What are some movies about modern China that isn't carefully-vetted propaganda by the Chinese government?

What are some movies about modern China that isn't carefully-vetted propaganda by the Chinese government?

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More specifically, is there any movie about the inevitable takeover of China at the hands of Christianity now that Mao left a cultural void?


that's a weird way to say state capitalism.

Not a film, but ADVChina is great.
It's a South African and an American riding around southern China on motorcycles discussing what China is really like. The people, the culture, that sort of stuff.

And again, not film, but the book A Star in the East by Rodney Stark is about Christianity in China.

perfect set for a FF7 movie

thanks for this family

the cultural void is filled with loyalty to the CCP though

they're extremely harsh towards all organized religion

Fallen Angels - Wong Kar Wai (1995)

Watch this, then Chungking Express, then A Touch of Sin, and maybe The Platform then thank me later senpai

The World (2004)
Still Life (2006)

That's Hong Kong though, not Mainland China.

Only a fool would ever believe this

>Nobody wanted to replace the broken bulb in the elevator so the whole apartment left it for years

>Christianity exploding in china
>likely most Christian nation on earth
>hurr durr u dumb

Source to back up this claim?

The Chinese government still takes an official stance against any and all organized religion. For better or worse, China is a fedora tipping nation.

I was just going off of the aesthetic in OPs post. Pic reminds me of the films of Wong Kar Wai and Zhangke Jia


>2.3% of population

Wolf Warrior II

>fedora tipping nation.
ore maybe they just like their own customs and values and don't want it all tainted by the obnoxious kike on a stick religion

>roman empire circa 50 AD
>christians only in judea (lmao jew hicks) and in massive eastern cities
>>implying rome will ever be christian

This, I've been following his channel for a few years now and it's fun. Also, serpentZA is the guy behind it, he uploads to his own channel too.

Sure, that's why they banned ALL organized religion, even including ones originating from China itself. Right?

watch chinese anime instead like Quanzhi Fashi and The King's Avatar

>"Christianity is EXPLODING in China!"
>No it's not, less than 3% of Chinese are Christians and the state officially condemns it.
>"Well it's going to explode SOON!"

Move thosr goalposts a little further lad.

that was only under mao's autism. after deng's reforms they let confusianism and taoism have free reign and even push the former heavily in schools at home and abroad

>few million in 49
>50+ million now
>tons or churches popping up



>Mao left a cultural void
Do people seriously believe this shit? The cold war has been over longer than you've probably been alive. It's time to move on.

its just one of many coping mechanisms westerners, particularly americans have to try and deal with the rapid rise of china. others include the empty cities meme and the "they're gonna end up just like japan" meme

Then why is the international market for Chinese art so expensive? Surely there is a lot to buy in china....

>The number of Chinese Protestants has grown by an average of 10 percent annually since 1979. By some estimates, China is on track to have the world’s largest population of Christians by 2030.


>Protestant Christianity has been the fastest growing religion in China

Yes, in a bastardized form that completely removed any spiritual aspects from it and teaches them from purely philosophical standpoint.

But while we are on the topic of Maos autism, I do think it's rather funny that while he was trying to implement (((real communism))) his country devolved into a backwater peasant nation where people starved to death by the droves. Then once he kicked the bucket, his party enacted reforms that completely abandoned any attempt at communism and in fact strongly resembled fascism in many aspects, and once that happened China shot up to become a global superpower in a matter of years.

Funny how that works.

Im not that other retarded guy but in my estimation China is nothing more than a paper tiger. Much like the US, their economy is backed up by their exports and their military power. Japan and South Korea's economies are built to last far longer than China's at this point.

Just look at all the land grabbing China is doing in the South China Sea and in Africa. This isn't being done from a position of strength, it's a display of weakness

China is such a largely populated country that even if they have the largest population of Christians in the world, they would still likely be a minority in the country by a large margin.

Learn how to study statistics you fucking tard. Surely you can't be this stupid

>even if they have the largest population of Christians in the world, they would still likely be a minority in the country by a large margin.

Where did I make any claims that they would be a majority?

they really aren't a paper tiger dude
>Japan and South Korea's economies are built to last far longer than China's at this point.
china is basically following the exact same model of development.
>Just look at all the land grabbing China is doing in the South China Sea and in Africa.
yeah they want more power in the SCS right off their own damn shores. america projected its power all over the Caribbean and pacific by outright annexing lands that weren't in the least american. rising powers pull this shit. china's economy is already larger than the US in ppp and will surpass the amiercan economy nominally in 2023 if trends continue. its gonna be a multi polar world and america is just gonna have to accept this. or i guess bury their heads in the sand like they do on several other issues

>china is basically following the exact same model of development.

And will experience a crash just like those nations

>will surpass the amiercan economy nominally in 2023 if trends continue.

yeah if you look at estimates that are 5+ years old.....

Dude wtf that pic is my desktop background

>muh crash meme!
didn't happen to any tiger save japan because the US made them sign the plaza accords. can't do that to china.
imf denies reality. its basically an arm of the state department


Its really easy to make nominal gdp calculations. If you think china is going to pass the us in 2023 then you are looking at 1% us growth and >9% china growth. Its not going to happen

>real communism
but then again you're clearly a Sup Forumsack seeing how your decided to talk about communism out of literally nowhere and you're using le ((( ))) meme

You literally said Christianity would take over China. Which implies it would become the majority religion in the country which will never come close to happening. Even if China becomes the nation with the most Christians in the world, they won't be a large enough minority to make a major difference culturally or policy wise

>1% us growth and >9% china growth
thats not too far off desu. even if its pushed back a few years its no big deal. the overall trajectories speak for themselves. they're already larger in ppp which is more useful regardless when comparing economies anyways.
>inb4 its not
>By 2016, China’s GDP was $21 trillion and America’s was $18.5 trillion, when measured by purchasing power parity (PPP), which both the CIA and IMF agree is the best yardstick for comparing national economies.
china has a lot of room to grow one billion four hundred million people in fact. america has basically peaked

>tfw a thread gets derailed by /his/ and Sup Forums retards

good anthology type kino

This was a great film but the last anthology sequence was not great