid to see these movies in theaters and my opinion is worth less than some asshole who pirated the movies? Fuck that.

I don't think he would enjoy any film adaption of them.

Is that Melkor/Morgoth? Was he really that big?

Is that actually true? What a piece of shit.

That's pretty cold

please god i hope not

The hobbit was a disaster of a project in how it was handled.

>So because I'm a moron who chose to watch the inferior version and you didn't I'm right
Fuck out of here you ignorant monkey. If you didn't watch extended version of all of them you have no room to talk. Theatrical is the watered down version for the A.D.D idiots of the world (You). Extended makes everything better and is how the movies were intended to be watched.

The magic is gone, it would be a cgi-filled cashgrab just like the Hobbit movies

Suck a dick piratefag. I highly doubt the extended edition of the movie changed the incredibly moronic cliffhanger ending of Desolation of Smaug where Bilbo said "*GASP* WHAT HAVE WE DONE?" Your movies are shit.

>Starts by saying he likes it
>Ends by talking shit just to attempt to get me angry
Slit your wrists vertically for me you fucking cuck. I own the movies on blu ray and to watch theatrical is a disgrace. You miss so much of the plot and honestly I don't even know how you morons piece together what's going on WITHOUT watching extended. But I guess that just says something about your inferior half brain.

Cause he's a fucking r9k tier faggot


>honestly I don't even know how you morons piece together what's going on WITHOUT watching extended
How about because I read the far superior novel and so I know exactly what they skipped, you enormous moron? An extended CGI shitfest with stupid OCs like Tauriel is still a CGI shitfest with stupid OCs like Tauriel.

Read filename.jpg

>Claims he read the books
>All he complains about is the CGI
You're seriously a dumb ass lol. I have a deluxe Tolkien box set that I've read at least 5 times. I've already stated that the books will always be the best but to say the movies are trash is the opinion of a mongoloid. Hate that idiots like you are allowed to have an opinion.

Did you miss the part where I complained about Tauriel you dipshit troll? The movies are trash, you are trash and your life is shit.

We don't fucking want a Silmarillion film adaptation. Hollyjew is in full-on soulless cash-grab mode and completely fucked the Hobbit. I don't want to see any more of Tolkien's works mangled by these people.

Yes Morgoth was yuge.

Boo hoo. Poor little faggot who can't afford the extended edition on blu ray is cyber attacking me:( My life is clearly better than yours since I own more than you do and a higher quality version of it at that. Go back to masturbating to tranny porn you fatherless permacuck.

Lmao faggots getting this butthurt with each other over fucking hobbits.

you're both cia niggers, fuck off and shave my balls.