But Aquaman, you cannot marry a woman without gills! You're from two different worlds!

>But Aquaman, you cannot marry a woman without gills! You're from two different worlds!

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desuarchive.org/co/search/text/"shut up boco"/

did comic book guy actually say this? are the writers that unaware or is it meant to imply comic book guy is that unaware?

But Aquaman doesn't have gills neither does he,,,?

He can breath under water. He must have some kind of Gill.


The joke is he self inserts himself as Aquaman thus Aquaman cant marry.

>Homer, you're dumb as a mule and twice as ugly. If a strange man offers you a ride, I say, take it

Oh, I've wasted my life.

Honestly, I feel as if the point is it doesn't matter who's wrong.


A deep one?

I'll bet I get blamed for this...



Actually, Boco, this is the one time in history that every single poster on Sup Forums has unanimously agreed that you are not the one to blame. But seeing as you already have admitted that you are the source of this conflict, you hereby have taken all ownership of the scrutiny that shall ensue

It's meant to imply the autist demanding or making explanations for every little thing while ignoring the simple, sweet story.

oh you've wasted your life

Treehouse of Horror is non-canon.

>canon in a Looney-Tunes level cartoon
>is it the same level of canon as Homer falling hundreds of feet onto jaggy rocks and living? Hmmmmm...

I'm confused and an oldfag. Is this piece of trash Movie Theater Lad with a new name?

That line was meant to bait Comic Book Guys into getting mad about it. You fell for it hook, line, and sinker. You just got mocked by The Simpsons.

Nah, he's an entirely different tripfag who gets off on being verbally abused by the general population for his moronic opinions.
desuarchive.org/co/search/text/"shut up boco"/
You did make me think of that one time MTL accidentally a whole boy scout troop while dressed as a girl though, so there's that.


Accidentally what? Inquiring minds need to know.

its become a meme at this point
Not a great meme, mind you.
He'll say completely reasonable things and still get told to shut up.

Yeah, I've told him to shut the fuck up so many times that when he actually says something REALLY stupid, I have to really elaborate on how much of a fuckstick he is.

Makes you wonder why Boco still bothers to trip.

He is legit retarded. He actually likes modern simpsons. I guess he thinks where his friends and don't actually hate him.

Maybe he doesn't always bother ;)

Just to be safe, shut the fuck up.

You heard me.

Ok I'm mad now. No I will not respond to you.

Y'know, there's this guy at the WWE called Baron Corbin, he's really shit at wrestling, but they packaged him as someone who hates people who are smaller than him and good at wrestling. So every time he comes out and clumsily crushes someone better than him, he's criticism proof, because if you get mad, it just means he did exactly what he was meant to do, but in the end, everyone is just watching a guy who is bad at wrestling.

...I see.

Shut up, Maggle. He's a future world champion. I can see him becoming the world champion soon.

But Miles you can't fall in love with Spider Gwen! You're literally from two different worlds! If you had kids and separated, custody would be a nightmare.

That's what you get for not liking the characters I like.

I'm all for hating on Boco, but you guys do know he just quoted Mayor Quimby, right?

>hey matt we need a one off character to marry the comic book guy
just make her asian, nobody remembers asian characters anyways because they all look the same