Post a bigger Gary Stu

Post a bigger Gary Stu

The lady boy from valerian

another movie women can't understand

He gets his shit kicked in throughout the start of the movie though

>Post a bigger guy
for you?

You do realize he's the antagonist, right

I only watched a youtube video where he survives multiple shots as if he superman or something, what the fuck

I realize this is another tantrum because people wont stop calling Rey a mary sue, but could you tell me if you're in London?

I like how brainlets try to apply the Mary Sue to any protagonist.

No fag.
If he was a Mary Sue he would have:
>Been great at shooting after picking up a gun for the first time, this guy's obviously seen some shit, or magically gained other unearned skills
>Been liked by most other characters for no reason
>Had no flaws

He's a protagonist, its different. A protagonist in a Hollywood movie usually wins but that doesn't make him a Mary Sue.

Name one thing he did wrong

There is no antagonist in TGTBATU everyone is equally bad as a person.

>the liberal, the republican and the minority

that's not a gary stu, that's just a western archetype of near invincibility / grit. a gary stu would be like how user here describes it he would have been a gary stu if he started out as a nobody and touched a gun and started killing more experienced men with no training. he comes into the story already experienced

He had a steel chest-plate under his clothes

What version of this film should I watch?

The Bad is objectively the worst.

saving the spic at the end

The Ugly almost let Blondie die in one of the worst ways possible and only saved him for his own selfish needs.
The Bad just shot some guys.

rather have a bad bitch than an ugly bitch tbqh

The original italian cut

how is he a gary stu

he keeps getting saved by deus ex machinas, he doesn't save shorty, he kills an unarmed mexican in cold blood, he steals state money, he doesn't care about people dying en masse... the only thing he's good at is shooting