Is this really that bad?

is this really that bad?


is le buff annoying in it?

meh I liked it cuz of the alien shit, i also understand the hate too, and shaia doesnt make it any easier to watch.

>shaia doesnt make it any easier to watch
that's what I'm afraid of

to me it didnt ruin the movie knowing thank god he never got a spinoff out of it. that worked for me at least but def not most people and I dont blame them.

Its a watch and see kinda thing, all depends on your mood or who knows what when you see it, but if I was a betting man id bet you would think it was shit. But i liked it maybe you can find that sweet spot, never know until you try.

Shia was fine in it.
That stupid jungle vine swinging was awful though.

The fridge doesn't bother me as much the rafting down the mountain in Temple.

Honestly, if you didnt like the fridge nuking, you weren't much an indy fan.

Campy trope doesn't work anymore. Also, it felt like they all just half-assed it and mailed it in. They should not have revisited the storage hanger at all, let alone put in Area 51. The new characters are shallow and anachronistic. They plot was thin. All the stunts were meant to be an homage but it felt stale. The ending is a mess and Stephen Spielberg is fading as a director.

I like movies set in the 50's so I'll give it a pass

yeah, it's not that bad. it's pretty comfy desu.

indy 5 is probably going to make 4 look really good in comparison. mainly because ford is too old, and the movie is slated for a summer 2020 release, it's barely in pre-production.

Part time.

I actually like it a lot.
I like them all though.
Haven't seen Last Crusade in years.

im seriously hoping they pass the torch but uhhhh shouldnt we get the word out or petitions to keep shaia out of it so it doesnt end up being him?

WTF movie is this? A video game thread?
>tfw Crystal Skull denier

Indiana Jones takes place between the World Wars. Cold War Indy was a mistake, and any reboot/sequal/rehash/retread that ignores this fact will suck a ball.


basically they have to do it like blade runner 2049, which saved ford for the third act and he was really secondary to gosling.

as for who takes over over, no idea, but yeah shia is out.

>they made this because they were that mad about Crystal Skull
What the fuck, Matt and Trey.

No. It's the worst of the four but it's still a good movie.

We're using the dictionary definition of fanatic here I see.

It's shit. The fridge wasn't even a problem for me. It was just a shit movie

Disagree desu. It was a nice movie.

>the monkey swing shit

I can deal with the aliens and the dumbass nuked fridge stuff because it's not like Indy movies were always totally grounded in reality. Hell, the first movie had Nazis getting their faces melted from Christ magic from a Jew box.
But what kills it for me is Shia and the constant references to Indy being old. We get it. The fucker is old. And Shia can't act for shit.

I didn't despise it, though ancient aliums was retarded in a film traditionally about religious artifacts.

>implying with free reign you wouldn't do weird shit like this
lets just look through your Sup Forums positng history

it's the worst Indy movie by a fair margin but people who acted like it's some irredeemable piece of shit were just riding high on the (deserved) prequel hate

Indiana Jones fucking sucks. Take off your nostalgia goggles

RotS is better than Indy 4.
The script writer for Indy *3* fixed up RotS's script, and Spielberg directed like half the movie.

wtf i hate indiana jones now

It's alright.

Though, yeah, there's that...

People were just freakin out cuz "muh aliens", but it was about the Crystal Skull, which is always central in alien conspiracy theories, so whaddya expect? Was I the only one that saw that coming from the title alone?

Nuke thing was a bit over the top, but typical Indi. Near everything else could have been in any other Indiana Jones movie and no one would've complained.

It isn't quite the "destroy my childhood" thing that the prequels were, but nor was it good enough to create a revival.


It's Cate kino

I saw it opening night with way too high expectations. In hindsight it's really not that bad of a movie, but holy fuck did the boys go overboard on all the throwback references to the previous movies, as if the viewer was going to forget that they are in fact watching an Indiana Jones movie.


I liked the Alien part

>There are people already defending this mvoie saying it wasn't that bad

No, fuck you. This should've been the 4th Indy movie

Isn't it about time for an Isabella Jones.

When these kind of faggots can chain parroted opinions this hard, you know it's time to quit asking and see it yourself.

It's the 4th and most likely last Indy film with a rough and tumble Harrison Ford. It should be a no brainer.

Parts of it were shit. I had no problems with the alien angle. Crystal skulls associated with aliens is a real thing, and making it be real in the Indiana Jones universe isn't so different from what they did with the ark of the covenant or holy grail.

And there was some pretty kino cinematography in some places.

It was okay.

Never really understood the hate bandwagon people jumped on though.

Pretend hate is contagious just look at Girlbusters. Fat nerds were acting like Lucas was ruining their lives with this and the prequels.

Unlike this, Girlbusters was almost as bad as described. This, on the other hand, was just "meh" - not fantastic, not terrible. Given the age of the material, couldn't have expected much better.

I think most of the hate comes due to its proximity to the Star Wars prequels, and those... Man, not since the height of welfare has so much money been spent on so much trash. At least you can tell *some* of the folks working on Crystal Skull were having fun, unlike the fearful army working under Kaiser Lucas Caligula during the prequels all whispering to themselves, "He's clearly insane, but we can't say anything, cuz he's the fucking Emperor!"

The irony is not lost on me that Lucas' overbearing love for his franchises was the only thing he was guilty of.

The new SW movies being exhibit A.

>Crystal skulls associated with aliens is a real thing
Only in seriously fringe fields, and only for the past hundred or so years. To me there's a big difference between new age stuff like that and the widely established, actually historical, folklore used in the first 3 movies.

>unlike the fearful army working under Kaiser Lucas

No, it's just another case of rampant fan autism. It's not as good as the classics so they think it's one of the worst movies ever made, but it's unironically not that bad.

When CS was coming out, lots of people were disappointed that the Fate of Atlantis PC game wasn't adapted. Apparently Lucasarts was doing Indiana Jones better as a game.

>Indiana Jones and the Iron Phoenix, it was set afterWorld War IIand featured Nazis seeking refuge inBolivia, trying to resurrectAdolf Hitlerwith thephilosophers' stone.

>However, when the German coordinators discovered how extensively the game dealt withNeo-Nazism, they informed LucasArts about the difficulty of marketing the game in their country.AsGermanywas an important overseas market for adventure games, LucasArts feared that the lower revenues would not recoup development costs, and subsequently canceled the game. In an interview, Barwood commented that the development team should have thought about the story more thoroughly beforehand, calling it insensitive and not regretting the cancellation of the title.

>Another follow-up game calledIndiana Jones and the Spear of Destinywas planned, which revolved around theSpear of Longinus

The vaseline filter irks me to no end.

>The vaseline filter irks me to no end.

So no end. Literally infinite irk?

its great till shia shows up. Also would have worked better if indy had a daughter.

someone post the indy 5 script with short round coming back, actually sounded pretty good.

>people hating on Shia

Also this movie sucked because it was prequels-tier george fucking everything up and I'm really disappointed speilberg decided to go along with it, secretly knowing it's shit.

>is this really that bad?
As bad as a gamma-ray-proof Westinghouse fridge.

his mum sucked as well

1-2-3-4 maybe switch 2-1-3-4