Where does the show go now?

Where does the show go now?

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Straight to hell.

Did you see this scene?

Anti-Trump pandering, if what the showrunners and the animators say is true.

What kind of animal will Trump be?

My first thought is a hairless cat with a bad wig.


Season 4


Either Bojack finds peace with himself or kills himself.

Mr. Peanutbutter dies.

Make Bojack get drunk and have sex with Mr. Peanutbutter.

I could see it happeningwhen he bites Diane in a fit of stress/anger and puts himself down like a bad dog.

Bojack almost tries to fuck his estranged daughter, either knowingly or unknowingly and kills himself


>omg it's so relatable because I'm so depressed and cynical
>I'm like bojack because like I try to change but I'm a failure boohoo :^(
>i pretend im happy for my friends and family but depression and suicide because realistically I'm a narcissist who wants attention
>woah that heartbreaking finale im so like bojack :((((

I honestly hope this show doesn't have a happy ending but I can't shake the feeling that it will

>Mass projecting

Nowhere, hopefully. It's pretty clear by how the third season turned out they'd played all their cards in the first two seasons. no need to beat a dead horse any further.

I'm betting for bittersweet, some characters (hopefully Mr PB and Princess Caroline) have happy endings while others have 'bad' ones.

Anyone else find themselves hating Bojack? Like I know he's supposed to have inner turmoil type shits all the time... But dood is just such a fucking dick. to EVERYONE.


That's the point

hopefully out of business


I want Bojack to disappear as he runs with the horses and the rest of the cast deals with his disappearance.

no way, he accidentally has choclate

If they drop this after 3 episodes like they did with Jill Pill I'll be upset.

To be fair to them, his second show actually was pretty important to the plot (as it showed the precise moment where Sara's heart ripped in half), but they built up Jill way more than the show.

Nah, he knows what he's doing.

>realistically I'm a narcissist who wants attention
Nothing says narcissist like keeping your depression to yourself where nobody will find out and give you attention about it, right?

where are you getting these 4k screenshots from?

>slightly thick horse girl


Fucking end it. Second season sucked.

I dropped it after watching a few episodes of the second season, it didn't really need to continue after season 1

Nowhere, they ruined it. They had a nice high point at the end of season 2 and then decided to throw BoJack back to his starting point.

If they do this it'll be simultaneously great and terrible.

>still no YMS reference

That would be magnificent

make it a bullfrog

suicide seems too obvious and I really can't Bojack having any kind of happy ending at this point

The technology is obviously there, why is there not porn of it?

What did they say?

The real question is if he's low enough to try to sleep with her.

Come on, you know that this show will go there.

>pretend im happy for my friends and family
>because realistically I'm a narcissist who wants attention

desu I kind of want either this or next to be the last season. I don't want it to overstay it's welcome or anything

Still though, good series.

I love how off the chain these commercials are.

I heard someone complained though, so they can't do them anymore.

He kills himself.

It was Britain and some other European moral guardians that said it wasn't right for a drink that is mainly sold to children to have such sexually suggestive commercials. Nevermind that French kids see that stuff all time.

Why the fuck would there be?

>Tfw we could've had more outrageous Orangina commercials like youtube.com/watch?v=yHksde0yMPA but buzzkills had to nix it
Thanks UK.

Fuck this episode

this ^ 100000000

In a loop.

Just as they've done all 3 seasons before.

>Bojack sees the horses running out in the desert at the end of S3
>goes back to LA and sells his house for a modest apartment
>lives off royalties from the book and movie while spending his day running with the ape guy
>gets interrupted by legal troubles for abandoning Ethan Around
>attempts to patch up things with Todd but is rebuked because 'too many times'
>tries to find solace with Mr. PB but he's too wrapped up in his election campaign
>starts nearing freefall again over being unable to leave his problems behind
>spends another night bingeing in front of the TV and watch old reruns
>finally gets to hear the reply from Secretariat he didn't get as a kid about how you need to just keep running
>decides to go full out and prepares to leave California permanently
>sells Princess Carolyn the rights to the movie version of One Trick Pony
>calls out Todd about being a hypocrite before leaving him the monocular he got from Herb
>suggests to PB during his election loss party that he does a crossover episode with Ethan Around
>night ends with Bojack looking to buy property out in Maine
>meets his daughter the next morning as he's about to drive out
>Bojack decides to stay in LA to raise his kid
>season ends with Carolyn offering Bojack the opportunity to direct his movie if they want to continue the series

>actually none of it happens because this season is going to be political


>>actually none of it happens because this season is going to be political
God. Damn. It.

God I hope they learn from South Park's mistake and avoid political drama.

I only remember her name being dropped once. I think we hyped her up more than the show.

But hey, they're not part of the EU anymore

>calls out Todd

I've seen a lot of people want this. He wasn't on our shitlist last season. What happened?

Everyone seems to think this and Rick and Morty will be nothing but SJW and Trump jokes. I'm sure they'll have an episode be about Trump, but not the whole season.

Rick and Morty won't even reference him.

Can someone sum up what happened with South Park for me? I don't watch the show but Sup Forums has me curious. I heard they wrote themselves into a corner thinking Hillary would win, how?

Back to it's Philosophy 101 class to talk about how nothing matters at all and cum on their Nietzsche books.
Would fuck the dog though.

Princess Caroyln is pure and must be protected

>lives rent free with Bojack
>pays off debt to the mob by throwing a party at Bojack's house
>Rock Opera only got off the ground because of Bojack's creative influence
>steals the rights to Disneyland through a simple mistake and creates a death trap
>gets an executive position with Mr. Peanutbutter just because
>ruins Bojack's return to the industry by turning Hollywoo Heist into a gift basket
>gets a big position at Wanda's network and pisses off actual workers like Mia because he got in with Mr. PB
>earns sweet dosh from Emily's business by doing nothing
>hosts Emily's business inside of Bojack's house
>earns millions by turning it into a prostitution racket

Then because Bojack slept with a consenting Emily, a girl Todd left behind years ago, he said Bojack hasn't earned a thing in his life and is bumbling through it based on the goodwill of others.

Hopefully this is the last season. How long are we keep watching bojack sabotaging himself in different situations?

Bojack goes back to the show despite his fears and things gradually settle for him. ha has a career again and people haven't tottaly abandoned him, he feels he's doing ok.
then he hears from his daughter and in a moment of poorly thought out epiphany brings her to him to try and scrape out just one genuine not fucked up not fucked up relationship about it.
this gradually brings him closer to his friends and loved ones (though not always in good ways or for good reasons).
though in a freak out episode, some social commentary, some sentiments about how Bojack think he ruins lives so he keeps people at arms length or drive them off but its killing him inside to do so.
and if they end it this season end it on a slight up turn though not a definite happy ending or another great cliffhanger

s'working out great so far

It could've been great really fucked me up. I could deal with him pushing Wanda away, but I think Carolyn is the only person who ever really loved Bojack in a real way, even if it was a part of her fucked up pathos. Hurting her might have been one of the best things he did for her, but it still hurt.

they basically said we aren't doing political for the foreseeable future cause Trump is too hard to make fun of
you cant make a ridiculous cartoon character of a person if they already are

i forget what happened here someone remind me

Todd coming out asexual bothered me for some reason

its not like its incongruous with his character or anything

he didn't really name it as asexual, so it's not like he's a part of the retarded identity politics. it makes sense, but it makes him extra retarded for being angry that emily had sex with bojack. maybe he just felt alienated that bojack got to connect with emily on a level he always felt inadequate over not being able to, especially since he was afraid she'd lose interest otherwise.

we go into their past while PC bends over backwards to help bojack with his restaurant as it is threatened to go up in flames literally and figuratively. we get more into the psychology of PC and how she has a hard time stopping herself from trying to fix things and help other people in trouble. she has a lot of tender moments with bojack and bojack does admit that he does love her in a very genuine way. PC, at the end of the night, begs bojack to let her back into his life as his agent after she helps him all night and they share vulnerability, but he rejects her very bluntly.

Bojack says he's going to fire Princess Carolyn after she royally fucks up his chances at getting into two movies, one of which also screwed with Kelsey after Bojack really wanted to make up with her. They go to Bojack's restaurant to talk it over, and they end up spending the night reconnecting, working together, and really getting close.

The episode ends with Bojack telling Carolyn that he's still firing her.

The creators stated that the purpose of the show has become trying to find Bojack's rock bottom.
It ends when they find it, although they're starting to doubt if he even has one.

>I heard they wrote themselves into a corner thinking Hillary would win, how?
Pretty much. Supposedly they wrote the entire episode (and the rest of the season's plot) on Hillary winning. Why didn't they just continue with it after she lost? Why do they have to mirror real life? Who knows!

Her loss made them scrape together an episode and left them desperately trying to figure out how to solve all the shit they were leading up to. The result was...boring.

No really, that's it, it was just boring. Not bad, just boring. One of the main issues was they tried to have an over-arching plot throughout the entire season, as opposed to stand alone episodes. I thought this worked last season, but I don't think they were following current events quite as hard back then.

Honestly I thought the beginning episodes were pretty great. They were a fun little commentary about how people put too much importance over social media quibbles. Even the troll stuff at the start was funny, because any well adjusted person would just laugh and think "Wow, this guy has a lot of free time". But then it just went nowhere, which is probably why the second half of the season felt like such a let down.

Good buildup, awful payoff.

I don't think he'll die, I think he has a major issue with death as a concept.
Don't forget that for most of that scene he was waiting to see if his brother would live or die too.

They kind of already used one though on PC's boss, wouldn't it be repetitive?


It basically the writers trying to give Todd a free pass to rip at Bojack for sexing up Emily despite the fact that he's still at fault for not explaining his feelings years and years ago.

Didn't he have a girlfriend in season one?

Namedrop one episode. Appears the next, sets up the episode after next as her request. That episode has a major derail.

All it really does is set up history on his show, which in turn was only important in showing how he let down Sarah Lynn.

He was trying to date an identity theft criminal.

Asexual literally just means not having sex though, asexuals pursue relationships for emotional reasons in real life.



best company logo imo


Hopefully Bojack or that horse chick can point out the inherent hypocrisy in the others. Like how Todd has legitimate reasons for being upset, but if he really was that affected by it, why not move out earlier?

If she's a hard working, self made person, she'll have the precious moral high ground. And she can start firing truth bombs at everyone.

Gonna be depressing though when Bojack finally alienates her and she leaves at the end of the season though.
Gonna be even worse if she's not important at all.

>not "It's-a good sho'!"


>Not "That's some bad hat harry!"

There's a certain morality of "don't sleep with your friend's friends" and more importantly "don't make things weird for your friends".

I really find it bothersome that Sup Forums never seems to be aware of that.

We're not talking levels of fucking under drinking age deer bad behavior, but its a pretty shitty thing.

He failed at being a professional, failed at being a superficial star, failed at being a friend, failed at being a lover, tried to fuck a teenager and got someone killed.

What's left?


>got someone killed
Tha better not be Sarah Lynn you're talking about because despite Diane being full of shit she was right on Bojack not being at fault more than the rest of society.

>"don't sleep with your friend's friends"
Except they hadn't seen each other in quite a few years, Todd never initiated anything back then, they're both adults now, and Todd (at the very least) isn't interested in sex anyways.

Your point would be valid if they remained in contact, or had a previous relationship.

>under drinking age
Technically she was legal fugging age, so legally he did nothing wrong.

Morally though (according to western morals anyways) it was a shitty thing to do, that I agree on.

I'm just glad he never knocked up the teen-deer.
And that the boat didn't become her Maine.

>He failed at being a professional
Horsin' Around doesn't count? Or do you mean he didn't star in some snooty play?
>failed at being a superficial star
That's what he is for the majority of at least season 1.
>failed at being a friend
Eh, he helped Todd's opera, then sabotaged it. Then he saved Todd from a cult and helped his startup business. I mean, he's shitty upfront, but does nice things too so, I dunno, 50/50 on that one.
>failed at being a lover
Yeah that one is true. There's definitely some chemistry between PC and Bojangles, but his self destructive ways always end their relationships.
>tried to fuck a teenager
She was legal, and he rebuked her the first time. But then yeah, he gave in.
>got someone killed
Nah, as pointed out, he's just as much to blame as everyone else. At least she died with a friend.

>At least she died with a friend

Though the writers gave the hint that she was on the right path before Bojack called her (she went sober 9 months instead of the planned 8) to make him look worse. Somewhere there was a point about Bojack just being the center of a group of assholes ruining each other's lives then the witers just started blaming everything on Bojack for real.