Her name doesn't make as much sense if they don't keep her an arctic fox

Her name doesn't make as much sense if they don't keep her an arctic fox.

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Stop watching cartoons.

Is that a Martian from Mars Attacks?

That design is pretty fucking garbage.

Are you kidding me? This Fantastic Mr. Fox the Low Budget TV Series character is supposed to be Alopex?

It really is.


If this show is any indication, she'll make 1 more appearance. 2 max. Then disappear forever.

So quit whining, babies.

>waaaah, I can't fap to her like this

Good. Now fuck off and burn yourselves.

>tfw no storytime


Is this the first time the cartoon's used a character from the IDW series?

To be 100% fair, that is most definately not the problem. It is a very fappable fox with a very fappable voice.

So uhh... what issue is this and why is slash rampaging?

know it was a good Idea to drop the show mid season 4

Didn't they make a big deal with her announcement at some convention? Doubt she will be a one shot character


Okay so I can understand if they felt the comic design was too risque for a kids show so they decided to cover her up. Personally I don't think kids or even their parents would care that much considering there have are tons of cartoon anthro characters that are pantless or don't wear any clothes at all but whatever.

However the decision to change her from a Artic Fox and removing the purple markings on her face is puzzling. It changes what was originally a very striking and unique design to one that looks bland, derivative, and boring.

Err, why?

now she is thicc!

Hey, has Donnie given April salmonella yet?

You must be joking if you think IDW Alopex is "risky" looking. Alopex looks very often like a MALE fox in IDW. It's only when Transsexual Artist drawing her that she vaguely even resembles a female because as she looks Renamon looks more feminine.

This character has no business calling herself Alopex. Remember it's not just the wrong fox species. It's also everything else...

- Alopex no longer having an origin via the Foot Clan.
- Alopex being a human instead of a wild animal.
- Alopex being a random sister.

None of these things are what make Alopex in IDW, though what does define her is being a bland one note Raph Cock Holster. And ironically THAT was the only part the stupid ass Nick cartoon got right with Raph calling her "Sweetheart" and notably being a bit taken by her.

>Alopex no longer having an origin via the Foot Clan.
>Alopex being a human instead of a wild animal.
>Alopex being a random sister.
I don't mind those changes since various cartoons and comics will make changes to characters. Like Splinter wasn't originally Hamato Yoshi in the comics, he was his pet rat, but that's what they did in the 1987 cartoon and they brought it back again in the 2012 cartoon.

>though what does define her is being a bland one note Raph Cock Holster. And ironically THAT was the only part the stupid ass Nick cartoon got right with Raph calling her "Sweetheart" and notably being a bit taken by her.
Though I do find this weird, that they may hint at setting up a (second) love triangle.

I was trying to say that Nickelodeon or the people working on the show may have felt her design was too risque because she's basically exposed from the belly down and not wearing any pants. I don't think it's too risque for the show. As I said there's plenty of cartoon anthro characters who are pantless or don't wear any clothes at all so Alopex appearing on the show like how she is in the comics really wouldn't have been a big deal.

Why did the two replies to this post get deleted?

She naruto?

>waaaah, I can't fap to her like this

hold my beer son.

Arctic foxes have brown fur most of the year, retards.

So I was right.
Fuck you random user.

Too bad Alopex wasn't around when the 2003 TMNT show was going on. Would have been cool to see her in it and how she would have been adapted.

They could always give her another mutagen bath, like how Bradford went from Dogpound to Rahzar.


fucking worst intro song. I couldn't even get into the show when it was airing just for how garbage that was.



Renamon was fine for kids, and she wore almost nothing.

>Only limbs he pulls out are those these species are known to regrow naturally
What a fucking lame cop-out.

I love the exposed thighs.

Clothing isn't an issue anyway considering that all the turtles are naked save for their masks, belts, and pads, Bradford and Xever are both completely naked, and Mona Lisa was pantsless.

Sup Forums's janitors are fucking retards, nothing new.

And Splinter, Tigerclaw, Bebop and Rocksteady are fully dressed. We've got a good mix.

Arctic foxes have a different color and pattern from red foxes, you dork.


>However the decision to change her from a Artic Fox and removing the purple markings on her face is puzzling.
I blame it on all the rage from tumblrites and anti nazi nutjobs with their pursues of "white supremacy" as dumb as it sounds it makes sense the wouldn't want to take the risk considering how things are.

Here's a red fox for comparison. New alopex a red foxer.

More "brown" arctic fox for comparison.

Can people stop lying about how show Alopex is totally a summer fur arctic fox, now?


Funny thing? All this Anti-White bullshit society keeps on spewing will only serve to make whites all around the globe to proudly turn racist and tear everything apart that simply pisses them off. Those PC nutjobs don't have a clue what they're unleashing (same to the Muslims bombing countries like Germany and making chaos in there). The first ones to get butchered will be the treasonous self-hating whites.

>Dem tights
I may give a chance to this show after all.

Did you miss the part where he ripped the hermit crab's claw off?

Did you miss the part where hermit crabs can regrow their claws?


Honestly, I didn't know that. Is this a thing with all crabs or just hermit ones?

Most species of crab can autotomise.

I'm so fucking triggered.

Bishop is a son of a bitch and I love it.

Most crustaceans can regrow limbs


Oh now Funko is a universe.

will you watch Splinter's death this sunday?

What's her real name?
Tiger claw's was japanese, and if she's japanese, it shouldn't be alopex.

In the comic she was a wild animal, not a person so if she has another name now it will be given on the show.

They might.

Was tiger claw in the comic mutated animal or human?

>square heads with empty soulless eye are """cute"""


I actually don't know, apparently he was brought around from the series so human i'd say.
In IDW's comics apparently the closes link would be Old Hob and if that is the case then it would be a mutated animal.
Im sorry about the vague response.

S'cool my man.
In the cartoon his real name is takeshi. Makes sense. But he calls his sister alopex no matter what. Kinda odd since that contains letters and sounds not found in either Japanese alphabet. At least not without some serious imaginative spelling that results in some odd pronunciation (Aroprekesu)

What is with those proportions? I almost thought it was some kind of lego person.

Tumblr and SJW culture is cancer, fuck them, everything is open game as long as it "fights the boogeyman", fear mongering and scape goating to use as it's justification as a weapon.

They are hiring Pro-Tumblr SJW retards for their work, what were the replies about?

Don't arctic foxes change coat color based on season?

Also this isn't Ninjara, shame.


Yeah. I commented on the OP then read down.

I got here late.

I think they over did it a bit...

>Shorts with large side holes

That doesn't seem like something for real ninjas.

Well, she was kind of a dick, which seems in line with how they like to portray whites.

I think the real issue is that she was a human-based mutant instead of a natural animal to mutant.

That pose seems a bit too on the nose.

They knew very well what they were doing when they animated this

Tiger Claw was a character made for the 2012 cartoon, and hasn't been implemented yet.

I suspect he'll probably show up eventually in IDW, considering they've been building up those Chinese Zodiac gods and the tiger is part of the Chinese Zodiac. He'll either be a god, like what they made Rat King, or a subordinate like when Kitsune took control over Alopex.

>mfw I don't relly like tmnt, i just check every version in case females anthros show up.

Sometimes is not really worth it, really.

>I suspect he'll probably show up eventually in IDW, considering they've been building up those Chinese Zodiac gods and the tiger is part of the Chinese Zodiac.

They've been setting that arc for more than a year, right? Sometimes I hate the slowniness of comics.

you should try Rimba Racers...

>90's stick cgi

No thanks bro, I can barely stand this show´s quality