What does Sup Forums think of Island?

What does Sup Forums think of Island?

A breathe of fresh air, but it's got more than a few duds in it.

>t's got more than a few duds in it.
Yeah, I think Island would've been better going with fewer shorter stories per issue instead of 3 full comic length ones.

Graham said Island is going to end soon

I only ever read issue #6 for reasons I'm not too proud of but I really liked a lot of the works in it, I should pick up the rest sometime.

>Dat issue 6

It sticks out so bad. I don't think it will ever fail to make me laugh

We can clearly see the cover to #6 on the OP, no need to beat around the bush.

Quick n dirty storytime





>met the guy
>don't like him very much

I am mildly miffed that he got his "art" on the cover of a comic that was ordered and stocked by real stores.

















For now

Is this all of this particular story so far?


Looks interesting

Love it, I like that there's a comics magazine


Fuck it.

>it's January
>in The Year of Our Lord 2016
>be in my local LCS shop
>nervously approach the shopkeep
>ask for my pull list
>shopkeeper grins and starts talking loudly
>"Oh, you want the latest issue of Island? I hear it's ~furry~ good."
>other patrons are turning to look
>shopkeep holds up the issue for all to see
>"I bet you can't wait to get your ~paws~ on this one!"
>other patrons are now giggling
>I start to get sweaty, feel my face turning red
>I yank the issue out of their hands
>"What's the matter? I'm just ~horsing~ around with you!"
>all the patrons are laughing at me
>even that cute qt that I like
>I hand the shopkeep my allowance and run out
>I can feel their eyes on me
>I can feel the kibble tumbling out of my pockets
>I'm so martyfied that I can never return there ever again
The real seal on the deal was when that ass Morrison pulled the same shit with Heavy Metal, and I just had to grin and bear it.


>the furry artist not even trying to hide it
always good for a laff


how about some more Sup Forums

Jumped the shark after gay furries








BG is my comics Moses and I'll follow him wherever he goes. Island is pretty stellar as far as anthologies go. It's just too bad America can't really into anthologies.











>cute qt
>Detective Comics Comics

You should have laughed with the guy, but you mentioned allowance so it might've been hard for a youngin' to play it smooth.

I hope you were going there for awhile though, just to let that guy feel the bite of losing a regular for a short laugh.

Somebody explain to this poor user what they missed.

I usually likes it but I would support it even if I didn't because it's an anthology.
>Graham said Island is going to end soon
Fuck off!

>Graham said Island is going to end soon

thank you based deforge

I asked him.

If I end up looking like a fool, I'm blaming you, Sup Forums.

>asking with Trump-like rethoric
You'll look like a fool either way, user.

Are you telling me that it would not be sad if Island ended?

Would have been better to ask on twitter, he's way more active there.

>using Twitter
I'm not that desperate.