Spider-Man: The Complete Ben Reilly Epic Storytime Part 10


Clone Saga








































I liked phil, another character ruined by slott


Will never leave Spider-,man reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee











I'll always be a 90s romita jr fanboy, i'm glad he seems to be getting his groove back working with frank miller again, his last days at marvel were pretty bad









They were really going to stick with ben being the original huh?
Great moment tho, these two were true bros

>I'll always be a 90s romita jr fanboy, i'm glad he seems to be getting his groove back working with frank miller again, his last days at marvel were pretty bad
I also found his all star batman art much better than his Geoff johns superman collaboration.










Funny since ben never fought the original kraven nor the original doc ock, only their legacies









>Funny since ben never fought the original kraven nor the original doc ock, only their legacies
A decent change.










I'm fucking OT3ing them and I know it's going to end in tears, why do I do this to myself?






Only Missing Uncle Kaine