Ctrl+f "samurai jack"

>ctrl+f "samurai jack"
>no results



Other urls found in this thread:


>March 11
That's my birthday!

March 11 is LITERALLY my wife's son's birthday

>Mfw it's my birth-date too


Did you... did you miss the other five threads?

Ah fuck my Crtl+F lied to me.

Mine is around then too... going to sit back with jack, and play some breath of the wild as I wait

25th here.

Red 6 standing by

It's Trump's too

>Misses all the threads
>Waah, why aren't you talking about it

Samurai Jack first aired on August 10th 2001

Do you remember what you were doing then? I stayed at grandmas and watched Nickelodeon all day till it aired.

You lie.

Reminds me of Furi, perhaps game was inspired?

Nigga, there was a fucking sticky when the trailer came out, what rock are you living under?

what is it with aku and his fascination with dressing up to seduce jack?

i mean, if it only happened in one episode then it could be excused as the typical "scheme of the day" in cartoon villains

there really seems to be some pattern here

>still no green scabbard to hold jack's mighty katana


literally Kuck

why did mods delete the SJ thread that had the biggest fucking roast ever?

What episode was the Rave?
I could've sworn it was a first season episode, but apparently i've been living a lie.

holy shit op, I honestly cannot tell if you are shitposting or not because you cannot seriously tell me you missed the dozens of threads, the old sticky, and the general.

Because we can't have nice things.

What was the post number to check the archive?

Anyone else bothered by the reactionary politics of Samurai Jack? Rather than realising the revolutionary potential of the proletariat of Aku's interplanetary capitalist system, Jack seeks out a magic/irrational means to re-establish the feudal relations of the past, seemingly unaware that capitalism necessarily grows out of the stresses between the productive forces and productive relations of feudalism. A truly revolutionary Samurai hero would realise that just as his world gave way to the world of Aku, so must Aku's world give way to a classless society led by the only true revolutionary class, the proletariat. Why has Jack not taken up the cause of the peasant and worker against the overlords? His aristocratic ideals (he is the son of an emperor) blind his judgement, and prevent him from realising the objective laws of history that will bring about true communism.

That wasn't Aku, just some bitch. Aku only ever seduced Jack once in the show

What is jacks REAL name?


Season 3 and I think it's like 6 or 7


jack is dumb as bricks, he doesn't understand class warfare or economics.


because it was r/Sup Forums garbage and should be purged on sight

Damaged significantly by not being the first post

I saw the towers fall on TV in sheer horror. It would be hours later that I would realize my calendar was completely wrong.

11th here, ready to watch it after the party.

hopefully more jack porn will come from this

That's not Aku, fake fan

It did happen in only one episode. You've posted a character Aku was never disguised as for some reason.

>March 11 is LITERALLY my wife's son's birthday

To fuck with his head. Betraying Jack's trust and making it harder for him to trust others is the fun.


28th here. I saw all of Samurai Jack, and I'll be damned if I don't see the end.

Jill is superior.


lost it at the safe word

March 5th standing by

>I share a birthday with justin beiber

>Gettin real tired of your shit Aku


5th reporting in






The worst thing is that you know when it's his birthday.

We need a drawfriend to redo this one and make the baby one of those girls from the trailer.

March 7th here.

The comic version, when Aku get's samurai dick for the second time.

15th here!
And I'm getting vacation all march!

Why do you guys keep posting this every thread?

>watch The Scotsman saves Jack for the first time
>mfw he sheathes Jack like a sword


sauce ?


which one Sup Forums

Scotsman 63 by far


March 10th reporting


i lost that old scotsman pic from a teaser, can someone post it

This looks like it will be on the same tier as TTG and PPG.
Really sad they didn't leave Jack alone

Sometimes I feel like I am the only one who prefer R63 Samurai Jack over Scotgal.

Pretty sure it is the OP of one thread.

That thread doesnt exist anymore though, weird.


oh shit im blind, thanks buddy


March 11th here, 311 master race.

Another teaser: vid.me/yJot

huh vimeo looks strage



"This is Katana, she's got my back. She could kill you with one sword swipe just like mowing the grass. I would advise not getting killed by her; Her sword traps the souls of its victims."

Does Aku have a soul?

r63 jack looks like a hag


>the scotsman saves jack episode
>the scotsman finds a guy who looks exactly like jack and believes he is Jack
>mfw he actually IS Jack

30th representing!

>cracks jokes about how Jack was wimpy after saving him
>Jack laughs; saying how that was embarrassing
>Scotsman still continues making jokes about it >later they both started laughing

I hope there will be more moments like these.

>It's a TF episode

7th reporting in.

>March 10th
Better late than never, right?

What I want to know is, will the most beloved character in television history be returning in the new season?

She died