Is he permanently ostracized from Hollywood now?

is he permanently ostracized from Hollywood now?

will he recover?

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This is too convenient for Trump. Is he behind this?

What will Call of Duty do when it's time to remaster black ops 3?

He's done

>Spacey times his response to allegations to come just before Muller, assuming Trump's problems will drown out his
>instead Spacey shit takes over all news and nobody pays attention to Trump/Russia stuff

>MAGAman has us exactly where he wants us

Advanced Warfare, actually.

Isn't it amazing that Trump has survived all of the slings and arrows in exactly one year next week.

And yet Hollwyood is just drowing in controversy, Hillary clinton's connections to Russia have come to light and the DNC rigging the elections for Clinton.

It's just down right astonishing where we are now. The liberals have Just'ed themselves by their lonesome. at this point I can't see them winning the 2020 elections.

he's better off. ridley scott has lost the plot.

A lot of it has to do with the moral grandstanding. Hollywood's been vomiting from their ivory towers for so long. Mere accusations with no proof can cause entire careers to crumble overnight.

Meanwhile Trump acknowledges he's a crude IRL shitposter and revels in it.

Forgot pic

Hello, I would like to Accuse Kevin Spacey of sexually assaulting/molesting/raping me(which ever gets me more units of attention) without any substantial evidence. How do I go about doing this?

>is he permanently ostracized from Hollywood now?

>trump curse is not real cucks said
post it

No, it just shows how morally corrupt Republicans are. It's literally "we don't care how he behaves since he's /ourguy/"

Hollywood finally taking action against people who misbehave is commendable. Weinstein has like hundreds of accusations at this point, and police are investigating him. Spacey similarly has an increasing amount of people accusing him, although funny how them being all men somehow makes their accusations more believable than when women accused Weinstein.

>that's the main story on CNN

God damn that church shooting blew over in record fucking time

Several Israeli Pm's have had their legacy's marred by controversy. Si, this doesn't surprise. In fact I sure many influential people have a personal dossiers on their enemies.

>b-but Republicans!
Democrats lecturing people about morals, lol

Advanced Plummerfare.

yeah well you lost virgina

lmao, they just released the trailer for it with yesterday.

It's almost as if no one cares who shoots up who anymore.

What's important is actors and the stupid shit celebrities do.

"Go on, be distracted goyim!"

Congrats. Hope you don't misread the results and get overconfident again.

>It's literally "we don't care how he behaves since he's /ourguy/"
Besides not taking anyone shit, like cnn, isn't really misbehaving. I guess he should have bend to their will.

>although funny how them being all men somehow makes their accusations more believable than when women accused Weinstein.

Yet. feminists in hollywood worked for Weinstein and Ratner despite all of their controversy. Funny how you tried to blame all men when it's women in hollwyood who failed and they deserve 50% of the blame for Weinstein.

guys.... GUYS. Hear me out

with so many accusations can't all the accused get together and accrue enough monies to fund their own venture.

Trump is a narcissist (as is Weinstein, as is Hillary), and while his behaviour may seem amusing on the TV, if you have actually had the misfortune to have had a narcissist in your life, you will know they are ruthless, spiteful monsters that destroy everything they touch.


t. hillary voter

I hate Hillary as well, for the same reasons.

Bernout then? That'd be even worse desu

>How often do you have sex?
>Mentally, nonstop.

Republicans claim to care about family values but still voted in Trump after the pussy grabbing video (that he never apologized for) and Trump's well publicized tabloid sex escapades that he likes bragging about. They also say they're the party who support the troops yet Trump literally shits on veterans and gold star families any time they have anything negative to say about him. And again never apologizes for his conduct.

Has anyone's career been aided by pedophilia more than Christopher Plummer?

Every politician is a narcissist.

>Republicans claim to care about family values but still voted in Trump after the pussy grabbing video
Locker room talk. Anyone who says they don't talk like this around other men is either a liar or a male feminist soyboy (who tend to end up being rapists anyway). You cannot handle the truth.

>They also say they're the party who support the troops yet Trump literally shits on veterans and gold star families
Funny coming from the party that's been attacking General Kelly nonstop. The Democrats use veterans as shields when they're not literally killing them at the VA.

>And again never apologizes for his conduct.
Nothing to apologize for.

Now get on the floor and vomit into your puddle of tears, Hillshill.

Not Trump, but some people theorize that it's Steve Bannon.
It's plausible, considering that he left Trump's cabinet and vowed to tackle the leftist media and continuing the culture war.

If I was voting purely on family values, I'd think one's stance on abortion is more important than whether they're a scumbag in their personal life.

Trump curse. Deal with it.

Why is spacey career getting destroyed compared to other actors who has been accused?

>And again never apologizes for his conduct.
The left severely underestimated how fucking sick people are of politicians bending over and apologizing for whatever racist/sexist/homophobic/buzzword transgression they made. Someone telling them to go fuck themselves was a revelation.

Because he's old and creepy. Why would people try to ruin a hot young guy's career lmao

It's possible, but I think it's more about the internet in general. In past years accusers would just get silenced and snuffed out by the cable media at the command of a select few people.

It's a lot harder to shut someone up now. Social media doesn't have enough gatekeepers to prevent these fires from spreading.

You need to stop conflating Trump with the Republican party.
Trump is hated by most Republicans because he's a business Democrat trying to reform the party away from the cancer that is neoconservatism.
Also, Trump's criticisms of veterans are entirely sensible. We keep idolizing veterans unconditionally like they're infallible and it's lead to us electing psychopathic narcissists like McCain into the Senate, who have banked on their veteran status to get ahead in life.
A veteran who constantly demands respect and attention for his 'service' is a narcissistic parasite. If you are a truly selfless and devoted serviceman for your country, then you wouldn't be demanding gibs 24/7 like what McCain does.
This is why a lot of people actually respected Trump more for calling out cynical veterans and McCain.

liberals have standards, conservatives don't, it's that simple.

>liberals have standards

>Republicans claim to care about family values but still voted in Trump after the pussy grabbing video
Trash talk is far less offensive than Bill Clinton raping numerous women over the last few decades while Hillary knew about it, lied about it, and threatened Bill's victims into silence.

>never apologizes for his conduct
Why would he apologize for things he hasn't done?

>liberals are children who view the world as "good vs evil" and assume that whatever the media spoonfeeds them must be "good"

>subscribing to the Democrat/Republican political binary
God, it surely does feel bad being surrounded by all these dumb people.

>t-this can't be happening

Thank g-d you're here, Centrist Boy!

>Funny coming from the party that's been attacking General Kelly nonstop

Kelly can be called out for lying when he's part of an administration, especially when he's using lies to attack someone criticizing the administration he's part of. Especially when considering how Kelly was promoted as this morally sound and upstanding guy when he joined the administration.

It is not the same as Trump insinuating that a muslim gold star father is misogynistic by not letting the mother talk, or saying McCain isn't a war hero because he was a POW, or how the recently widowed woman is a liar because it came out he made dumb and insensitive comments about how her husband knew what he was doing when he died in the service of the military, just as she was on her way to claim his body. The last one also makes Kelly directly look bad since he was complaining about how the call "wasn't treated as sacred" due to other people being allowed to listen in on the call, despite he himself was listening on it from the other side and the widow having the right to decide if she wanted to let others listen to it through speaker phone.

its for the best, no one could believe anymore that kevin spacey wouldnt do anything to bring a male teenager back to his home anyhow.

Go away, Hillary. Jesus.

Watch out. They might call you a enlightened centrist for not wanting to join their little clubs.

I'd be surprised if they made a remaster of AW

Give it a few months, people will forget. They always do as long as you have enough money and other people around you to distract them.
Look at Chris Brown.
He can literally beat the absolute fuck out of a famous woman with no repercussions at all, aside from a few weeks of negative press.
Or even Woody Allen molesting underage girls back in the day.
The general public always forgets what they're upset about after so long.

why the actual fuck dont go fuck off to Sup Forums? you leftoid fucking loser

I'm an extreme centrist

>abloo bloo mean words
Democrats literally killed Veterans via the VA and protected the murderers for years to the point where even CNN couldn't cover it up. Hillary even had the gall to accuse the victims of complaining too much during the campaign.

Whatever moral high ground you think you have, it doesn't exist.

Don't forget Mel Gibson, who called out the Jews on several occasions.
He was blacklisted and buried just long enough for everyone to forget, so when he came back and started making movies again, it was like none of it ever happened.

>Most seats since 1899

kek. No amount of gerrymandering will help the reds

hmmm, caring about veterans, hmmm, remind me, what administration lied about iraq again? what administration put us in an endless quagmire that has cost us $5 trillion. you know, a rounding error from the party of fiscal responsibility and caring about veterans, so they sent people to die over fake news and bankrupted us in the meanwhile so that we couldn't afford universal healthcare

VA is going blue. PA is going red.

Some states shift sides, it happens.

Not that drastically. Most shifted seats in over 100 years. You have to play some major mental gymnastics to see that at all as "It happening".


Difference is people actually care what Weinstein did


Okay dude. The "Blue wave" is here! Maybe Texas will go blue and Hillary will win THIS time!

>Already deflecting

kek. That was fast. Good luck with that in 2018

Trump openly shat on the Bush administration. No one defends the Bushes except butthurt NeverTrumper neocons.

says you

havent you heard? Liberals love the Bush clan now

if mel gibson managed to come back, he's fine

Trump isn't a republican. He's a populist.


Look at this map, junior. In order for you to "btfo" me, you need to defend every single seat of yours and take every single red seat. You better hope your "blue wave" is real and not just delusion from your unending butthurt over Trump.

>Isn't it amazing that Trump has survived all of the slings and arrows in exactly one year next week.

You know Hillary was investigate for better part of a year or more as well, right? No charges either. Which is it? Do no charges mean innocence or are they evidence of collusion with law enforcement and the judiciary?

Easy there comrade. I know these states suddenly turning blue all of a sudden have got you guys in Moscow worried but there's no need to shill this hard.

>No charges either.
Not surprising since Comey drafted Hillary's exoneration months before interviewing key witnesses, including Hillary herself.

Glad he was fired. Blatantly corrupt.

Shootings happen at least once a week in the US. There will be another soon.

To be fair, Dubya was kawaii as fuck

Thanks for confirming your inconsistency.

spacey is both a leftard and a faggot, but after this masterful hitjob, you've gotta somewhat sympathize with the man

Those are the facts. The FBI has serious corruption issues that will take years to fix.

This scandal happened so fast. In a week the man who Reddit and mainstream media idolized was torn down and ruined forever. What the heck is this timeline?

>you've gotta somewhat sympathize with the man

>No amount of gerrymandering will help the reds

I really hope scotus takes down gerrymandering so the dem stronghold of Illinois can finally end

>two blue states voting in democrat governors is supposed to a be a paradigm shift
You didn't win any victories there, chump.

The entire government is corrupt user

>I'm mentally unable to see that different topics may be advantageous to lean one way on while others are better to lean another

really makes u think

You added nothing to the conversation other than your own self congratulations. Go sniff your own centrist farts somewhere else.

>of all sudden

>liberals have standards
not sure if trolling or serious

They have to delay the film don't they? How they'll shoot everything in a month?

I'm not the guy you were speaking with in the first place, just countering shitposts with more shitposts, because the replies I quoted were very clear shitposts. What is there to add?

There's nothing wrong with leaning left on some issues and leaning right on others, but this seems to be something of a stigma in today's political spectrum where people are anakin tier "If you're not with me then you're my enemy!" if other people don't agree with every single thing.

I don't like Trump because he's a narcissistic lying fat old boomer, but if I were to simply state "I don't like Trump" as an offhand statement in some political thread I'm 99% positive I'd get some form of either "It was her turn" hillary shill shitpost replies or get called a libtard, which I'm neither. I dislike the man's character, but his politics don't necessarily rub me the wrong way completely. He also does raise good points at times and has helped to bring out some underlying issues in America, particularly in how the media will skew the shit out of things so much that the news has become literally fake.

I'm not a fan of all Democratic leadership, and I'm not a fan of all Republican leadership, but both sides have outlier representatives and congressional leaders that have an exemplary history of service to the American people. A binary left/right political system isn't the only thing that works. There's nothing wrong with a moderate third party being thrown into the mix.

Were you born yesterday?

>Or even Woody Allen molesting underage girls back in the day.

Woody Allen never did that though, he did fuck his grown step daughter which is weird.

Trump got voted in because he's the bad guy. His voters don't care about his controversies.

Barging into a conversation and calling everyone stupid warrants a hostile response.

ur a faget

>oh no he said he grabs pussies
>guess Im a democrat now