
Lemuel you don't know it yet but you are a hypocrite

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holy shit he's a literal Negromancer

All religious people inevitably become hypocrites. Religious edicts only extend to the boundaries of your own convenience.

Yes I agree! Let us kill our gods and dry our hair blond

Did that lady run into the sword or was it accidental?

Is everyone ready for the black tongue to get BTFO.

pretty sure she was killing herself.

Interesting goat-eye mask glamor he's using there. I wonder if other Black Tongues use different glamors to hide their identities?

Jesus, Lem, you couldn't non-lethally subdue one unarmed old woman?

Thats a weird thing for Lemuel to say right after he unintentionally killed the poor woman. Why would you lecture grieving dying person?
This phrase seems to be made only for readers, so we could see how lemuel will change his views on life and deat. Either Lemuel is supposed to be autistic or the scene is bad.

>Why would you lecture grieving dying person?
It's cause he's in shock. Look at his stuttering and expression. He's defaulting to what he was probably thinking of, or the general line fed to Ssaelit, before she threw herself on his sword because he can't really handle what's going on.

Why is Lem lecturing that lady who just impaled herself on his sword?

It would make more sense if someone were to trigger him with a question like "What did you do?!", so he has something to react to and a reason to say things outloud. Otherwise it would seem more logical to just stand and stare in shock.
But your explanation is prolly the one that was intended. All in all good idea, clumsy execution

Obviously that is his way of saying "fuck you for making me do that." Dude is freaked.

Oh I read it as he's telling her she shouldn't have gone in with plods since they're against Ssael's edicts, it looked to me like he was executing her in panel 2.

People say things out loud for their own benefit all the time. Just because you think that you would react to that situation by staring in silence doesn't mean everyone would. Clearly whether she ran herself into the sword or if he killed her in the adrenaline of the moment, it shook him. He's muttering that line in as much of a reassurance to himself as a declaration to the woman, not even to mention she may have not died instantly anyways.
You're speaking from a strange assumption that people, even in intense situations, operate purely logically

Not only are plods against Ssael's law, so is suicide, as Duane has told us before. So to me it seems that Lem is stuttering that in shock to the woman who threw herself on his sword, not because she plodified her sister but because this is her second instance of going againts god's law.

I can't see your point at all, I think it worked rather well, and don't see why him being silent would be more likely.

I figure he's just shocked she committed suicide, another one of the Big Sins.

>go back a page to see if I missed anything
>Lem's line here is literally just a repetition of something Duane said to the lady seconds before
That's that, then.

Oh, that clears things up. Yeah, seems like he's a bit catatonic.

According to Ashley's tumblr, it was half accidental half intentional.

As in, he might have been able to stop her from running into the sword, but he didn't.


Jerk move, Lem

If this is a way of characterizing Lem as the asshole he is if he did have a hand in plodifying Dwayne, then hats off, ms. Cope.

Duane's an asshole too. This is his own line that the brother spouts off. Sette is best character.

Lem is such a hypocrite.
I wonder if aiding and abetting undeath is on par with actual undeath, sin-wise.

>Duane's an asshole
You take that back. Duane is pure

I think Duane has the potential to become a better person - probably in a way that Lemuel doesn't - but right now Duane is a brainwashed bully and asshole. Character arcs though, those are a thing. Duane can be improved.

>brainwashed bully and asshole
Brainwashed? Definitely, though it also resulted in someone who was a problem for those same brainwashers, as all drinkers of the cool-aid can be. Asshole? Also definitely, though it's hardly his defining feature. But bully? Duane's never been a bully, even at his worst. He's all fire and brimstone and weird racism and sexism, but he's always been against bullying. He derives no pleasure from shallow violence to establish dominance or get his way, only when righting wrongs and attacking villains. In fact, his kind streak is what continually causes him to go against the grain of his society. He cares more about helping the downtrodden and dispossessed than he cares for the rules about why he shouldn't.

He's not a perfect paragon, but his one consistent virtue has been kindness to those he never needed to be kind to. The slight aside in the backstory about his interest in learning more about the Two-Toes probably also means he'd have some disagreements about how they're treated, though probably only after a direct confrontation. It's also true a lot of his breaks from the social norm have been after being forced to face the disconnect between his personal beliefs about how to treat people and the systems they inhabit.

Pretty much Duane's only flaws are his fervent jingoism and anger issues, other than that he is about one of the nicest people in the comic with only Matti,Jivi and maybe Toma being better than him.

I'm really getting sick of people saying this, he isn't he is definitely a jingoist and possibly a religious extremist but not racist, he has been shown to hate Cresce as a country and it's military/government but shown kindness and compassion for it's people before the same with geffendur he hates the religion but not the people that practice it, as for race? There are only two races in Kasslyne black and tain and he certainly hasn't shown hatred for people that aren't the later.
>and sexism
Even this I can't agree with, he's from a chauvinist country but seems to be quite the gender egalitarian given his upbringing, he was planning to teach Mikalia pymary and pitied Sarthos' predicament sure it's still chauvinist by our standards but considering that Alderode is just a small step above keeping women in burkas that's not bad.
>He derives no pleasure from shallow violence to establish dominance or get his way, only when righting wrongs and attacking villains.
This however seems wrong, Duane definitely has a short temper and seems to revel in confrontation, even if he justifies it to himself by playing the hero.
>Zombie strength is okay though?

Americans have pretty fucked up ideas about what racism is. They seem to think any acknowledgement of physical differences between humans is scandalous. Ignore them.

But I am an american

I'd argue he's a bit of a bully, if something of a religious one.
At very least, past Duane was, in Alderode.

I agree with this.

Like. When he's in his element, in Alderode, he's got religious justification. May only bully the "wrong" people, people flouting Ssael's law, in varying degrees of intensity (Probably nicer to that lady than that black tongue dude), but still a bully.

Galit!Duane is way out of his element and full of shame and rot and sin and far away from his home. Probably less inclined to express his beliefs quite as openly.

I think Duane's current opinions will change drastically when he learns that it was an Aldish (or possibly even Ssaelit) plot that got him and his daughter killed.

where's the "Nigger" guy this thread feels empty with out him

yeah, can't think of why duane might have anger issues.

He always had them as the backstory shows.
Granted being a three for one minority might be part of the reason for his anger.

And his caste was generally looked down on.

That's what I was referring to.
Duane is universely hated because he is...
*Tacit caster
*A talking zombie
Life shits on Duane

Yo be fair the people that hate him because he is innate and a tacit caster are rather few, mostly just other wrights who are jealous.