What the fuck was her problem?


Other urls found in this thread:


Overconfidence, a lack of spiritual connection, and big shoes to fill.

Being stalked by Stan Marsh

being the worst character in her own show

Zero character development

Hack Writers

>being the weakest female character in a show where the avatar is basically god


>Sexual Relationships with anyone who will show her attention

>Fucking up the avatar state forever

>Cant win a single fight against a competent opponent


She's so damn whiny and her and her friends are love sick idiots. Never gave bolin a chance over his idiot brother.

Knowing that she was the avatar.
Imagine if you knew someone who lived in an isolated compound where they were told how special they were every day. Then that person left and learned how little of a shit everyone else gave.
>"I learned these three things easily, so that must mean you're a bad teacher"
>"B-b-but I'm the avatar, so you have to be nice to me."
>"I'm the special, I think this, therefor it must be the correct decision for everyone else."

Women. Just crazy for whatever illogical reason. Same with this girl that got mad me and said I did something bad to her and I don't even recall it.

She needed the D.

Bolin's D to be exact.


>"I learned these three things easily, so that must mean you're a bad teacher"

Hehe. She learned the fourth thing too quite easily once she dumped Tenzin's shitty teaching methods. Korra was right about Tenzin being trash at mentoring - he fucking was.

This basically. This show suffered from the writers not knowing how to write a good strong female character in a lead position.

>starts out overconfident as heck, because she realized that she was the Avatar right from the start.
>gets too emotional when she realizes she has actual flaws or made mistakes, although Aang had that happen too, but for some reason it's worse when Korra does it.
>rinse and repeat the same formula from seasons 1 to 3, maybe 4, been too long since I have seen 4.

The show would have also benefited from having a better focus/threat to the world than a villain of the week that LoK had going for it.

All in all, I'd say that's not as bad as some say it is, but it could have been waaaaaaaay better.

Indeed. She could have avoided a whole mess of stupid crap if she had just chosen best boy.

>but for some reason it's worse when Korra does it.
It's because she's supposed to be Aang's "legacy" and it's all she has because she started her life as the Avatar from a young age, leaving her with a huge complex by the time the show starts. She has to be a good Avatar because it's all she has.

For the most part it stops after book 2.

With gets like that, who could argue?

>Asami has Mako's face
>actually makes her hotter

Found the Satsuki fan


I suppose someone who says that Korra and Mako was a good idea, or that a bad experience with him paved the way for her to embrace the beans within. Frankly, Korra tossing some Sato Salad seems like it was a last season ass-pull, and I would have much preferred to see a happier relationship between Bolin and her, leaving Asami and Mako's relationship to be the trainwreck shippers want as they drift apart due to work/other stress.

>gets too emotional when she realizes she has actual flaws or made mistakes, although Aang had that happen too, but for some reason it's worse when Korra does it.

Aang is younger. Also his problems are worse given that the world went to shit and it's sort of his fault, so he feels extra guilt about that constantly while walking around occupied areas.

Korra spent more or less her whole life growing up with a loving family, being taught by the best teachers, and still somehow wound up an emotional wreck when things got a little bit difficult.

So... she was a millenial?

Is Korra a nigger or a wog?

Don't forget, she was lauded by the writers and showrunners as being the most powerful Avatar yet, and then she proceeded to lose every single goddamn fight in the show.

Yes you're right

She had slutty feet.

Best ship. Best boy.

Satsuki Kiryuuin. The main antagonist of Kill La Kill.

Korra is like Ronda Rousey

>Gets told she's awesome all the time
>Believes her own hype
>Very brash, can be aggresive (Ronda being far worse mind you)
>When she loses she literally can't mentally handle it.

Oooh. Never watched it, sorry.

Das it mane

She's Inuit you dopey cunt

>Aang is younger.
Aang was an ascetic monk. His childhood was explicitly about using focus to surpass worldly limits. He was also taught a great deal about the world.

Korra was raised as the Avatar, not as a person; her entire life was training to be the Avatar.
And the training was terrible and misguided. It in no way prepared her for anything.

It's not that he was bad at teaching--he was bad at teaching her. He did well enough with the other airbenders.

What episode?

More like Stan DARSH!

You sound like a man who's had too many bad times

Basically they broke the rules of gravity and then need gravity back into play in order for there to be conflict.

While Aang was indeed very powerful there was always a risk of defeat. Either by his own hands or the hands of those hunting and trying to slay him. Aang had a great deal of responsibility, not only as the Avatar but as the 'Last Airbender'.

They started Katara off being far too powerful far too quickly. As such they broke the rules of having any sense of true danger in the world. There wasn't anything to be lost if she was to fail.

Lets say they wrote it in such a way where she perishes but at the expense of saving many. What would happen? The story would continue (if it would at all) focusing now on a new Avatar instead. Not a whole lot at stake there. Especially with the Earth nation being a majority of the people in the world at large.

Basically they had a bad foundation to the show in the premise and the characters and with a bad execution you're bound to have nothing but problems.

>anyone showing her atention
not bolin.

I think Tenzin bored the Airbender students to the point that the students just wanted to go home due to the fact that Tenzin kept putting off actual training, but kept talking about notable Airbenders from the past.

Then again, I need to rewatch Season 3.

I know the term has been thrown around until it's lost all meaning but they literally changed the rules of the universe to justify Korra's behavior and victories.
That's Mary Sue as fuck.

Lack of Vitamin Dick

>Then that person left and learned how little of a shit everyone else gave.
People did care, when they could sway her to their side.
Everyone gave a shit about Aang though so that's a change of pace.

She's a dyke

Actually thought of way they could have done far better with the material they ended up using in a way that is far better.

Start off as per usual, except Korra isn't a master and still has much to learn. The teachers are over bearing on her, very strict and have high expectations. Try as she might she doesn't stick to their rigid practices and adds in her own flair. This back-fires on her in training and in matches as she lacks the foundation to allow her to do surprisingly well. This could be because she is trying to learn each element at the same time and feels far too confined to the prison she lives in.

Now instead of Amon as the villain of Season 1, make it the Red Lotus from Season 3. They're about creating an elite of benders in the world, one where non-benders hold no power of any kind. You could have the fall of the Earth Kingdom still. Zaheer is still after Korra and she could be sent there after news of Zaheer and friends escape their prisons. So they figure that Ba Sing Se palace with around the clock earth bodyguards to be the best place.

You can still have Korra go into town incognito and get a chance to see the world and the people whom she has been hidden from. There would be people whom would find out she is the Avatar and give her praise and practically worship her. This could garner attention to agents of Red Lotus in the kingdom.

You could have the fall/collapse of the Earth Kingdom still with Korra barely escaping. A rise of the Red Lotus (under Zaheer) taking over and engaging on their elite bender plan.

This could give rise to the likes of Amon and non-benders sick and tired of living at the whims of benders. This would give gravity to the situation and the world Korra finds herself in. Also, don't make Amon a blood-bender. Make it a spiritual gift, one he acquires in part to the up-coming Harmonic Convergence.

You can connect this all to the Harmonic Convergence which would be the next season.

Sup Forums talk aside and he sometimes made valid points

She ruined avatar

Water bender avatar.

These are usually the most shit avatars due to everything already being handled by the air avatar before them

She was a big meathead.

Korra's massive breasts.

Her tits were never a problem.

This is so much better than what we got.

