How do you go from this

how do you go from this...


Get wrecked op this?

pls don't

Karma at its finest

She was bangin in mib 2

When you only value your appearance it becomes the thing that destroys you.

luck of the irish

Bad plastic surgery. Poor thing.

She was always ugly on the inside and outside. this?

raped by booper

Allergies. Looks cute imo

Are you a beluga whale trainer?

Fuuuuuck. She was so cute.
Why did she do it?

Stewart lee has let himself go.

That's Moira Kelly you aspie.

Well, she was still cute in Twin Peaks even if that's not her.

Laura/Maddy >>> Donna

I always think of Bill Burr's bit on plastic surgery when I see shit like this. I'll never understand why women think they'll be the 1% outlier that doesn't look monstrous with plastic surgery.

Shit taste.

Norma>Audrey>Donna>everyone else


Maddy > Norma > Laura (from the pilot, not the shitty wig) > Donna > Audrey

Maddy>Laura>Donna>Audrey>Log Lady>Norma

Replace Donna with Shelly and we have a deal

it's almost like she was always ugly

audrey was always the superior choice

nah she was qt. just shitty personality

Good taste

I'd agree to that

She was, goddamn she was. Sorry I called you an autist.