So I finished mindhunter

so I finished mindhunter
what was the whole point of showing her doing laundry and feeding a cat then one day only flies?

to be honest I skipped every relationship scene of lead guy with his girlfriend... so I might have missed something.

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fucking pleb

Holden's girlfriend got suspicious of his relationship with her and went to her flat and killed her cat.

you kidding me?
it was not even her cat it seemed

and though I say I skipped I used 5 sec jumps forward by arrow keys till the boring scenes were over... I think I would notice the killing of cat by the girlfriend which I think had zero scenes without Holden in it.

It's largely implied. The girlfriend mentions the cat in a scene.


you don't know what you're talking about you clearly didn't watch

actually twice

so suck a can of worms

>to be honest I skipped every relationship scene lead guy with his girlfriend

I skipped every scene with her in it and it turned into 10/10 kino

she's BTK's daughter

you fucked up.

why are you such a gay baiting faggot

>he didn't watch closely enough
spotted the pleb.

It's a 4 episodes arc of a lesbian doctorated professor giving food to an unknown cat every night while drinking wine because she's lonely at Quantico, refuting her lesbianism by "feeding the pussy" herself, just to get the can food full off ants, which means death, as her sexual life ended when she take the job for the FBI

>According to Redditor MacrobionicS

stupid shamaladingdong-shit like this is what the series hasn't done thus far and it's all the better for it

reddit is objectively better than Sup Forums.

then fuck off to it

I interpreted the scene as her displaying some (super, super) mild but still kind of predatory behaviour. You know, like there are small hints and echoes of that in all of us but obviously we're not like the fucked up predators of the show: serial killers.

She was feeding god.

You paid so little attention to this programme that you failed to identify the ants as ants and not flies.

You may as well have been looking at a blank screen.

anons, if a girl ever sits like this on the couch next to you, she wants to get fucked so do everyone a favor and grab that pussy

it was supposed to show how serial killers often start torturing strays. the cat was killed by some kid who enjoy killing animals and might graduate to people when he gets older.

not even the actors knew this, fincher told them this later when anna asked him about it

that makes zero sense. She wasn't born when this show takes place, which is before his first murder.


>tfw no Groff bf to sing me to sleep

I'd fagmount that ass so goddamn hard.

you didn't miss anything. the rude obnoxious spoiled brat gf was so roasties would have someone to identify with when they watch with their boyfriends

I can't get past the protagonist's gay accent. it comes out every other fucking line. not to mention the atrocious expository writing delivered via dialogue in the first episode/pilot. Fincher really isn't an actor's director. he only gets good portrayals when workign with amazing actors such as Freeman, (ahem) Spacey, etc. when he works with subpar actors, he can't direct them worth a shit. all that's to say I am massively disappointed with the pilot. word is the show gets better. I wouldn't know. the first episode is so atrociously awful I doubt I'll ever continue watching the series.

this is very reddit, I am at home and reddit so I would know
they cant stop with this bullshit that makes them feel smarter than their teachers trying to explain The Great Gatsby to those fucks

the funny thing was when this reached front page of /r/all
>The Dark Knight. Bruce enters in Black with dates dressed in Cyan, Magenta and Yellow: the colors of printed comic books. CMYK.

it never showed that the cat was dead. Feeding the cat was her motherly instincts that weren't being fulfilled and the ants represented her dying alone

Sure thing, chad.

holy shit nolan truly is a genius

The ants were caused by the cat abandoning her.

fincher himself confirmed what he meant by those scenes my friend

It's funny because it's 100% true

>dont watch show
>argue about plot points
typical Sup Forums , why the fuck do i come to this shithole ?

OK op here

>Fincher then explained to her that the cryptic series of scenes were, at least in part, suggesting to the audience that perhaps “there was a kid in the building who’s going around killing cats. And it’s a birth of a new sociopath that we don’t quite know about. Because that’s how it starts — with [inflicting harm on] animals.”

agreed, so you're better off at the place where you can discuss retarded theories which are based on nothing/ pulled straight out of your ass