I know im late on this, but holy fuck her death was satisfying

I know im late on this, but holy fuck her death was satisfying

It wasn't actually her and she returns later on in the series. Retarded, yes.

>Lets turn this character into a woman

>It says here this character dies a gruesome death


excuse me
you're bullshitting me right?


It sucks.

She's the one character I wanted killed in the worst way. But no, her vagina saved her.

Fuller is a hack.

Was it season 3 that this was revealed? Because if so, I now understand why everyone says s3 was a pile of shit.
Is there anything else that makes the series ending bad, besides the homo? It doesn't bother me because I like romantic protagonist/antagonist relationships regardless of gender, unless that part was also bullshit

If you don't mind the homo and the changes, then no, it's not too bad.

I don't like homo, but that's me.

alright, i'll give it a shot and not drop it. thanks user

Imagine he crotch - firey, curly!

If she has dark red hair like in OP pic her pits and pubes are probably more brownish.

They faked it in an elaborate attempt to ruse Hannibal in season 2, but Hannibal literally smells her perfume on Will and susses out the ruse

what's more satisfying is that her death is instead given to the shrink, but he fucking survives it and is a charboiled monstrosity now

Can someone do a forearm hair comparison pic between Freddie, Alana, Georgia and Abigail?

Gee, I bet you could!

>everyone says s3 was a pile of shit
incorrect, faggot

>daily "pretending to be mysogynist" thread

>he hasn't seen the S2 finale yet

prepare your anus

The tumblr inception is strong in this screencap

>mfw this was announced and Mads was cast I made comments on Sup Forums doubting his suitability for the role

>No hatefuck scene between Will and Freddie
Goddamn missed opportunity

virtually everybody i've seen except tumblrinas had major problems with s3, either because they went full homo, not homo enough, or because it felt pretentious as fuck.

MFW When she will never have sex with Philip Seymour Hoffman.

>idubbz reaction image

opinion discarded

its not an opinion idiot, im just repeating what people have told me, i haven't seen s3 yet