The Boys Pt. 9

Previous threads here





Poor Hughie

I would never say this to his face, but MM's mom is so fucking creepy.





The Deep is slowly becoming my favorite member of The Seven





The fourth panel is a prime reaction face



I know he's more or less the protagonist, but Hughie needs to quit being a little titty baby and man the fuck up. I can understand initially not wanting to get your hands dirty, but these Supes are legitimately monsters.



The switch that takes place on Butcher's face should give all those Wildstorm rejects some serious pause





Glad to see Butcher's head is still in the game



So how many chromosome pairs is The Veep short?



Why would a superhero even need a self destruct button? I can understand wanting to to go out in a blaze of glory, but every single time I've seen someone with a self destruct feature it goes off prematurely. Like seriously every time





Gumchum is the fucking best.
















I hope you are feeling better today OP.
That shit that's going around is nasty. Glad I got it early and it's over.



Wisdom right here.









More than a human has to begin with.
How inbred do you think he is?




THE TIME HAS COME and so have I.


O vey!









If finding the first panel funny is wrong, then I don't want to be right.

>Mah boooiiiii

>Gumchum just sitting on the couch all casual like.

What a fucking gangster.

Dude's got gum

He's done his job



>The Deep is slowly becoming my favorite member of The Five



I can't refresh quickly enough. You've got me hooked man


Well that cat's out of the bag.

hee hee

Absolutely fearless.

Cute. CUTE ! ! !



As much as I pride myself on my intelligence I don't think I would have been nearly smart enough to think of a plan like this.
