Mars Attack Popeye Story Time

The Sailor against the invaders!























Hands down the biggest ass kicking the Martians ever got. May even top Savage Dragon's beatdown in that crossover.

Also bump.


>May even top Savage Dragon's beatdown in that crossover.
I still find it amazing that crossover was actually canon(same with the Wildstorm/Aliens crossover)

Yeah, it was also around the time Erik Larsen had the rights to publish Ninja Turtles and Rob Liefeld left Image, so there was a page with a panel where Raphael has a cameo and Youngblood is implied to be dead.

Later on Superpatriot outright says Youngblood is dead (at this time though Erik Larsen was still probably the only founder Liefeld was talking to, since Superpatriot and Savage Dragon and Mighty Man showed up in Moore's Supreme).

Also aside from the obvious Mars Attacks Image and Mars Attacks Savage Dragon miniseries, this issue also tied into those (though it doesn't outright say it on the cover.

The crossover came about because at the time Topps Comics was overseen by Jim Salicrup, who used to edit the Spider-Man comics when Todd McFarlane and Erik Larsen were drawing them. I think Salicrup called Larsen up and asked him if he wanted to do a crossover with Mars Attacks, but I'm not sure. But Larsen agreed and the agreement was only with him only (which is why there was a Mars Attacks Savage Dragon miniseries and no Mars Attacks Spawn or Mars Attacks Gen 13 miniseries) and that's how we got the comics we got.

bumping cuz that was fantastic...

All Savage Dragon crossovers are canon. At least in Dragon's book.

I love how IDW does these insane crossovers. Next we need MMPR/Saved by the Bell.

Man, these crossovers are getting weird. Not that I'm complaining, this was fun as hell.

I never knew I wanted this, but I'm glad it happened.

Wha's a mars'kin?

Bump for spinachs!

Popeye's got some pretty fancy undies for the '30s. Nice to see that he treats himself every now and then.

>Attacking Popeye

You fools

Thank you

>popeye is a redhead/blonde

no way

Weird crossovers are a reason why I fucking love comics
