For the record, Lucas was a retard

for the record, Lucas was a retard.

muh force.

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Thanks for correcting the record Disney

If you turn their helmets upside down they look really happy :)

>took the time to do that and then post it

Plot armor is a hell of a thing.

>flipping an image in paint takes time

at least the troopers in the original film were treated as a threat

Which was dumb when they weren't shown as such. Like Captain Phasma

>took the time time to write that and then post it


Reminder that even the droids have a better track record than stormtroopers

took the time to do it, and then felt the need and took the time to justify taking the time to do it.

Stormtroopers were just normal dudes.

Clonetroopers were clones of some legendary bad ass (who like all Fetts died like a bitch) and trained from birth. Also they turned on the Jedi before they knew what was up.


Why do they run towards them like retards?

Who thought this was a good idea?

They look like Wojack brainlets They just need the drool

>he took the post to time that then he do

hey leave him alone it's a pretty wholesome post, the kind of thing an aunt would email to you

>this thread

That's why Lucas didn't make Jango redo all the stormtrooper's voices in the SE.

>clone wars = seal team 6 = dead bin laden
>OT = mandatory draft = Vietnam ineptitude


>this post

Did the Clone troopers knew they were supposed to, eventually, kill the Jedi? Or were they some sort of - sleeper agents - that, when given the order 66, turned on them?

And, if they werent, could they reveal this information to a Jedi or superior if requested?

There's a difference between shooting a Jedi in the back and trying to take them down head on.
The stormtroopers aren't clones, they're just regular humans. After the Clone Wars the Empire didn't need an elite fighting force, just a shit ton of guys to occupy planets and intimidate civilians.

As a child I thought they were more comical than anything.

what kind of mental fuckery does this scene cause in young kids who see it

you see the good guys and are like huh
then the storm troopers blast in and it makes you think how fuckin faggy the rebels are and you root for them to die but the entire movie is trying to make you think they are the ones you should like

I just thought they were trained from birth to follow orders, kind of like real soldiers,minus the birth thing.

They follow their real commanders and not some faggy Jedi who gets them all killed, and they say to kill them so of course they do. Im pretty sure during the battle of Geonosis Yoda didn't give a shit about them and was worried if they had enough bodies to throw into the meat grinder. Meanwhile the clone commanders and high ranks had to eat and sleep with the troops, probably.

You seem to know your starwars shit, answer this pls

jesus fuck, I'm so glad my brain has neither the interest nor capacity to even store information like that, well, maybe if I was 12.

this is the thing I don't get

In every single action movie the nameless henchmen fucking suck at hitting the hero, but in star wars when plot armor is introduced to the protagonists, everyone memes it like its canon.

>Hey guys I found an army of clones. They say they work for us
>What? Did we call for clones?
>Apparently this guy I've never heard of ordered them. Some guy named "Sifo Dyas"
>Oh yeah, he died years ago
>Was he cool?
>No not really.
>So should I accept these very very expensive clones that someone paid for already?
>I don't know, who are they cloned off of?
>They're all clones of the guy who tried to kill a senator who opposed making an army and has connections to the Jedi traitor who wants to destroy the Republic
>So should I accept them?
>Of course! I see no problem with them at all!

Order 66 was supposed to be used in case of a rogue Jedi general. In the Clone Wars series there is one such general who legitimately becomes a traitor and so it would have been justified in that case. However it was sneakily used by Sheev to simultaneously deem all Jedi enemy of the state.

Am I the only one that wants to plunge balls deep into the one on the left

Probably because we NEVER see Stormtroopers be competent

did they know jango was a bounty hunter when they accepted them?

and why would them being cloned off of jango automatically mean they would be evil?

I love A New Hope but it makes me cringe 90% of the time. It was shot like a bad TV miniseries. Most of the space battle at the end and the awards ceremony at the end looked great though.

except for the first scene of a new hope and hoth and the opening scene in TFA

Uncle lars and Aunt Beru begs to differ....

Don't give the mouse any ideas user!

Theye were programmed to do it by the kaminoans who were told to do it by Dooku and Sifo Dias

The entire battles in the Prequels were retarded.

Why did they fight like this on the open field in lines out in the open when they carry these types of weapons (and not muskets or any old weaponry like during the Napoleonic era)

>genetically modified super soldiers created for war, age 3x faster than a normal human
>poor farmboys joined the military so they can get free education in the Imperial Academy


So were the Kaminoans aware of the Sith? Or they didnt give a fuck about who killed who (jedi or not)?

yes kids will love it.

it was the mantra of the prequels.

sleeper agents, the clone wars show talks about the guilt they feel, and how they felt the instinctual need to kill jedi when order 66 was called

The Clone Wars Show confirms that it's a sleeper deal. Is it still canon, I don't know.

>did they know jango was a bounty hunter when they accepted them?
Uh yeah? Did you miss that fight between Obi Wan and Jango that explicitly happened because Obi Wan recognized his armour from when he killed that other assassin?

Being clones of Django Unchained doesn't make the Clones inherently evil, it makes the guy who ordered the Clones suspicious as fuck because he's consorting with literal criminal scum. Thus making accepting the Clones retarded

It'd be like if America found an army of Lee Harvey Oswald clones. Yeah maybe each clone isn't evil, but you have to ask how they got cloned and by who

Because it was cool.

It's something I would have made as a kid if I directed the movie somehow. Like it was by a bad director or something, and was marketed for kids.

Being older, I suppose the realistic thing to do was still do the epic fly in and save padme then turn the planet into glass from orbit.

The kaminoans were told it was a safeguard against rogue Jedi. Not that they would have cared as long as they get paid
TCW is still canon

Still couldn't get the drop on master Yoda

Didn't the Clone Wars cartoon cheapened the whole "order 66" by just making it something triggered by some sort of brain implant?

How hard would it be to simply make it being part of their soldier education to learn a bunch of special order? Why did they need the whole I play thing?

>it's okay for trained soldiers to suck

but that was after he discussed it with the kamino aliens though, literally the outro of that planet entirely.

If they didn't accept the clones then the war would have ended instantly. The Separatists had an army and the Republic didn't. The Jedi preferred to use the suspicious clones rather than let half the galaxy be controlled by the Sith

Why didn't Yoda try to reason with the Clones instead of instantly decapitating them?
The Jedi were best friends with their Clones. They had tons of wacky adventures as shown in the CANON The Clone Wars cartoon.
Shouldn't Yoda have disarmed the Clones and used Force Sleep or something so that he can find a way to free them from whatever is making them evil?
These are the Jedi's best friends!

>one was a fighting force bred for combat against a large confederate army seeking to overthrow a galactic government and then turn inwards and subjugate space wizards
>the other is basically a police force of conscripts that haven't actually seen a real war except for the small scale rebellion.

How long would it have taken to levy a volunteer army from the billion planets of the Republic?
They were already planning on doing so. It was just Padme and her pacifist squad that stopped them from doing just that.

Surely after Obi-wan told them that the Separatists have a battledroid factory, the Senate would approve of the creation of an army?
It's not like the Separatists were attacking just then. The Clones struck first and declared war, without provocation

Alright, for real this time.

What is the point of the entire Clone army? I get that it was made by Dooku, Sheev.

But if the army hand't been there in the first place then the Republic stands no chance and Sheev can simply take over it and wipe out the Jedi.

So... why add in the Clones? Why didn't just Sheev get on board the confederation rape train?

I genuinely want some answers here, pls.

why do they wear armor that does literally nothing except hinder their movement?


>the other is basically a police force of conscripts that haven't actually seen a real war except for the small scale rebellion.
this is inaccurate
stormtroopers aren't conscripted, and they're not a police force. They're shock troops that are used for occupation

There wasn't even time for a jedi mind trick no less reasoning with them. Yoda probably sensed it wouldn't work anyway

because he didn't want the confederacy to win, he wanted the republic to become so tired and decayed from the inside that they would cede more and more power to him

The republic has stood for a thousand years, you can't just decide to secede one day and expect to win

He had to destroy it from the inside - get it to destroy itself under the guise of legitimacy.

Based Gendy

Long enough that the Jedi believed the Separatists would win.

That said, the scale of battles in Star Wars is hilariously fucked up. For the technology they have, an army capable of fighting on a galaxy wide scale should have millions of capital ships and billions of troops.

It's flak armor, not blaster proof armor. A lot of shit can go wrong and kill you without enemy lasers piercing you. Specially when you are fighting inside a space ship.

Why did the Republic even fight the Separatists?
>We want to leave the Republic
>Ok, bye
That's it.
Movie's over

The Republic has stood for a thousand years. Quitting isn't an option

Christ, this series was so much more stylish than the one that followed

> That dramatic action camera panning
> Minimal dialog in all episodes, negating the biggest problem in Star Wars
> Properly communicated the scale of the Clone Wars in just a few episodes
> No stupid fucking kid-appeal characters or wasted story arcs bringing the whole thing down
> That FUCKING Grievous reveal, good lord

It might not have been all perfect, that episode with Mace Windu punching a whole droid army to death was a bit much, but Genndy Clone Wars is one of the only pieces of Star Wars media that didn't feel like it was built from the ground-up to sell toys.


so basically the fans of nu-star wars?

>without provocation
The sepratists were going to execute 2 jedi knights and a senator


Even today you have clone wars 3d shills who think cartoon Grievous was shit compared to the prequel one or the one in the 3d show.

Old Grievous was amazing. At last you felt like there was an actual threat for the Jedi. But then we got, well, what we got...

you cant just leave a republic
union needs to be maintained or else it's made evident that the republic has no authority

An undignified death by an undignified weapon.

>minimal dialov in all episodes
Hi i like pure, mindless action
The 2008 series has some great moments but they absolutely raped grievous.

Shitty set design. Looks way too static with all the Troopers just standing still on a flat surface

They're literally on a landing pad

Never said TCW was all bad, but be honest, how much of the show was actually like this? I'll grant you that it still seems leaps and bounds ahead of fucking Rebels. Rebels makes me want to cry.

More like, I enjoy not being saturated with the hammy writing and often subpar voice acting in TCW. I would enjoy that show a lot more if the characters just shut the fuck up every once in a while, and showed me things visually rather than stating them.

Just one contingency of many. Just like how the US has a contingency for open conflict with the UK. That's just how militaries work.

Season 3+ is pure Star Wars kino

For espionage

>you cant just leave a republic
Why not?
A republic isn't about authority. It isn't an empire. It's a joint union

>a Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack

>Rebels makes me want to cry.

How very mature and edgy of you

>That FUCKING Grievous reveal, good lord

(You)ing myself to make another point: Genndy CW benefited a LOT from it's format as a collection of shorts, as opposed to the 22 minutes, two commercial breaks format of other cartoons like TCW. For example, here's the first appearance of Grievous in CW:

Without noting a munch of other subtle things I like, such as the symmetry and stillness of certain shots, note the length of time that passes from the beginning of the scene to the moment where Grievous properly enters the battle. It's about three minutes. They do a fucking spectacular job of building up tension in those three minutes by communicating the hopelessness of the situation (both verbally and non-verbally) and showing how desperate and even fearful the Jedi are. Three minutes of tension that build up Grievous as intimidating and powerful before he even shows up. TCW wouldn't likely do something like that, because A) It cuts into the run time, and B) They would probably just have Ahsoka say, "Nani?! He's t-too strong, and he has FOUR lightsabers!"

>attack on the Tantive IV
>assault on Echo Base
>ambush on Cloud City
>bunker defense on Endor

Of course, they can't hit the heroes point blank, but they certainly seem intimidated by their presence on Cloud City and allow themselves to be taken prisoner. And they run like hell from them when they escape.
Leia even gets shot in the arm in that last scene

How is it some clones were better than others?

>Rebels makes me want to cry.

The only good thing about Rebels is Thrawn btfo of the Rebels all the time.

>One thing that Supreme Leader Snoke noticed when reorganizing the imperial remnants into the First Order was the poor performance of the standard infantry unit, so he hired Deloitte and Touche as consultants to tackle the problem. After an 18 standard month period studying the problem billing out thousands of their senior consultants, they recommended a number of improvements which SLS implemented, which included better training facilities that were more friendly to the new 'galactical' generation of troopers which included more break rooms with free Starbucks coffee and ping pong, increased quality control at the factory making combat optics that are issued on the standard blaster rifle, and reducing the draft age in First Order controlled star systems from 12 to 8. The results were incredible and Snoke reluctantly paid D&T their efficiency bonus which had been cleverly hidden in a 5000 datapad contract.

I just rewatched the prequels and don't remember this scene WTF??

This uh... this isn't real right?

In Rebels there are no Sith besides Vader and Palpatine

They use force sensitive assassins called Inquisitors who aren't very good at Jedi/Sith stuff. So they have babby's first lightsaber

It's double ended. It spins on a gyro so they don't have to spint it themselves. It has a reulsor-lift built in so they can fly

Frankly it's cooler than this