What are some kinos about men willingly becoming slaves of a goddess?

What are some kinos about men willingly becoming slaves of a goddess?

Dear god

>him and his friends rape her after that


god I wish that were me

Jesus christ user, i wanted to try nofap.

A documentary about Evan Peters life.

>god I wish that were me
This but unironically

>Tom Cruise made the wrong choice in The Mummy
What a fool.

That's when you backhand her, grab her by the hair and say, "And the weak don't enslave the strong."

>I will never have this

then you get arrested for assault and kicked out of collage

>she kills them all after that by flipping their bus

That's when she slashes your guts with her sharp knees and bathes in the blood

>being the slave of an impure hag

Such bad taste

what episode? I NEED this in my life

The one in the OP is Bitchcraft (first episode of American Horror Story Coven). The second one is The Seven Wonders (the last one)

>Imagine being Evan Peters in that scene

INB4 best Emma

That was telekinesis though, she went and kissed Zoe as soon as Madison stopped controlling him

Please tell me that webm worthy moments like these pop up throughout the episodes shes in

how did this tv show get into my dreams

No idea, I don't watch AHS so I had to look them up. If there's any it's been likely posted already. I pussied out of AHS when they raped Madison.